News Pakistan announces permanent residency scheme for rich foreign nationals


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Pakistan has decided to offer a permanent residency scheme for wealthy foreign nationals, including Sikhs living in the US and Canada, Afghans and Chinese, to attract investment and boost its flagging economy and national growth, it emerged on Saturday.


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He should first focus on the elite and Rich of Pakistan from leaving the country


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This is quite common across the world. Instead of millions of poor Indian migrants from Mumbai slums we might get a few rich Afghan or Chinese.

He should first focus on the elite and Rich of Pakistan from leaving the country
If India can't hold on to millions of it's cream how can Pakistan? USA is tripping with Indians.


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Consider Pakistan's national savings are 50% offshored (20 billion at home, 20 billion among Pakistanis living outside) i.e the extremely low base of the domestic saving/investment causing this kind of obscene ratio....leading to single digit capital formation.

The data shows 20 years ago, this was roughly the same situation...except the amount offshored was somewhere around 10 billion.

This has come about by the establishment there being a long term junkie regarding some very critical things, sociopathic ways of thinking and insular indulgence (still) protecting it all.

It is only by being such a junkie you have savings stuck at 20 billion for 20 years at this low base.

That junkie needs to go to rehab for a thorough purge to attempt change. Otherwise this (along with the continued reel of other attempted quick fixes/hits) is all just old hat from this junkie that wont learn.

FATF (and the at least 40 billion USD cost so far) is a push in that direction from the outside...but most of it will have to come from the Pakistani population themselves. They will need their bastille moment at some point to try set things right. What the pressure condition for that to happen is for that society to bear witness to on its own time and dime.

In mean time India must simply pay attention to itself....that 1 trillion in gross savings needs to double. The 100 - 200 billion offshored should be retained at about the same level or ratio.

It is imperative in couple years we get our capital formation back in the mid 30s and approach 40% again.

There are promising signs regarding this showing up this year already (surprisingly strong expansion in credit to MSME for example).
Exports will be their highest ever at close to 650 billion USD and look to reach a trillion dollars (along with forex) in a few years time.

It needs lot more of that. That is where our focus and interest must lie primarily....along with learning and implementing more from those ahead of us. Not behind us and stuck there.


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If India can't hold on to millions of it's cream how can Pakistan? USA is tripping with Indians.
Well India didn't announce any crappy schemes like these inviting the rich in hopes that they'll bring in all their wealth along

We're more inclined towards making our folks economically better, luring talent in and preventing brain drain by focusing on economic development activities along with infrastructure, healthcare and education.

The North American Sikhs at best can pump in some money for the development, maintenance of their religious sites. Otherwise, why'd they even move to a land where the minorities have faced ethnic cleansing, atrocities against Sikhs by burning their villages, raping their women during the 1947 partition by the barbaric hordes of muslim men

As for the Afghans, they're already in scores inside pakistan which y'all punjabi paks consider a menace. The Chinese literally control y'all, wouldn't be surprised if they're now writing your foreign policy


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well, He is basically showing his begging power to the world. unfortunately, no body is going to pick the bait .....

u got to understand his over confidence too though... imagine me travelling on pakistani passport leaving my indian aside and getting hauled into a checking like a goat.... now thats a risk i am not willing to take..... any self respecting individual will laugh at this news...

Rajendra Chola

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This is quite common across the world. Instead of millions of poor Indian migrants from Mumbai slums we might get a few rich Afghan or Chinese.

If India can't hold on to millions of it's cream how can Pakistan? USA is tripping with Indians.

Even the Somalians won’t be bothering to coming over to Pakistan at this point with the current economic status.
It’s a few months and even rich Pakistanis in foreign countries ain’t coming back

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