TR Politics



Embarassment lol

Its more embarassing when a Turk does not even know his own history and you are backing him up with it.

Thats even more embarassing.

He uses the desert as a slur against another member. Only for it to backfire from his ignorance. Not to say Turks of Turkey are living in desert but we did have ancestors who lived and travelled the Karakum desert and the gobi desert for centuries. I was acknowledging that all he ever did was reply back with laughs and even associate it with "Arabs". Arabs are not the only ones to live in deserts.

Then again if his from Morocco he can explain his countries terrain all I know is not all of Morocco is desert unless you go deep down into the Sahara.
I called him a desert person haven't said anything about like go back to your desert you are just making that up I guess you like to spread lies
Also still having deserts doesn't make a person "desert person" cope and seethe anatolian native


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You can agree or disagree with nationalism.

But its always important to have identity if not you will just become another rootless person.

Humans will always associate their identity with race, ethnic group, tribe or clan. We all belong to an identity and a community.

It gives a sense of purpose in life.
Sure but if that is onky indvidual perk and political idemtfication it is limiting and backward.
The biggest global superpower in history ackonlewedged that long time ago. On the other hand it is funny how certain Turks want to ditch out completely only global glue that they have on disposal :)


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I called him a desert person haven't said anything about like go back to your desert you are just making that up I guess you like to spread lies
Also still having deserts doesn't make a person "desert person" cope and seethe anatolian native

You are an Anatolian too who failed to recognise the Central Asian Deserts that certain Turkic peoples called home.

You still havent countered any of my posts.


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Sure but if that is onky indvidual perk and political idemtfication it is limiting and backward.
The biggest global superpower in history ackonlewedged that long time ago. On the other hand it is funny how certain Turks want to ditch out completepy only global glue that they have on disposal :)

Global superpowers or empires in general are diverse anyway due to conquests or colonisation.

But at the end diversity can be a strength but also a weakness.

Usa is pretty much divided on ethnic and racial lines. Yugoslavia collapsed with the same issue all the ethnic groups put their own interests before yugoslavia.

Super states that have so many ethnic groups usually collapsed in the end.

Nationalism is actually what destroyed empire. Because empires can no longer rule diverse sets of people into one state.

Nation states seem to have the same problems especially in the Middle East and Africa with various ethnic groups all vying for control.

Turkish nationalism helped our nation survive.


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Global superpowers or empires in general are diverse anyway due to conquests or colonisation.

But at the end diversity can be a strength but also a weakness.

Usa is pretty much divided on ethnic and racial lines. Yugoslavia collapsed with the same issue all the ethnic groups put their own interests before yugoslavia.

Super states that have so many ethnic groups usually collapsed in the end.

Nationalism is actually what destroyed empire. Because empires can no longer rule diverse sets of people into one state.

Nation states seem to have the same problems especially in the Middle East and Africa with various ethnic groups all vying for control.
I know., lot of sensitivity, wisdom, strenght and money needed to make it work but at the end of day it is worthed, that approach is what nations makes significant and prosperus not recycled clan/tribal ideologies.


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Because he dont have the power to go to war with china. Everything have boundaries. He is building the country step by step. Everyone is trying to bring turkey down, and the only way to ruin turkey is through turks themselfes. I see that you dont want a religious turkey, you have your right to have your opinion.
He doesn't need to go to war but can raise his voice for these opressed. What we call this is hypocrisy. And yes I don't want to live in a religious country but a secular one. I assume that you want to live in a religious country, so what are you doing in the country of the infidels?


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Muslim got butthurt and called Ataturk dictator lol yes islam is an arab religion made for arabs Living like arabs gives you extra point on other life what a great religion You are morroccan so you should have known better about dictators thats why you like em?
No im just saying that if you call erdogan dictator then ataturk should he described as one to. No need to twist anything. About the religion part... you should know better


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I know., lot of sensitivity, wisdom, strenght and money needed to make it work but at the end of day it is worthed, that approach is what nations makes significant and prosperus not recycled clan/tribal ideologies.

Humans are tribal by nature.

If I go to some Italian village I wont be accepted because I do not fit with them due to numerous factors.

Europeans oppose multiculturalism and immigrants due to racial, religious and cultural factors.

A lot of European countries have already built their identities. Citizenship is just paper we can all be citizens but you wont be accepted or be seen as an equal.

USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia are different due to them being a settler colony which meant their society was formed by immigration and settlers.


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Embarassment lol

Its more embarassing when a Turk does not even know his own history and you are backing him up with it.

Thats even more embarassing.

He uses the desert as a slur against another member. Only for it to backfire from his ignorance. Not to say Turks of Turkey are living in desert but we did have ancestors who lived and travelled the Karakum desert and the gobi desert for centuries. I was acknowledging that all he ever did was reply back with laughs and even associate it with "Arabs". Arabs are not the only ones to live in deserts.

Then again if his from Morocco he can explain his countries terrain all I know is not all of Morocco is desert unless you go deep down into the Sahara.
Yh only southern part of morocco contains desert. We have large part of mountainous areas. We are also the only country who border both the mediterinian and atlantic sea. I was thinking to respond to that guy because i tought he thinked that morocco is in the gulf 😂


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Turkey is not a muslim country but a secular country. You might wanna read Turkish Constitution

II. Characteristics of the Republic ARTICLE 2- The Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state governed by rule of law, within the notions of public peace, national solidarity and justice, respecting human rights, loyal to the nationalism of Atatürk, and based on the fundamental tenets set forth in the preamble..
Im aware of this. This is part of history, maybe turkey will come back to it roots again. When it comes to the other comment you made. I never said turks dont have honour??? I said he bringed honour to the turks and the muslims!


Im aware of this. This is part of history, maybe turkey will come back to it roots again. When it comes to the other comment you made. I never said turks dont have honour??? I said he bringed honour to the turks and the muslims!
Our roots are not arabs desert religion lmao If we want to return to our roots It would be tengrism not arabs religion :DDD


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Our roots are not arabs desert religion lmao If we want to return to our roots It would be tengrism not arabs religion :DDD
Islam came as a mercy to all mankind. Like the prophet said no arab is superior over a non-arab, and a non-arab is not superior over a arab. We all are equal in the sight of god. I think you are aware of this. Yh tengrism is also a part of history but now im thinking about the last hundreds of years in turkish history.


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We are not allowed to make political talk with respect to production and tenders in sticky threads. Yet companies are politicizing these things by themselves. Baykar released a video regarding Akıncı and RTE. In my opinion, they shouldn't go in this direction putting questions ınto people's minds about nepotism etc.



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Islam came as a mercy to all mankind. Like the prophet said no arab is superior over a non-arab, and a non-arab is not superior over a arab. We all are equal in the sight of god. I think you are aware of this. Yh tengrism is also a part of history but now im thinking about the last hundreds of years in turkish history.
Well the first encounter with Islam and Turks was not mercyful, not even a bit...


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Well the first encounter with Islam and Turks was not mercyful, not even a bit...
When it comes to the spread of Islam you often see muslim haters using the term «with the sword». Islam didnt always spread by «the sword». I have not read and tried to learn about how the turks got islam, but i know that many central asians and persian emperors embraces islam after the mongol invasion. Even one khanate of the mongols turned to become muslims, and fight against the mongols.


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Yeah, Turkish will come back to its roots again in 2 years. When Erdogan family is behind the bars.
Bars because he dont have the same ideology as you? Is nationalism a fake feeling? Does being patriot not mean that you wish the welness of your nation, and the development. Or maybe you will deny all the good he done just because he dont share the same secular toughts? I believe balance is important, so that you remain honest.


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Turkey needs new blood in it's politics, economic and social life... Enough with being a one party state dependent on one person and his family and clique and their wishes.

People did not tell that for nothing: Politicians are like baby diapers, they should be changed often for the same reason- they get full of shit.

I don't care who you talk about but more than 20 years in politics is enough. Retire already, go and enjoy your last years with your grandkids. But the problem is that when you get too deep in the shit you turn paranoid and power hungry.


Bars because he dont have the same ideology as you?
No, because of the crimes he did. Like stealing stuff, breaking laws, breaking constitution. List goes on like this. You can be sure that after the next election, the first thing the new government will do is to fix the judiciary system. After that when we have a normal judiciary sysem. Prosecutors will hunt AKP members.

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