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First of all, how does two; cancelling a project and paying remedies(compensation), relate?
These two are in cause effect relation,one can not happen for the other, but because of the other.
(This is my bad, i actually have meant compensation, it was wrong to use remedy here)
The project could have been directly cancelled by SSB, as Erdogan has wished. In this case SSB , thus government would have to pay the compensation.
The project has been cancelled in other way around, kalkavan was just a puppet designated by someone to fulfill the mission. This is where novelization and romanticization of the story comes in, newspapers, twitter people.

Is it clear enough?
I have never said Erdogan got this project cancelled to not pay compensation, they have got project cancelled by usig kalkavan to avoid paying compensation. (remedy i have said, mistakenly in previous posts). Erdogan wanted project to be cancelled, individuals from SSB has played a theathre so that there wont be any compensation.

You are constantly acting like I dont understand what you mean. I have understood you from the very beginning.
Yes, you are referring to compensation money and you are saying Erdogan used Kalkavan so that SSB could get away from paying the compensation money to Koc group because if they straight out cancelled, they would have to pay compensation money.

This has been what I understood from the very beginning anyway?
how does two; cancelling a project and paying remedies(compensation), relate?
Uhmm you have a project, you put it out for a tender, one group gets the bid(Koc in this case) but then you want to cancel it(according to you) but if you do it now(after you already gave the bid to Koc group) you are going to have to pay the compensation money.

So how do they not relate?

So, I understood perfectly what you meant and I say you are wrong.
Erdogans aim wasnt to cancel the project.
It was to punish Koc group by taking the project away from them while not paying any compensation money. His initial aim wasnt to cancel the project. He indeed wanted his partisan firm Kalkavan's Sedef to get the bid but after realising they were incapable, only then he cancelled the project.

If he indeed wanted to straight out cancel the project, he wouldnt have put effort into things like giving a second chance to Kalkavan in the meeting after Koc's bid was cancelled.


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You are constantly acting like I dont understand what you mean. I have understood you from the very beginning.
Yes, you are referring to compensation money and you are saying Erdogan used Kalkavan so that SSB could get away from paying the compensation money to Koc group because if they straight out cancelled, they would have to pay compensation money.

This has been what I understood from the very beginning anyway?

Uhmm you have a project, you put it out for a tender, one group gets the bid(Koc in this case) but then you want to cancel it(according to you) but if you do it now(after you already gave the bid to Koc group) you are going to have to pay the compensation money.

So how do they not relate?

So, I understood perfectly what you meant and I say you are wrong.
Erdogans aim wasnt to cancel the project.
It was to punish Koc group by taking the project away from them while not paying any compensation money. His initial aim wasnt to cancel the project. He indeed wanted his partisan firm Kalkavan's Sedef to get the bid but after realising they were incapable, only then he cancelled the project.

If he indeed wanted to straight out cancel the project, he wouldnt have put effort into things like giving a second chance to Kalkavan in the meeting after Koc's bid was cancelled.
Ah i see, since my first post i missed one point, i didnt tell "erdogan act against Koc"
I didn't write it because i simply assumed everybody knows why Erdogan wanted that project cancelled, and you have assumed i have been telling Erdogan just casually woke up in the morning and wanted to cancel project? :)
So it was all the matter? That i didn't particularly pointed out the project was cancelled due to a trouble between erdogan and koc family because of gezi?


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This is not a problem that can only be explained with MİLGEM and LPD. When was the last time an armored vehicle was purchased from Koç's Otokar? Since 2015, BMC has been revived by both orders and incentives. Politics and kinship are highly related in defense orders, in which Baykar-Vestel Otokar-BMC RMK-Sedef examples. So much so that RMK had considered investing in cruise ships as it could no longer sell military ships.


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This is not a problem that can only be explained with MİLGEM and LPD. When was the last time an armored vehicle was purchased from Koç's Otokar? Since 2015, BMC has been revived by both orders and incentives. Politics and kinship are highly related in defense orders, in which Baykar-Vestel Otokar-BMC RMK-Sedef examples. So much so that RMK had considered investing in cruise ships as it could no longer sell military ships.
First of all read my previous message to resolve a misunderstandig regarding to my stance on the subject. You have simply assumed,without knowing anything about me, that i was defending erdogan.

Secondly, it is true RMK is now more leaning on yacht business. But since beginning they have had 2 separated departments of design; composite and steel production. Steel department has grown and gained importance along with naval projects of Turkish Navy and they have gained valuable know-how from fincantieri and by themselves they have designed some platforms which i really liked. Steel division has surpassed composite section.
If i am not mistaken steel division still exists but to construct some chemical-asphalt tankers to supply their holding companies.

Some of the personnel has been hired by STM, some by ADIK, and etc.

Again in my earlier messages i have stated that we have lost great chance of exports and a capable shipyard, the only one with a full R&D team, beyond of a revival due to a political reason.

I don't know if other shipyards has established an R&D team since then. To my knowledge there is none and they hire design companies.

For the rest,it is obvious, so it is useless to talk about BMC.


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-Today's Nuri Demirağ is RMK- DOT
Now that is very unfair to Ismet Inonu. Unlike Akp in this example despite his mistakes he did what he knew the best for the country. He is a salvation war martyr and a man who put his neck on the line for the country after all.


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Now that is very unfair to Ismet Inonu. Unlike Akp in this example despite his mistakes he did what he knew the best for the country. He is a salvation war martyr and a man who put his neck on the line for the country after all.
Who said that I accused İnönü about Nuri Demirağ? İnönü 1939 establishes the THK Etimesgut Aircraft Factory. Founded in the 1920s, defense and aerospace industry was destroyed in 1950 and later and Turkey was brought under the umbrella of the United States. Ankara Wind Tunnel is also established between 1947-1949 for wind testing of the aircraft to be produced in this factory. Again, Şakir Zümre's aircraft bomb factory started to produce stoves in the 1950s and then closed.
THK Etimesgut Aircraft Factory 1939-1950
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Who said that I accused İnönü about Nuri Demirağ? İnönü 1939 establishes the THK Etimesgut Aircraft Factory. Founded in the 1920s, defense and aerospace industry was destroyed in 1950 and later and Turkey was brought under the umbrella of the United States. Ankara Wind Tunnel is also established between 1947-1949 for wind testing of the aircraft to be produced in this factory. Again, Şakir Zümre's aircraft bomb factory started to produce stoves in the 1950s and then closed.
THK Etimesgut Aircraft Factory 1939-1950
Ah, I just heard some ''akpli'' narratives ''very highly'' accusive of Inonu. That was the reason behind my reaction. I am a bit defensive about Inonu since he was made a target by some certain groups.:D


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Ah, I just heard some ''akpli'' narratives ''very highly'' accusive of Inonu. That was the reason behind my reaction. I am a bit defensive about Inonu since he was made a target by some certain groups.:D
So am I because he is the second man of the War of Independence and the Republic.


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There is a reason we are getting closer to Iran. To counter Israel. It is a process started in Astana I think. Remember how Erdogan declared Suleimani and that scientist martyrs.
Iran is our enemy, a country that is hell bent on destabilizing Turkey, a country hellbent on butchering as many sunnis as possible, a country that has committed a genocide in Syria with Russia, a country that called Armenia its "brother" while Azerbaijan was retaken its rightfull land back from fascists that killed tens of thousands of Turks, that threatened Azerbaijan with war until Turkey stepped in between, a country to oppressed Turks in its own country and forbids them from practicing their own culture, they even imprison ethnic turks who give their children Turkish names, a country that has ordered attacks against our soldiers in Syria, a country that sent its proxies to fight in Afrin when Turkey started its op against the ypg, a country that supplies the pkk in iraq with weapons and supplies to fight against the TSK, a country that hides pkk fighters in its borders.

Suleimani isn't a martyr he was an genocidal maniac that had the bloods of hundreds of thousands of syrians and iraqis on his hand and now is paying the price for it in hell.

Instead of trying to lobby for an hostile country that dreams of the old days when the ottomans didn't have its boot on its neck Cavusoglu should rather put the interests of its own country ahead.

A country that supplied Armenia against Azerbaijan sure as hell isn't our "brother" country, its our enemy. And it will stay our enemy until it undergoes a regime change.

You ain't countering shit with Iran, Iran is only powerful enough to butcher unarmed families in Syria and Iraq. Lets not act as if Iran didn't have an hand in helping empower the ypg and even to this day still tries to take full controll over it by trying to push assad into letting them have half the country so they can use the ypg against Turkey.

Both SA and Iran can get f*****, hope both get even more heavy sanctions.


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Iran is our enemy, a country that is hell bent on destabilizing Turkey, a country hellbent on butchering as many sunnis as possible, a country that has committed a genocide in Syria with Russia, a country that called Armenia its "brother" while Azerbaijan was retaken its rightfull land back from fascists that killed tens of thousands of Turks, that threatened Azerbaijan with war until Turkey stepped in between, a country to oppressed Turks in its own country and forbids them from practicing their own culture, they even imprison ethnic turks who give their children Turkish names, a country that has ordered attacks against our soldiers in Syria, a country that sent its proxies to fight in Afrin when Turkey started its op against the ypg, a country that supplies the pkk in iraq with weapons and supplies to fight against the TSK, a country that hides pkk fighters in its borders.

Suleimani isn't a martyr he was an genocidal maniac that had the bloods of hundreds of thousands of syrians and iraqis on his hand and now is paying the price for it in hell.

Instead of trying to lobby for an hostile country that dreams of the old days when the ottomans didn't have its boot on its neck Cavusoglu should rather put the interests of its own country ahead.

A country that supplied Armenia against Azerbaijan sure as hell isn't our "brother" country, its our enemy. And it will stay our enemy until it undergoes a regime change.

You ain't countering shit with Iran, Iran is only powerful enough to butcher unarmed families in Syria and Iraq. Lets not act as if Iran didn't have an hand in helping empower the ypg and even to this day still tries to take full controll over it by trying to push assad into letting them have half the country so they can use the ypg against Turkey.

Both SA and Iran can get f*****, hope both get even more heavy sanctions.

The fanaticism the persian shia's used to keep Assad in power led to over 10 million people fleeing the country and hundreds of thousands of dead. The Iranian regime has been far more devastating for Muslims then the Israeli one.

Iran is a regional enemy and a massive destabilising entity for the region. It doesn't care how many sunnis are destroyed or their lives ruined as long as they can pursue geopolitical ambitions.

But we keep seeing this from AK party, their desire to bend over and help Iran despite Iran siding with all of Turkeys enemies.

In england whenever you meet persian shias and their regional lackeys they have nothing but bad words to say about sunni muslims.


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The fanaticism the persian shia's used to keep Assad in power led to over 10 million people fleeing the country and hundreds of thousands of dead. The Iranian regime has been far more devastating for Muslims then the Israeli one.

Iran is a regional enemy and a massive destabilising entity for the region. It doesn't care how many sunnis are destroyed or their lives ruined as long as they can pursue geopolitical ambitions.

But we keep seeing this from AK party, their desire to bend over and help Iran despite Iran siding with all of Turkeys enemies.

In england whenever you meet persian shias and their regional lackeys they have nothing but bad words to say about sunni muslims.
Harsh truth, sad that lesson is not learnt well, iran is the main cause of fitna around the muslim world. Their diaspora is main islamofobia tool in hands of west to. They are full of condratictions.


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Harsh truth, sad that lesson is not learnt well, iran is the main cause of fitna around the muslim world. Their diaspora is main islamofobia tool in hands of west to. They are full of condratictions.
What is this sunni shia sectarian fitna literature you three suddenly started speaking of?
1) We are talking about modern states. They may use religion to pursue their interests but states(must) all act rational for their own interests.

2) If such an understanding was correct, who stands for ''islamic unity''exactly? Turkey, who recognised Israel first and helped destabilisation of Iraq and Syria? Saudi Arabia who is basically a puppet of zionism? Even Pakistan, who smiles upon China who doesnt have the nicest way of dealing with Uyghurs?
With this mindset Turkey is destined to lose. We dont care about religion. If one day it somehow suits our interests we will bomb holy places of Jerusalem. Thats that. States must be rational and pragmatist. Simple as that.

3) Still if anything Iran is still the one who worked against zionism the most. Isnt zionism the number one enemy of islam? Who else but Iran was dealing with Israel? Erdogan himself got a medal from them and called himself BOP co-leader.

4) Even if Iran had the most toxic of ideologies, which they dont, are they strong enough to become a nuisance for Turkey? Are you guys simply this naive? What evil can Iran possibly do to us? Is freaking Hizbullah going to pose a threat to us? How many militants does it have 10.000? 20.000? Iran is trying to fill the power gap US left by its Shia proxies thats that.

5) They are a desperate, recently humiliated state who cant do anything about their top general, top scientist getting droned. They are total losers. They cannot possibly pose a threat to us. They are completely isolated and they desperately seek help. Had Turkey gives its hand they would kiss it before holding it.

a country that called Armenia its "brother" while Azerbaijan was retaken its rightfull land back from fascists that killed tens of thousands of Turks, that threatened Azerbaijan with war until Turkey stepped in between,
Azerbaijan was cheering with Israel by giving it fossil energy and letting them test Iran with their drones from Azerbaijan. It is even claimed Israel seeks to use Azerbaijani air base against Iran in a possible war. Azerbaijan gained a lot thanks to its relationships with Israel. Good for them. But demonising Iran for being against Azerbaijan is being hypocrite. It is totally understandable why they feel upset over it.

a country to oppressed Turks in its own country and forbids them from practicing their own culture, they even imprison ethnic turks who give their children Turkish names
They seek to unify their country under one ethnicity for their national security. It doesnt fit our agenda so we should try to prevent that with our soft power and keep reminding Turks over there of their identity but again we cant blame Iran for what they do. I see you have a very irrational hate towards Iran.

Iran is hardly the ideal state but you act like Turkey has so much options to choose among. We will temporarily cooperate with them until Israel backs off, I mean sits on the table with us in our terms. We wont be becoming bffs with Iran. Just enough to scare Israel.

We know how Bulgaria deals with its Turkish minorities. Go ahead and make Bulgaria your enemy too then? We shall see how you deal with losing your trade with entire Europe.

At Ataturks time too Reza Shah was seeking to Persianify Iran. But we know he had good relationships with Ataturk. Founder of my faculty who was Ataturks dentist: Alfred Kantorowicz served Reza Shah as a diplomatic gesture(he made a prothesis if I recall it right).

Suleimani isn't a martyr he was an genocidal maniac that had the bloods of hundreds of thousands of syrians and iraqis on his hand and now is paying the price for it in hell.

Hmm you seem to have access to some sort of hell livestream link, care to share it?
Jokes aside, obviously a man in his position shouldnt be as innocent as a lamp but I would still take these accusations with a grain of salt. His rivals control the World media and public opinion after all.

And it will stay our enemy until it undergoes a regime change.
Hmm who is going to change the regime, US/Israel? When that happens I would see you when they also cooperated against Turkey once we again fall off with US. They stand as a non pro-US neighbour as of now. You want to be surrounded with US implanted regimes all over you? See how US implanted Sisi screws us with Egypts alliance with Greece.

Lets not act as if Iran didn't have an hand in helping empower the ypg and even to this day still tries to take full controll over it by trying to push assad into letting them have half the country so they can use the ypg against Turkey.

They for sure aided YPG/PKK at times, who didnt? Even Germany did it. But making Assad let Ypg take half the country? You were just being sceptical of their power a sentence ago. All they did was to pursue their interests in a shitshow created by US/Israel.
I do believe we have a lot of alligned interests with Iran. Unlike Israel they are capable of cooperating with Turkey.

We can even use lifting the embargo on Iran as a leverage over US.

I dont know what interest they had by supporting Ypg. Maybe they did it to hurt us because we were trying to make Assad fall?

The fanaticism the persian shia's used to keep Assad in power led to over 10 million people fleeing the country and hundreds of thousands of dead. The Iranian regime has been far more devastating for Muslims then the Israeli one.

Oh yeah totally. People fleeing and dying are all on Assad and definitely not the ones for some reason trying to make him fall!
Shame on Assad for staying in power? How dare he does not just let go and most likely get killed?

What you said is like shooting a machine gun to a running/escaping target and blaming all the casualties on the target for him running/escaping. Saying had he not run away I wouldnt accidentally shoot all of these other people.

Before asking this you dont ask yourself why were there others(US/Turkey/Israel) at the first place trying to down president of a country.
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What is this sunni shia sectarian fitna literature you three suddenly started speaking of?
1) We are talking about modern states. They may use religion to pursue their interests but states(must) all act rational for their own interests.

2) If such an understanding was correct, who stands for ''islamic unity''exactly? Turkey, who recognised Israel first and helped destabilisation of Iraq and Syria? Saudi Arabia who is basically a puppet of zionism? Even Pakistan, who smiles upon China who doesnt have the nicest way of dealing with Uyghurs?
With this mindset Turkey is destined to lose. We dont care about religion. If one day it somehow suits our interests we will bomb holy places of Jerusalem. Thats that. States must be rational and pragmatist. Simple as that.

3) Still if anything Iran is still the one who worked against zionism the most. Isnt zionism the number one enemy of islam? Who else but Iran was dealing with Israel? Erdogan himself got a medal from them and called himself BOP co-leader.

4) Even if Iran had the most toxic of ideologies, which they dont, are they strong enough to become a nuisance for Turkey? Are you guys simply this naive? What evil can Iran possibly do to us? Is freaking Hizbullah going to pose a threat to us? How many militants does it have 10.000? 20.000? Iran is trying to fill the power gap US left by its Shia proxies thats that.

5) They are a desperate, recently humiliated state who cant do anything about their top general, top scientist getting droned. They are total losers. They cannot possibly pose a threat to us. They are completely isolated and they desperately seek help. Had Turkey gives its hand they would kiss it before holding it.


Azerbaijan was cheering with Israel by giving it fossil energy and letting them test Iran with their drones from Azerbaijan. It is even claimed Israel seeks to use Azerbaijani air base against Iran in a possible war. Azerbaijan gained a lot thanks to its relationships with Israel. Good for them. But demonising Iran for being against Azerbaijan is being hypocrite. It is totally understandable why they feel upset over it.


They seek to unify their country under one ethnicity for their national security. It doesnt fit our agenda so we should try to prevent that with our soft power and keep reminding Turks over there of their identity but again we cant blame Iran for what they do. I see you have a very irrational hate towards Iran.

Iran is hardly the ideal state but you act like Turkey has so much options to choose among. We will temporarily cooperate with them until Israel backs off, I mean sits on the table with us in our terms. We wont be becoming bffs with Iran. Just enough to scare Israel.

We know how Bulgaria deals with its Turkish minorities. Go ahead and make Bulgaria your enemy too then? We shall see how you deal with losing your trade with entire Europe.

At Ataturks time too Reza Shah was seeking to Persianify Iran. But we know he had good relationships with Ataturk. Founder of my faculty who was Ataturks dentist: Alfred Kantorowicz served Reza Shah as a diplomatic gesture(he made a prothesis if I recall it right).

Hmm you seem to have access to some sort of hell livestream link, care to share it?
Jokes aside, obviously a man in his position shouldnt be as innocent as a lamp but I would still take these accusations with a grain of salt. His rivals control the World media and public opinion after all.

Hmm who is going to change the regime, US/Israel? When that happens I would see you when they also cooperated against Turkey once we again fall off with US. They stand as a non pro-US neighbour as of now. You want to be surrounded with US implanted regimes all over you? See how US implanted Sisi screws us with Egypts alliance with Greece.

They for sure aided YPG/PKK at times, who didnt? Even Germany did it. But making Assad let Ypg take half the country? You were just being sceptical of their power a sentence ago. All they did was to pursue their interests in a shitshow created by US/Israel.
I do believe we have a lot of alligned interests with Iran. Unlike Israel they are capable of cooperating with Turkey.

We can even use lifting the embargo on Iran as a leverage over US.

I dont know what interest they had by supporting Ypg. Maybe they did it to hurt us because we were trying to make Assad fall?


Oh yeah totally. People fleeing and dying are all on Assad and definitely not the ones for some reason trying to make him fall!
Shame on Assad for staying in power? How dare he does not just let go and most likely get killed?

What you said is like shooting a machine gun to a running/escaping target and blaming all the casualties on the target for him running/escaping. Saying had he not run away I wouldnt accidentally shoot all of these other people.

Before asking this you dont ask yourself why were there others(US/Turkey/Israel) at the first place trying to down president of a country.

Reza Shah was a bastard may he burn in hell I dont care if he is Ataturks friend when this prick took down the Turkic Qajar dynasty and he oppressed Turks that lived in Iran.

His fanatical secularism led to the most religious, secratarian and fanatical regime in the Middle East. Also continued with his son. Pahlavi dynasty were nothing more than larpers that lived with an inferiority complex and made up bullshit holidays and tales of their superior Persian empire due to centuries of Turkic rule.

Today we still live with the consequences of Reza Shah and his cowardly son.
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