Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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''Please take the Ataturk picture off your profile. Traitor.'' ''You just confirmed you are a assad fanboy.''
Traitor, Assad fanboy, take Ataturk picture off your profile... I really want to believe you are only a secondary school student. Actually even for a secondary school student this would be very unfortunate. All these accusations of ''traitor, Assad fanboy'' these are the summary of Turkey today.
You are the unfortunate summary of Turkey today.
Monopolising patriotism.

Patriotism, nationalism all of these are in your monopoly right? We cant say a word about the countrys policies because we disagree with you?

I mean kid, I am not saying this in a hateful way believe me but If I were your father I would give you a very clean beating, for your own good. Because this right here, is a bigger priority than talking about Syria, geopolitics etc. You have got a very serious manner of arguement problem. This will come across all throughout your life. Unfortunately Turkeys biggest problem is this right now and you just showed it in the most open way.

Because I dont agree with governments Syria policy you declare me a traitor, pro-Assad and so on. People, am I the only one that is anxious about the future of this kids generation?

You accuse me of being Perincekci, I can accuse you of being a Gulenist because you simply support destabilisation of Syria which serves the most to US and Israel and this would end any environment of discussion.

Anyway, I am not typing these for you anymore, I am just responding for the third parties as I would have no business with someone like you.

Aydinlik made this interview probably for its own political affiliations true. But there are hard evidences given in that interview. It gives you sth calculable not subjective shits like '' Oh all the positions are given to Alawites!'' ''Ouu he kills his people!!!''

I am sceptical of every accusation US and the Western media does because they have a very long list of lying. They accused Iraq of having nukes, they accused Turkey of genociding Kurds, they accused Al Qaeda of 9/11 and so on.
Their white helmets are controversial even in American lands. They promote them as humanitarian help association but it is widely known they plant fake evidences to demonise US' enemies. They did the same in Syria too.

It isnt me that says these, CoDs last game became subject to huge controversies among people of the US simply for white washing the white helmets.

In 1999 the conjuncture was different as Syria was holding the leader of Pkk Abdullah Ocalan. Destabilising our neighbour serves and has served to Pkk.

For Ataturk, I think he would have the same idea with me regarding the ihvanist policies of Erdogan.

Seriously stop pushing assads garbage propaganda.

We always been at odds with Syria because we took Hatay remember when Idlib was getting taken over by Assads thuggish army that they were coming for Hatay next they even made it a chant.

We even control Syria's water supply while Syria supported terrorist groups as proxies against us like Pkk and Asala.

We all by right had the right to intervene in Syria especially when we host 4 million refugees.

This whole Syria is a mess because we did not have the balls to go in and get the job done we beated around the bush.

It is said the Turkish armed forces were going to intervene even before the usa and the russians were going to join in the fun. Political problems and politicians holding back the army.

Now we pay the price for waiting too long. While also relying on tje FSA clowns to get the job done as they were too busy fighting each other.


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You literally have two people above pushing assad propaganda while smearing their own country.
The problem here is that they most probably believe that all that is foreign plan and the popular movements within Syria don't have any role in that but suddenly the US, Turkey, Israel and Jordan appeared, armed the terrorists they transferred from all the world and the fight was initiated by them. Massacres are lies. We are imperialists.


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The problem here is that they most probably believe that all that is foreign plan and the popular movements within Syria don't have any role in that but suddenly the US, Turkey, Israel and Jordan appeared, armed the terrorists they transferred from all the world and the fight was initiated by them. Massacres are lies. We are imperialists.



You can push Assadist propaganda all day long but that won't change the facts that Turkey with its "looters, criminals, rapists" fought against a man and his militias at the moment who are responsible of bombing his own nation to the stone age without discriminating from Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds or any religious group and the same criminals are fighting also far left extremists who bombed one of the most important cities in Turkey, PKK, ISIS and the same HTS that you state Turkey is supporting. Suleyman Shah, Sultan Murad, Hamza Division and many groups ARE representing the Turkmen.

When Russian and Assad planes bombed Turkmen villages along Jabal Turkman the only choice for the local population was to evacuate and the strongest including young warriors stayed to keep the advancing SAA from reaching Afrin, Idlib and also the Turkish border region Hatay which Assad sees as Syrian. When Turkmen warriors were low on numbers and were defending the fronts only by God's will many other groups including foreign fighters reached the mountains and defended the contested areas.

The Syrians are not returning because unfortunately Turkish efforts of disarming and neutralizing HTS in Idlib didn't succeed and on another hand they can't even think about Assad controlled territory because we know and saw very well what happened to opposition minded people in Aleppo and Southern Damascus when the areas were given away after chemical attacks, 24/7 bombings and thousands of civilian deaths including babies. Some of the Syrians that are in Turkey know the smell of barrel bombs and burnt flesh.

Turkey did what it have to be done. The only mistake Turkey did was not to involve itself fully with its resources but letting the US control all the train/supply program and the unconventional operations plan that failed (or was most likely planned to fail). If Turkey took the initiative tragedies like Aleppo, Idlib and the whole sh!tshow in Northern Syria would have been likely prevented and with that Russian intervention limited.

It is not Assadist propaganda nor I did not say Assad was innocent. The links to academic articles I posted is by a Turkish professor working in Turkey right now. What I am saying about SOME of the rebels is all over the internet, I have seen what they have been doing and who they are fraternizing with. Turkey incorporating these and giving them citizenship is a mistake.

Assad made that same mistake sending jihadists to Iraq and supporting them many years ago. Do you want people like these further regressing Turkey with how backwards some of them are ? Turkey has hit Assad once. What has the SNA done ? the fuckin YPG has clashed more times with Assad than the SNA, when I say this I mean the fighters who have been fighting Assad before the formation of the SNA, are a minority now in the SNA. A lot of the new recruits have never fought Assad. The SNA only fights with NE or each other and sometimes shoots at Assad and gets bombed by russians. They have actually been losing territory since being formed. LOSING. Our army can do everything and as usual we lose at the table so damn bad with Assad + Russia.

No not all the rebels are bad, but we seem to be extremely focussed on promoting groups like Sultan Murad, Hamza Division, Ahrar al Sharqiya and Faylaq al Sham, with a shitty reputation for what they do, they abuse their own civilians in the areas they occupy. They are corrupt. What you just said about all these factions representing Turkmen, guess that means the Turkmen groups that joined PKK in NE also represent Turkmen. All these groups represent Turkmen so well Turkmens are going back to their homes in Syria ? Or are we busy sending them to Libya and Azerbaijan and now Yemen and leaving Assad alone ?

And I saw you are going for the humanitarian line. Yes, Assad bombed Turkmen villages. Assad did that. He did that for years. ISIS was on our border too, they burnt our soldiers alive. What did we do ? let Erdogan attempt to promote the extremists in the rebels into become this shitty islamist proxy that does jack shit, with the other parts of the FSA joining the PKK instead. We are not there for humanitarian reasons. I think it is clear we are there to be on the table for what happens to Syria for our own interests. That is all.

What a great thing Erdogan did, we have useless janissaries fighting each other and looting from the civilians in the areas they control, letting PKK bombs through for money. This Ansar Abu Bakr al-Siddiq targeting our soldiers in Idlib I'm sure is some of them as well.

The Syrian Interim Government controls nothing and is even referred to in quotation marks by the UN in their human rights reports. Nobody treats the SNA as an independent rebel force because of all their ottoman imagery for Erdogan. Not to mention criminals like this Abu Amsha or the whole Organ farming thing on the Turkish border. UN reports accusing Turkey of war crimes because of some of these rebels and what they do, Turkish reputation is tied to these proxies. So I think I am correct when I say Erdogan has fucked things up in Syria so bad and it is not just Assadist propaganda saying that.

Why should HTS disarm ? they have leverage here. Erdogan can never abandon Idlib politically, can never get into a fight with HTS and watch the rebels fragment and argued not so long ago to the EU about giving Idlib autonomy, linking his efforts to HTS, which to the west is just Al Qaeda. Is this smart ? Turkey should have gone in years ago for a safe zone. Instead Davutoglu was busy calling ISIS angry boys.

Again not all the rebels, but the names increasingly at the forefront of who Turkey deals with I would not want walking free inside Turkey to spread their idealogies. Erdogan will let that happen. Look who his friends are.

You literally have two people above pushing assad propaganda while smearing their own country.

I am not going to agree with Erdogan, that does not make this Assadist propaganda or smearing of Turkey. It is a fact Erdogan fractured the rebels by arming the muslim brotherhood types only, the same way the US picked a certain proxy. It is a fact that his inaction + his later endorsement of these types has contributed to the difficult situation today. Erdogan is not Turkey.

I don't see an easy way out here. The most realisticly positive card seems to be ENKS having successful negotiations with the NE autonomy zone and then merging their autonomy with the SNA and then they'd actually be a threat to Assad in war + take refugees back while removing PKK influence like in north Iraq. But this is increasingly unlikely between those two factions now, too much bad blood. So now we just have to hope there is a deal with Russia over Syria. Because it doesn't look like we will declare war on Syria (which would probably be the easiest short term card to play).

Also if we annex the border areas we will never be rid of Erdogan's political islam in our country and we will be an international pariah to those that matter.

Sorry, I have a lot to say on this and this is not a personal attack on either of you. I didn't really offer better solutions either but I dislike this situation. I am commenting based on what I personally have seen, I am not an expert.
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It is not Assadist propaganda nor I did not say Assad was innocent. The links to academic articles I posted is by a Turkish professor working in Turkey right now. What I am saying about SOME of the rebels is all over the internet, I have seen what they have been doing and who they are fraternizing with. Turkey incorporating these and giving them citizenship is a mistake.

Assad made that same mistake sending jihadists to Iraq and supporting them many years ago. Do you want people like these further regressing Turkey with how backwards some of them are ? Turkey has hit Assad once. What has the SNA done ? the fuckin YPG has clashed more times with Assad than the SNA. The SNA only fights with NE or each other and sometimes shoots at Assad and gets bombed by russians. They have actually been losing territory since being formed. LOSING. Our army can do everything and as usual we lose at the table so damn bad with Assad + Russia.

No not all the rebels are bad, but we seem to be extremely focussed on promoting groups like Sultan Murad, Hamza Division, Ahrar al Sharqiya and Faylaq al Sham, with a shitty reputation for what they do, they abuse their own civilians in the areas they occupy. They are corrupt. What you just said about all these factions representing Turkmen, guess that means the Turkmen groups that joined PKK in NE also represent Turkmen. All these groups represent Turkmen so well Turkmens are going back to their homes in Syria ? Or are we busy sending them to Libya and Azerbaijan and now Yemen and leaving Assad alone ?

And I saw you are going for the humanitarian line. Yes, Assad bombed Turkmen villages. Assad did that. He did that for years. ISIS was on our border too, they burnt our soldiers alive. What did we do ? let Erdogan attempt to promote the extremists in the rebels into become this shitty islamist proxy that does jack shit, with the other parts of the FSA joining the PKK instead. We are not there for humanitarian reasons. I think it is clear we are there to be on the table for what happens to Syria for our own interests. That is all.

What a great thing Erdogan did, we have useless janissaries fighting each other and looting from the civilians in the areas they control, letting PKK bombs through for money. This Ansar Abu Bakr al-Siddiq targeting our soldiers in Idlib I'm sure is some of them as well.

The Syrian Interim Government controls nothing and is even referred to in quotation marks by the UN in their human rights reports. Nobody treats the SNA as an independent rebel force because of all their ottoman imagery for Erdogan. Not to mention criminals like this Abu Amsha or the whole Organ farming thing on the Turkish border. UN reports accusing Turkey of war crimes because of some of these rebels and what they do, Turkish reputation is tied to these proxies. So I think I am correct when I say Erdogan has fucked things up in Syria so bad and it is not just Assadist propaganda saying that.

Why should HTS disarm ? they have leverage here. Erdogan can never abandon Idlib politically, can never get into a fight with HTS and watch the rebels fragment and argued not so long ago to the EU about giving Idlib autonomy, linking his efforts to HTS, which to the west is just Al Qaeda. Is this smart ? Turkey should have gone in years ago for a safe zone. Instead Davutoglu was busy calling ISIS angry boys.

Again not all the rebels, but the names increasingly at the forefront of who Turkey deals with I would not want walking free inside Turkey to spread their idealogies. Erdogan will let that happen. Look who his friends are.

I am not going to agree with Erdogan, that does not make this Assadist propaganda or smearing of Turkey. It is a fact Erdogan fractured the rebels by arming the muslim brotherhood types only, the same way the US picked a certain proxy. It is a fact that his inaction + his later endorsement of these types has contributed to the difficult situation today. Erdogan is not Turkey.

I don't see an easy way out here. The most realisticly positive card seems to be ENKS having successful negotiations with the NE autonomy zone and then merging their autonomy with the SNA and then they'd actually be a threat to Assad in war + take refugees back while removing PKK influence like in north Iraq. But this is increasingly unlikely between those two factions now, too much bad blood. So now we just have to hope there is a deal with Russia over Syria. Because it doesn't look like we will declare war on Syria (which would probably be the easiest short term card to play).

Also if we annex the border areas we will never be rid of Erdogan's political islam in our country and we will be an international pariah to those that matter.

Sorry, I have a lot to say on this and this is not a personal attack on either of you. I didn't really offer better solutions either but I dislike this situation. I am commenting based on what I personally have seen, I am not an expert.
SNA and the groups within fought Assad on relevant reasons from the beginning of the war and I would say more than YPG. YPG was to busy with ISIS to take on Assad. They are losing territory because of the limited resources they have against the Assad and Russian Airforces and even then they fought good enough even entrenched.

While Assad is getting free hardware from Russia including some of the most modern tanks in the world with integrated active protection systems, others are getting buffed day and night with modern firearms, protection gear, MRAPs, quality training programs were provided to them our supported groups were fighting in misery without support, without quality military training with only looted equipment and if it was not for the foreign fighters and mercenary trainers like Malhama the situation would be even worst. I guess the guys in the unconventional warfare department were going according to the old books but in the war of today AK-47's smuggled in humanitarian aid convoys is nothing. While others are talking about helicopter pilot training we are talking ACV-15. Without air cover unfortunately non of the groups on the ground can reach the success of ISIS and that is a fact. The other part of FSA including Turkmen joined the SDF because of the better offer including hot gulf money and the fact Uncle Sam is behind them. Nothing to do with representation. We fvcked up in the policy regarding Syria from lack of initiative to unconventional warfare logistic support, structuring, training, propaganda and now the politicians are only trying to fix what they screwed and minimize the effects. You will not find virgin innocent blonds fighting for freedom in Syria except if you don't create them. Well the US managed to do it We couldn't. That's what it is.

When we talk about corruption here we must say that all of the parties in the Syrian Civial War are corrupted. The problem is that is what we must work with and we are continuing that way. There is no way back. As you say when we had to act with our military people like Davutoglu were only talking not having the balls to intervene. Aleppo fell in front of his eyes and the only thing they could do is bring the humanitarian busses (which also got under fire). Erdogan and his pals fvcked up the whole situation maybe intentionally because on that time we know from where they were taking orders.

Regarding ENKS I think the possibility of ENKS of taking control in Northern Syria is 0. Without an armed conflict that will never happen.

Regarding your statements defending Assad I can only tell you the difference between you and me. You are defending a geopolitical position which is not compatible with the geopolitical position of Turkey. If we did what you suggested and declined every type of support for the operations in Iraq and Syria we would have lost a chance for expansion, would have lost the trust by the Western Block and would have de-facto joined the Eastern Block defending dictators. Both Assad and Saddam were and are cruel dictators no matter who says what. There are enough independent sources from where every intelligent person can educate himself. They were and are also not in the best interest for the West (mainly Israel) and this is a fact.

Turkey have the unique position to be between West and East and that position both have its responsibilities and also chances with it. I don't want Turkey to turn to the likes of Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea or Cuba trying to fight against something they don't have the power to overcome. The New World Order is coming and I want proactive Turkey using the possibilities of its geopolitical position in order to be the biggest regional power which have a say everywhere. I want Turkey to take its role as a leader country in Eurasia, ME, North Africa and have power wherever Turkic language is spoken or where There is a mosque. I want Turkey to take its deserved place in that multi-polarized New World Order. Erdogan can't do it, I support very little amount of his way of action and I am absolutely giving you right in not liking him but my reasons as you see are other.

The real difference between me and you is that I support what happened but wanted them to finish what they started while you are trying with your strategy to prevent something that is already bound to happen with or without Turkey. Well unfortunately we have rulers that don't have the balls and the most of our initiatives in that regard were sabotaged from inside or controlled badly. It's still not the end tho and as I said to many people when we talked about the ruling of Turkey personalities come and go. Turkey will not turn to Syria or Iraq no matter how one man wants to see himself as a Sultan. It is against the firmly placed base principles by Mustafa Kemal ATATURK when he gave life to land covered in ashes.

The humankind advanced to that level and improved due to mainly ambition. I respect your vision but my personal opinion is that it is still early to take your suggested position on the arena because only the strongest survive. I want Turkey first to get stronger.

Imagine you are losing in a chess game and your opponent is telling to you that you can end with a draw or you can fight with honor to the end but you will never get the chance to revanche. I would like a revanche. For some it would be spineless, honorless and what not but for me it is a feigned retreat. Old Turkic tactic by the way.


SNA and the groups within fought Assad on relevant reasons from the beginning of the war and I would say more than YPG. YPG was to busy with ISIS to take on Assad. They are losing territory because of the limited resources they have against the Assad and Russian Airforces and even then they fought good enough even entrenched.

While Assad is getting free hardware from Russia including some of the most modern tanks in the world with integrated active protection systems, others are getting buffed day and night with modern firearms, protection gear, MRAPs, quality training programs were provided to them our supported groups were fighting in misery without support, without quality military training with only looted equipment and if it was not for the foreign fighters and mercenary trainers like Malhama the situation would be even worst. I guess the guys in the unconventional warfare department were going according to the old books but in the war of today AK-47's smuggled in humanitarian aid convoys is nothing. While others are talking about helicopter pilot training we are talking ACV-15. Without air cover unfortunately non of the groups on the ground can reach the success of ISIS and that is a fact. The other part of FSA including Turkmen joined the SDF because of the better offer including hot gulf money and the fact Uncle Sam is behind them. Nothing to do with representation. We fvcked up in the policy regarding Syria from lack of initiative to unconventional warfare logistic support, structuring, training, propaganda and now the politicians are only trying to fix what they screwed and minimize the effects. You will not find virgin innocent blonds fighting for freedom in Syria except if you don't create them. Well the US managed to do it We couldn't. That's what it is.

When we talk about corruption here we must say that all of the parties in the Syrian Civial War are corrupted. The problem is that is what we must work with and we are continuing that way. There is no way back. As you say when we had to act with our military people like Davutoglu were only talking not having the balls to intervene. Aleppo fell in front of his eyes and the only thing they could do is bring the humanitarian busses (which also got under fire). Erdogan and his pals fvcked up the whole situation maybe intentionally because on that time we know from where they were taking orders.

Regarding ENKS I think the possibility of ENKS of taking control in Northern Syria is 0. Without an armed conflict that will never happen.

Regarding your statements defending Assad I can only tell you the difference between you and me. You are defending a geopolitical position which is not compatible with the geopolitical position of Turkey. If we did what you suggested and declined every type of support for the operations in Iraq and Syria we would have lost a chance for expansion, would have lost the trust by the Western Block and would have de-facto joined the Eastern Block defending dictators. Both Assad and Saddam were and are cruel dictators no matter who says what. There are enough independent sources from where every intelligent person can educate himself. They were and are also not in the best interest for the West (mainly Israel) and this is a fact.

Turkey have the unique position to be between West and East and that position both have its responsibilities and also chances with it. I don't want Turkey to turn to the likes of Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea or Cuba trying to fight against something they don't have the power to overcome. The New World Order is coming and I want proactive Turkey using the possibilities of its geopolitical position in order to be the biggest regional power which have a say everywhere. I want Turkey to take its role as a leader country in Eurasia, ME, North Africa and have power wherever Turkic language is spoken or where There is a mosque. I want Turkey to take its deserved place in that multi-polarized New World Order. Erdogan can't do it, I support very little amount of his way of action and I am absolutely giving you right in not liking him but my reasons as you see are other.

The real difference between me and you is that I support what happened but wanted them to finish what they started while you are trying with your strategy to prevent something that is already bound to happen with or without Turkey. Well unfortunately we have rulers that don't have the balls and the most of our initiatives in that regard were sabotaged from inside or controlled badly. It's still not the end tho and as I said to many people when we talked about the ruling of Turkey personalities come and go. Turkey will not turn to Syria or Iraq no matter how one man wants to see himself as a Sultan. It is against the firmly placed base principles by Mustafa Kemal ATATURK when he gave life to land covered in ashes.

The humankind advanced to that level and improved due to mainly ambition. I respect your vision but my personal opinion is that it is still early to take your suggested position on the arena because only the strongest survive. I want Turkey first to get stronger.

Imagine you are losing in a chess game and your opponent is telling to you that you can end with a draw or you can fight with honor to the end but you will never get the chance to revanche. I would like a revanche. For some it would be spineless, honorless and what not but for me it is a feigned retreat. Old Turkic tactic by the way.

Assad and Saddam are dictators, I am not defending them. I edited my previous post but the fighters in the SNA now which have been fighting Assad since before the SNA formed are a minority. Most never fought him. Unfortunately what you said about Turkey not turning to Russia, Iran e.t.c...look at this:

I found the european statement here:

Some things they say, after saying well done for taking in the refugees:

"having regard to its previous resolutions on Syria, in particular that of 15 March 2018 on the situation in Syria[1], of 18 May 2017 on the EU strategy on Syria[2], of 4 July 2017 on addressing human rights violations in the context of war crimes, and crimes against humanity, including genocide[3], of 24 October 2019 on the Turkish military operation in north-east Syria and its consequences[4], of 26 November 2019 on children rights on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child[5] and of 17 November 2011 on EU support for the International Criminal Court[6],"

"whereas Turkey has been intervening directly in Syria since 2016 with a view to occupying the northern parts of the country, predominantly consisting of Syrian Kurdish enclaves, in violation of international law, including by invading in October 2019 territories controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF); whereas, in response to these actions by Turkey, a number of EU Member States have formally suspended arms sales to Turkey;"

"whereas according to the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries, Turkey has transferred Syrian mercenaries to Nagorno-Karabakh;"

"Calls on Turkey to withdraw its troops from Northern Syria which it is illegally occupying outside of any UN mandate; condemns Turkey’s illegal transfers of Kurdish Syrians from occupied Northern Syria to Turkey for detention and prosecution in violation of Turkey’s international obligations under the Geneva Conventions; urges that all Syrian detainees who have been transferred to Turkey be immediately repatriated to the occupied territories in Syria; is worried that Turkey’s ongoing displacements could amount to ethnic cleansing against the Syrian Kurdish population; stresses that Turkey’s intervention has weakened international efforts against ISIL/Daesh; firmly condemns Turkey’s use of Syrian mercenaries in conflicts in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh, in violation of international law;"

"Reminds all Member States that Syria is not a safe country to return to; believes that any return should be safe, voluntary, dignified and informed, in line with the EU’s stated position; calls on all EU Member States to refrain from shifting national policies towards depriving certain categories of Syrians of their protected status, and to reverse this trend if they have already applied such policies; urges Lebanon, Turkey and all countries in the region to suspend deportations of Syrians back to Syria against their will;"

"Calls on all Member States to support principled humanitarian assistance, without normalising relations with the Syrian regime; warns against investing EU financial assets whether directly or indirectly in Syria’s general reconstruction if the Syrian regime does not implement a credible political process; calls on the VP/HR, as part of the long-term planning for the response in Syria, to develop a robust human rights due diligence policy for future rebuilding interventions in close cooperation with Syrian civil society, including a monitoring framework with dedicated indicators for human rights standards; deplores Russian, Iranian, Chinese and Turkish business plans to profit from Syria’s destruction;"

"Regrets that some players further divided a fragmented Syrian opposition, obstructing the Geneva Process;"

"Strongly condemns all atrocities and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, in particular by the Assad Regime, but also by Russian, Iranian and Turkish actors and calls on Russia, Iran and Hezbollah to withdraw all forces and proxies under their command, except for those participating in an international peacekeeping or stabilisation force under mandate of the UN Security Council; deplores the role of Russia and Iran in backing the Syrian regime’s all-out repression of its civilian population, and their takeover of Syria’s political process and economic resources;"

What a shitshow. This isn't sustainable, Erdogan is spending political capital he doesn't have... we are put next to Russia, Iran, Syria. Referred to a lot. This is bad.


Very interesting thoughts.

Turkey should have attained nuclear warheads and IRBM, if not ICBM when it sided with the unreliable USA and its proxies in the GCC on the Syrian issue sometime in 2011 or 2012.

Possibly, the Turkish defense industry lacked adequate expertise to deliver these two vital items. Otherwise, it would make great sense to acquire those systems in 2011 or 2012 when the time was just right. As they say, strike while the iron is hot.

Doing so would have granted Turkish authorities great leverage against outsiders such as the USA or Russia in the regional theatre in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.

The spillover effect would be felt in distant regions as far as Karabakh or Kyrgyzstan or anywhere with a Turkic population. Western political support at that time should have been utilized to "strike while the iron is hot", if possible.

Turkey have the unique position to be between West and East and that position both have its responsibilities and also chances with it. I don't want Turkey to turn to the likes of Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea or Cuba trying to fight against something they don't have the power to overcome. The New World Order is coming and I want proactive Turkey using the possibilities of its geopolitical position in order to be the biggest regional power which have a say everywhere. I want Turkey to take its role as a leader country in Eurasia, ME, North Africa and have power wherever Turkic language is spoken or where There is a mosque. I want Turkey to take its deserved place in that multi-polarized New World Order. Erdogan can't do it, I support very little amount of his way of action and I am absolutely giving you right in not liking him but my reasons as you see are other.

Imagine you are losing in a chess game and your opponent is telling to you that you can end with a draw or you can fight with honor to the end but you will never get the chance to revanche. I would like a revanche. For some it would be spineless, honorless and what not but for me it is a feigned retreat. Old Turkic tactic by the way.

A feigned retreat is also an interesting idea.

This idea may be pursued if President Erdogan believes strongly that he can turn things around in the future.

How can he be sure that he will not be burdened with an enemy in the form of the Assad regime backed by Iranian regime and the Russians in the future if he retreats today?

Or that Turkey will not have to shoulder the burden of many millions of innocent Syrian civilians displaced from their home indefinitely in the future?

Or that the PKK or affiliates will not crystalize their gains in the northeastern region of Syria with the help of the USA/West/others and provide a constant headache in the future?

If he can be sure that some of these major concerns can be addressed effectively after a feigned retreat, then a feigned retreat may be a very good short term tactic. In the long run, a detailed strategy needs to be worked out that benefits the honourable cause that President Erdogan and his supporters or well wishers are working for - within and outside Turkey.


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Assad and Saddam are dictators, I am not defending them. I edited my previous post but the fighters in the SNA now which have been fighting Assad since before the SNA formed are a minority. Most never fought him. Unfortunately what you said about Turkey not turning to Russia, Iran e.t.c...look at this:

I found the european statement here:

Some things they say, after saying well done for taking in the refugees:

"having regard to its previous resolutions on Syria, in particular that of 15 March 2018 on the situation in Syria[1], of 18 May 2017 on the EU strategy on Syria[2], of 4 July 2017 on addressing human rights violations in the context of war crimes, and crimes against humanity, including genocide[3], of 24 October 2019 on the Turkish military operation in north-east Syria and its consequences[4], of 26 November 2019 on children rights on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child[5] and of 17 November 2011 on EU support for the International Criminal Court[6],"

"whereas Turkey has been intervening directly in Syria since 2016 with a view to occupying the northern parts of the country, predominantly consisting of Syrian Kurdish enclaves, in violation of international law, including by invading in October 2019 territories controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF); whereas, in response to these actions by Turkey, a number of EU Member States have formally suspended arms sales to Turkey;"

"whereas according to the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries, Turkey has transferred Syrian mercenaries to Nagorno-Karabakh;"

"Calls on Turkey to withdraw its troops from Northern Syria which it is illegally occupying outside of any UN mandate; condemns Turkey’s illegal transfers of Kurdish Syrians from occupied Northern Syria to Turkey for detention and prosecution in violation of Turkey’s international obligations under the Geneva Conventions; urges that all Syrian detainees who have been transferred to Turkey be immediately repatriated to the occupied territories in Syria; is worried that Turkey’s ongoing displacements could amount to ethnic cleansing against the Syrian Kurdish population; stresses that Turkey’s intervention has weakened international efforts against ISIL/Daesh; firmly condemns Turkey’s use of Syrian mercenaries in conflicts in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh, in violation of international law;"

"Reminds all Member States that Syria is not a safe country to return to; believes that any return should be safe, voluntary, dignified and informed, in line with the EU’s stated position; calls on all EU Member States to refrain from shifting national policies towards depriving certain categories of Syrians of their protected status, and to reverse this trend if they have already applied such policies; urges Lebanon, Turkey and all countries in the region to suspend deportations of Syrians back to Syria against their will;"

"Calls on all Member States to support principled humanitarian assistance, without normalising relations with the Syrian regime; warns against investing EU financial assets whether directly or indirectly in Syria’s general reconstruction if the Syrian regime does not implement a credible political process; calls on the VP/HR, as part of the long-term planning for the response in Syria, to develop a robust human rights due diligence policy for future rebuilding interventions in close cooperation with Syrian civil society, including a monitoring framework with dedicated indicators for human rights standards; deplores Russian, Iranian, Chinese and Turkish business plans to profit from Syria’s destruction;"

"Regrets that some players further divided a fragmented Syrian opposition, obstructing the Geneva Process;"

"Strongly condemns all atrocities and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, in particular by the Assad Regime, but also by Russian, Iranian and Turkish actors and calls on Russia, Iran and Hezbollah to withdraw all forces and proxies under their command, except for those participating in an international peacekeeping or stabilisation force under mandate of the UN Security Council; deplores the role of Russia and Iran in backing the Syrian regime’s all-out repression of its civilian population, and their takeover of Syria’s political process and economic resources;"

What a shitshow. This isn't sustainable, Erdogan is spending political capital he doesn't have... we are put next to Russia, Iran, Syria. Referred to a lot. This is bad.

We all know the European face, its been the same face throughout history, lets not get too excited by their deceitful words. When they plunged Libya into complete ruin to rob her of her natural resources, nothing but silence from the same clowns. Of course that was until Turkey supported the UN recognised government against a warlord terrorist in Haftar, then they started screaming again.


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We all know the European face, its been the same face throughout history, lets not get too excited by their deceitful words. When they plunged Libya into complete ruin to rob her of her natural resources, nothing but silence from the same clowns. Of course that was until Turkey supported the UN recognised government against a warlord terrorist in Haftar, then they started screaming again.

Honestly the mass graves got uncovered and guess what at the same time a German minister visits Haftar.

People should look up at the Al Kani militia. These radical salafists ruled a certain region like a cartel group they went around terrorising everybody.

Irony is they were aligned with the GNA before they switched to Haftars side.

Most of the Al Kani terrorists like the brothers who ruled the place got taken out by Turkish drones. Only a few escaped.

The mass graves uncovered in Tarhuna most likely done by the Al Kani, Wagners and the Janjaweed.


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You literally have two people above pushing assad propaganda while smearing their own country.
Nein , you may disagree with him but he has every right to express his opinion. And also i would like to add that large portion of Turkish People would like to open diplomatic channels with Damascuss and Assad.You are wrong to attack him and accuse publicly.


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Very interesting thoughts.

Turkey should have attained nuclear warheads and IRBM, if not ICBM when it sided with the unreliable USA and its proxies in the GCC on the Syrian issue sometime in 2011 or 2012.

Possibly, the Turkish defense industry lacked adequate expertise to deliver these two vital items. Otherwise, it would make great sense to acquire those systems in 2011 or 2012 when the time was just right. As they say, strike while the iron is hot.

Doing so would have granted Turkish authorities great leverage against outsiders such as the USA or Russia in the regional theatre in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.

The spillover effect would be felt in distant regions as far as Karabakh or Kyrgyzstan or anywhere with a Turkic population. Western political support at that time should have been utilized to "strike while the iron is hot", if possible.

A feigned retreat is also an interesting idea.

This idea may be pursued if President Erdogan believes strongly that he can turn things around in the future.

How can he be sure that he will not be burdened with an enemy in the form of the Assad regime backed by Iranian regime and the Russians in the future if he retreats today?

Or that Turkey will not have to shoulder the burden of many millions of innocent Syrian civilians displaced from their home indefinitely in the future?

Or that the PKK or affiliates will not crystalize their gains in the northeastern region of Syria with the help of the USA/West/others and provide a constant headache in the future?

If he can be sure that some of these major concerns can be addressed effectively after a feigned retreat, then a feigned retreat may be a very good short term tactic. In the long run, a detailed strategy needs to be worked out that benefits the honourable cause that President Erdogan and his supporters or well wishers are working for - within and outside Turkey.
All of the concerns you are pointing out are legit. Unfortunately we missed the part with the "hot steel" not only in Syria but also when the invasion of Iraq started and that is why we are dealing with such problems at the moment.

I don't believe Erdoğan can complete that journey. He has a vision but lacks the qualities of the ruler needed in order the strategies to be implemented correctly.


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Why do SNA commanders have so much money to do this in Turkey ? our youth unemployment is a quarter, most will never have this money.
Those that joined early died or made enough money through corruption and extortion and left. Only few of the original FSA are around and this guy looks too young to have joined 10 years ago. Must be easy to make good money.

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