TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs


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If the AKINCI is ready to go on a mission with two fully loaded pneumatic quad racks, our missile truck is ready :)

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If the AKINCI is ready to go on a mission with two fully loaded pneumatic quad racks, our missile truck is ready :)
Sadak 2T (110kg , 388kg fully loaded)
Sadak 4T (175kg , 731kg fully loaded)

Sadak 4T is carried under the belly of Akinci, as it can’t carry that load on wings.
Akinci has around 950kg payload capacity to carry externally. I doubt if it can manage 2 x Sadak 2T on wings as well.

As with different engines, Akinci has different payload capacities. But even with the 2 x PT6 engines giving 2 x 850HP power, it has a maximum of 1500kg payload capacity, 400kg of it being for internal. It has also be remembered that the wing structure can manage lower weight handling than it’s belly.


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If the PT-6 can provide enough take-off power to lift two quad racks loaded, I think that sooner or later the carry limit for the main inner stations of the aircraft will be increased. Please correct me if I am wrong, but this section is already being produced monolithically with the main fuselage. We know that the under fuselage station has a 2000 lb standard.


By the way, maybe it has not attracted much attention due to the frequent sharing of Baykar test activities, maybe due to the national agenda, but we see that AKINCI has made a great breakthrough in smart precision ammunition in the last month. Not only TOLUN IIR, but also KUZGUN-SS, TOLUN (INS/GPS), MAM-T IIR/TV, TEBER firing tests continued in the same month. In my opinion, these munitions and SDBs in the 200-500 lbs range can be real specialty of systems like AKINCI.

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If the PT-6 can provide enough take-off power to lift two quad racks loaded, I think that sooner or later the carry limit for the main inner stations of the aircraft will be increased. Please correct me if I am wrong, but this section is already being produced monolithically with the main fuselage. We know that the under fuselage station has a 2000 lb standard.
I know we all would like this bird to perform better. But there is reality and there is wishful thinking. 4T Sadak fully loaded is 731kg. You can’t have these on the wings. Under belly of Akinci will only accommodate a single Sadak-4T. (Unless we come up with a lighter Sadak-8T, which can detract from Akinci’s max altitude and endurance)

This test is nice but it is not really pushing the boundaries. It is mentioned that the Canadian PT6 turboprops were powering the Akinci in the test. (Akinci-C) .
The test was carried out from an altitude of 22000ft (6700m). The IIR seeker Tolun is a winged gliding precision bomb. The higher it is released from the longer it will travel. Aselsan gives 80km range for 40000ft.
The lower the altitude the more the Akinci is susceptible to AD missile attacks. Even a RAM block 2 could take out this drone at that altitude.

Taking Akinci’s and Tolun IIR’s performance envelopes in to consideration, this test only proves that this munition is qualified to this drone. It is not a performance that proves what both can do. So, I say, before thinking about using Akinci as a munition mule, let us try to get the most out of the equipment that we have in hand.


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