TÜBİTAK-SAGE Müdürü Gürcan OKUMUŞ'dan önemli açıklamalar
TÜBİTAK SAGE Müdürü Gürcan OKUMUŞ, devam eden projelerle ilgili AA Muhabiri Göksel YILDIRIM'a açıklamalarda bulundu ve projelerle ilgili önemli bilgiler verdi.

Most interesting part was the Som-J being ready soon, and KGK (Turkish JSOW) being more widely used especially with laser seeker head.
SOM-J as we know has IIR seeker with data link and accepts continuous course corrections in flight making it capable to hit moving sea objects. KGK with laser seeker head will also be capable of doing this. From an F16, 110 km away a MK84 (2000lb bomb with ~430kg of explosives) can hit a ship, at a fraction of the cost of jet propelled anti ship missiles. That much explosive, will sink any sea vessel, short of an Aircraft Carrier.
Both these bombs have stealthy geometry and will be able to penetrate enemy positions virtually undetected.