And then some more...
It will be a sight seeing your delusions crash on top of you in two years.
Seeing the tears.
It will be delicious. 20 years we have waited another two are nothing for us.
Judgement comes for everyone.
98 years ago Atatürk declared the Republic after hanging the Islamist traitors who welcomed the Brits and Greeks as if they were their own fathers, maybe they were who knows and throwing the Greeks into the seas.
What a coincide isn’t it. That the end of the Islamist AKP Regime comes at 100 years after those events.
God works in mysterious ways.
But your Reis will most likely call „early“ elections at the end of 2022 so he doesn’t go into the history books as the Islamist who lost 100 years after the creation of this beautiful secular Republic.
Because his ego is just that big.
For 20 years the Islamist AKP has tried to destroy this countries legacy and its ideals built by man and women who they can’t even dare to look into the eyes.
And they have failed. You have failed. In the end that is what Erdogan and his fellows will live the rest of their lives with.
His Arab brothers, whom he let into a this countries without supervision to destroy the Turkish identity, will be shipped back where they belong. His Yandas will pay back every cent they have stolen and they rot in jail. His trolls will be prosecuted and face just punishment.
All those relatives you guys have who sit in government offices earning 5 salaries from 5 positions without even a Highschool diploma will be punished too. Don’t worry. Quitting and acting as if you had nothing to do with all this won’t save anyone.
This time there is no EU, no US to pressure the Turkish government to let them go like in the 90s.
Even today he sabotages this countries economy willingly so his buds can make a quick buck on the stock exchange on cost of the average citizen.
You tried turning this country into another Saudi Arabia where you live as fake royalties and the common men and women work as slaves for you all in the name of religion and god.
The only religion you guys have is money and your god is the dollar.
Have fun these two years. Because I and my same minded fellows will have a ton of fun after those two years.