The question is, can you protect it from Iran and Russia?A critical meeting on the transportation of Turkmen gas to Turkiye via Azerbaijan took place in Ankara.
The meeting emphasized the importance of constant communication between the two state-owned companies in order to open Turkmen gas to Turkish and world markets. In the world market, the first phase is to transport Turkmenistan's gas to Turkiye via Azerbaijan, while in the long term, it is planned to export this gas to EU via TR.
This cooperation took place within the framework of the "Memorandum of Understanding on the Development of Cooperation in the Field of Energy" signed on December 14, 2022, and was recently supported by critical meetings in Ankara.
On January 29, a delegation of Turkmengaz and Turkmenpetrol officials led by BOTAŞ Deputy General Manager Mithat Aydın met at the BOTAŞ building with the participation of Turkmenistan's Ambassador to Ankara Mekan Isanguliyev and discussed in detail the transportation of Turkmen gas to Turkey and short and long-term cooperation opportunities between the parties.
Turkey can become a major natural gas exporter by importing gas from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan (in addition to Russia), importing LNG (from countries such as Algeria and Qatar etc) and exporting these resources to Europe.
Turkmenistan's discovered natural gas reserves of 13.6 trillion cubic meters ranks fourth in the world natural gas reserves ranking after Russia, Iran and Qatar.
Türkmen gazına Türkiye formülü! Ankara'nın elini güçlendirecek karar
Haberin devamı için tıklayını
Here's a little excerpt from the Iranian side;
"The Iranian side opposes the laying of pipelines under the Caspian Sea, as "it can damage the ecology of the sea," Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mehdi Safari told reporters on Thursday.
The diplomat noted that there are Iranian and Russian directions for the transportation of energy resources.
"If there are such opportunities, why cause such damage to the environment?" said Safari after the 23rd meeting of the Special Working Group on the Determination of the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea.
Safari praised the adoption of the Convention on the Ecological State of the Caspian Sea."
Нефть России - Иран против прокладки трубопроводов по дну Каспия - новости ТЭК
Иранская сторона выступает против прокладки трубопроводов по дну Каспийского моря, так как 'это может нанести урон экологии моря', заявил журналистам в четверг замминистра иностранных дел Ирана Мехти Сафари