Mr Ikinci about Levent:
I think Levent(Kara) variant will be the strongest candidate to be Turkiye's IronDome.
- In addition to IIR Sungur missiles in Levent, Passive/Rf seeker missiles
- First trials will commence next year(2023)
- Stand alone and integrated to ships radar functions.
- Close air defence role on fixed Land installations (CRAM and point defence role)

LEVENT Yakın Hava Savunma Sistemi'nin Son Durumu
Roketsan Genel Müdürü Murat İkinci, LEVENT Yakın Hava Savunma Sistemi hakkında açıklamalarda bulundu. LEVENT'in atışlı testlerine yakın gelecekte başlanılacak.

I think Levent(Kara) variant will be the strongest candidate to be Turkiye's IronDome.