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CHP deputy: Bureaucrats are secretly bringing corruption files to us​

CHP Chief Advisor to the Chairman and İzmir Deputy Tuncay Özkan said that after CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's call to bureaucrats, many bureaucrats sent them corruption files.​

19 November 2021 15:38Updated: 19 November 2021 15:48

CHP deputy: Bureaucrats are secretly bringing corruption files to us

CHP Deputy Chairman and İzmir Deputy Tuncay Özkan answered the questions of journalists in Sümen Altı program of Konya's local television channel Kanal42.

'There are friends who brought us a file of corruption'​

Özkan said that many bureaucrats reached out to them after CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu called on bureaucrats not to sign on to unlawful works.

“There are friends who brought us corruption files. There is a friend who comes and asks us for help. The common thing they all say is this: Don't let them hear that we're coming to you. Too many incoming corruption files. People in very important positions did not sign after the call of our President, and they do not. Now I'll tell you here, it would be a pity for the poor. After the call of our chairman, 'I did not sign this.

Because there is dishonesty, there is dishonesty. I am in the Ministry of Environment. Because there is money, there is corruption, there is bribery. They brought it to me, I did not sign it. That's why they're appointing me as a consultant now, there are those who say, 'This person will sign instead of me'. We have all of these. We know these people.”


Özkan said, “We will prepare Turkey for the future with a great happiness and embrace, by revealing the future, not the past, that will save our country from this poverty and poverty.”

“We said it at the Tank Pallet factory. Who was right? We were right. AK Party bureaucrats come to us. Even if I describe it, it is understandable, but it would be a pity. Gotta protect. They do not sign after the call of our president. That's why Recep Tayyip Erdogan came out and said, 'This is a crime. You can't. My bureaucrats.' Not yours, the state bureaucrats. If the signature is unlawful, it will not be signed."


CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu called on the bureaucrats not to sign unlawful works with the video he published on his social media account on October 16.

Kılıçdaroğlu used the following expressions: “I want to call out to those civil servants who went out of law by yielding to the pressure of the Palace. This is the last call of your Kılıçdaroğlu brother and uncle so that you come to mind Kamil. As of Monday, October 18, the responsibility of all your support to the illegal requests of this order will begin to belong to you. You can't get away with this dirty work by saying 'I have received orders'. Whatever is being done to you illegally, stop by Monday. Get your hands off these illegal, parallel systems.”

Hm.... strange
Why havent they already posted the corruption files?
Wouldnt it be the perfect moment? The current public outrage against Erdo is at an all-time high and if he just posted such corruption files, the ppl will explode at Erdo!
We all know that Kilicdaroglu always reveal the bad things about the govr the moment he gets them so why havent he posted them by now? Didnt his so-called "bureaucrats" brothers gave him such info to expose corruption in the govt and not for him to say such stuff?
Him saying I have corruption files is just like Erdo saying I will fix the economy soon, lool
Without proof, it is just a stupid attempt to rile the ppl up. This is why Kilicdaroglu will be just as bad as Erdo if not worse. Why cant he just let Yavas rule for Gods sake


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Hm.... strange
Why havent they already posted the corruption files?
Wouldnt it be the perfect moment? The current public outrage against Erdo is at an all-time high and if he just posted such corruption files, the ppl will explode at Erdo!
We all know that Kilicdaroglu always reveal the bad things about the govr the moment he gets them so why havent he posted them by now? Didnt his so-called "bureaucrats" brothers gave him such info to expose corruption in the govt and not for him to say such stuff?
Him saying I have corruption files is just like Erdo saying I will fix the economy soon, lool
Without proof, it is just a stupid attempt to rile the ppl up. This is why Kilicdaroglu will be just as bad as Erdo if not worse. Why cant he just let Yavas rule for Gods sake
If you reveal your hand too early the government will start a whistleblower manhunt. remember AKP has managed to put a lot of people in all echaleons of the system. you have prosecutors up your arse for voicing your opinion. But let's see. They're likely going to collect the informations and tell the involved parts that they're aware and make them back off. Once they're in power they can tell the guilty parts "you were warned, now no fucking mercy".


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If you reveal your hand too early the government will start a whistleblower manhunt. remember AKP has managed to put a lot of people in all echaleons of the system. you have prosecutors up your arse for voicing your opinion. But let's see. They're likely going to collect the informations and tell the involved parts that they're aware and make them back off. Once they're in power they can tell the guilty parts "you were warned, now no fucking mercy".
Stupid moves tbh
Doesnt matter whether the so-called bureaucrats were exposed or not
Doesnt matter whether a manhunt will begin or not
Doesnt matter if even the judiciary jails who exposes this shit

With the current public outrage against Erdo, any corruption scandal -no matter how minor- (along with proof) would just let the ppl explode. Erdo is at his weakest moment ever, there is no better opportunity to add oil to the fire and control the public outrage to one's whim
Apparently, the main problem is how the CHP thinks
The main target of the CHP shouldnt be to jail the AKP when they get in power but to ACTUALLY get into power
The CHP is skipping some fundamental, essential steps in their planning which may dig their graves otherwise

I mean, lets say there is massive corruption, now that CHP Kilicdaroglu said these stupid words, dont you expect that AKP would have already begun a MASSIVE MANHUNT theoughout all govt branches by now? Do you think the AKP will just keep quiet now that there is a traitor among them. You are literally giving them the excuse to replace even more officials with AKP fans in the govt
Kilicdaroglu just wasted a golden opportunity to expose the AKP and may have crushed any other potential source of whispering from within the government in the future. A stupid opposition leader with no vision tbh

Your plan would be doable if Kilicdaroglu kept his damn mouth shut until he is in power and then he can jail the AKP and reward the whistleblower.... Period!
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Karamollaoglu refused joining RTE alliance. Saying checks and balances are missing.
I agree, the current presidential system is too one-sided
I think that IF Turkey were to continue with the presidential system, the parliament should gain even greater powers like sacking ministers, stopping deals that are above a certain value (whether militarily or not) if there are some illegal activities or uncertainities or even stopping a presidential decision if around 55% or so approve and probably sacking a president if around 70-80% approve


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I agree, the current presidential system is too one-sided
I think that IF Turkey were to continue with the presidential system, the parliament should gain even greater powers like sacking ministers, stopping deals that are above a certain value (whether militarily or not) if there are some illegal activities or uncertainities or even stopping a presidential decision if around 55% or so approve and probably sacking a president if around 70-80% approve
You need two chambers. Parliament and Senate. But that would introduce a crippling system.

I think less than 35% should be able to force transparency on any tender, and 50,1% should be able to force reelection. Elections in Turkey should run differentiated so we don’t have overlapping elections.

TAF and MIT excluded of course


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I said it before, that with the current trend, The HDP will wiggle into every portion of Turkey's internal affairs and will control Turkey from behind the shadows
I even remember that some HDP officials, not long ago, stated that the HDP in the future will be involved in all the legal and political framework of the country post 2023
I really wish Ataturk was alive rn, he would have taught all the politicians in Turkey some manners

"If there are contacts between the HDP and PKK, we would like them to minimise it". I mean, the CHP doesnt even dare to use the word "stop" in the sentence!
I truly dont know just what to say tbh; whats next? Will they sell Mavi Vatan to the West for their support?

When both the right and left wing parties are rotten to the core! Such lovely future I swear

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You need two chambers. Parliament and Senate. But that would introduce a crippling system.

I think less than 35% should be able to force transparency on any tender, and 50,1% should be able to force reelection. Elections in Turkey should run differentiated so we don’t have overlapping elections.

TAF and MIT excluded of course
Not really
No need for a Senate tbh. I feel that it is quite useless

And 50 or 51% to sack a president? That would be a catastrophe! Take Turkey as an example, both oppositions nearly have a majority according to recent polls; thus, bribing one or two more from the opposite sides to initiate re-elections will cause consecutive re-elections as well as public unrest

Since the parliament theoretically represent the ppl, a realistic figure would be around 70-75% (3/4 of the population) would be acceptable as this would mean that even the ruling party feels that he isnt qualified to rule


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I said it before, that with the current trend, The HDP will wiggle into every portion of Turkey's internal affairs and will control Turkey from behind the shadows
I even remember that some HDP officials, not long ago, stated that the HDP in the future will be involved in all the legal and political framework of the country post 2023
I really wish Ataturk was alive rn, he would have taught all the politicians in Turkey some manners

"If there are contacts between the HDP and PKK, we would like them to minimise it". I mean, the CHP doesnt even dare to use the word "stop" in the sentence!
I truly dont know just what to say tbh; whats next? Will they sell Mavi Vatan to the West for their support?

When both the right and left wing parties are rotten to the core! Such lovely future I swear

What about the statements is wrong?
If HDP is a terror organization then why is the state not banning it and arrest all its members?


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What about the statements is wrong?
If HDP is a terror organization then why is the state not banning it and arrest all its members?
Are you trying to be sarcastic or not, idk tbh?
Firstly the govt did close the HDP 2 times before, however under different names
The first time the govt did close the Democratic Society Party in 2009
When the Democratic Society Party was disbanded, they regrouped and formed the Peace and Democratic Party (BDP) which the govt did close in 2014.
After the BDP did close, they regrouped again like Cancer and formed the HDP.

And whenever Erdo did so, the West uses the human rights and democracy card!
As a result, Erdo instead of closing parties, started chasing core members who are extremely suspicious like Osman Kavala which the West didnt like and started a massive campaign to force Erdo to submit to release him and yet Erdo is doing well in resisting (though it may not be for long). And this is just one member; imagine if Erdo tried to jail these all of the freaks in the HDP, the West wont sit quite and watch its long term project get dismantled by one old man, isnt it?

Now whats even worse is that the CHP is starting to say such crazy words. Honestly, I would have said that it is normal for the AKP to say such words as they are a new party with no roots of nationalism, contacts with mafia, islamism, FETO or whatever but for the CHP to say these words? For the CHP, which Ataturk founded to preserve his ideals, to say such words clearly state that they are trying to appease the West and Kurds on the expense of the whole nation's integrity! What sort of politics is that? If things continue at this rate, 10 years from now, Turkey's East will rebel and Kurdistan will be no longer a dream and will be a reality on the expense of Turkey

What is even worse is that the CHP states that if the HDP does have contacts with the PKK, they would like them to fqing minimise it! Not to stop it or punish those who were in contact etc.... This is a joke tbh. The CHP, just like how Erdo did in 2010-2015, became a clown-like party trying to appease the West for some support. Shame on them especially when they are the ones supposed to carry on Ataturk's will

It is like if you are saying to the HDP..... Guys if you are contacting the PKK which kills our soldiers and ppl amd want to split Turkey, pls do so in an even more discrete manner so that we can pretend that we cant find you and everything is fine

And dont get me started on how the HDP will soon be controlling the CHP's balls when the parliamentary system returns since (according to polls) CHP's party rating still hovers around 20-26%
A farce I swear

I do apologise in advance if my language seems inappropriate.
Do mention and I shall fix any sort of words that may seem offending etc..


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Are you trying to be sarcastic or not, idk tbh?
Firstly the govt did close the HDP 2 times before, however under different names
The first time the govt did close the Democratic Society Party in 2009
When the Democratic Society Party was disbanded, they regrouped and formed the Peace and Democratic Party (BDP) which the govt did close in 2014.
After the BDP did close, they regrouped again like Cancer and formed the HDP.

And whenever Erdo did so, the West uses the human rights and democracy card!
As a result, Erdo instead of closing parties, started chasing core members who are extremely suspicious like Osman Kavala which the West didnt like and started a massive campaign to force Erdo to submit to release him and yet Erdo is doing well in resisting (though it may not be for long). And this is just one member; imagine if Erdo tried to jail these all of the freaks in the HDP, the West wont sit quite and watch its long term project get dismantled by one old man, isnt it?

Now whats even worse is that the CHP is starting to say such crazy words. Honestly, I would have said that it is normal for the AKP to say such words as they are a new party with no roots of nationalism, contacts with mafia, islamism, FETO or whatever but for the CHP to say these words? For the CHP, which Ataturk founded to preserve his ideals, to say such words clearly state that they are trying to appease the West and Kurds on the expense of the whole nation's integrity! What sort of politics is that? If things continue at this rate, 10 years from now, Turkey's East will rebel and Kurdistan will be no longer a dream and will be a reality on the expense of Turkey

What is even worse is that the CHP states that if the HDP does have contacts with the PKK, they would like them to fqing minimise it! Not to stop it or punish those who were in contact etc.... This is a joke tbh. The CHP, just like how Erdo did in 2010-2015, became a clown-like party trying to appease the West for some support. Shame on them especially when they are the ones supposed to carry on Ataturk's will

It is like if you are saying to the HDP..... Guys if you are contacting the PKK which kills our soldiers and ppl amd want to split Turkey, pls do so in an even more discrete manner so that we can pretend that we cant find you and everything is fine

And dont get me started on how the HDP will soon be controlling the CHP's balls when the parliamentary system returns since (according to polls) CHP's party rating still hovers around 20-26%
A farce I swear

I do apologise in advance if my language seems inappropriate.
Do mention and I shall fix any sort of words that may seem offending etc..
He only stated the offical stance of the goverment, nothing more nothing less.


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What about the statements is wrong?
If HDP is a terror organization then why is the state not banning it and arrest all its members?
HDP is more practical as a mousetrap, in theory. As Lool pointed out, when the previous parties were disbanded, they simply reformed. Issue is that said mousetrap isn't being used effectively.

The best strategy would be to cut off their funding entirely but that is a more difficult territory to navigate.


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The guy who called for early elections every two years suddenly has lost interest in them. Why could that be I wonder.

The end is near. Those two years won’t save anyone from the AKP from being prosecuted for their crimes against the republic and its citizens.

Sabotage committed together with the US against the Turkish Armed Forces, FETÖ collaboration, corruption, dirty deals made with the pkk (Oslo), drug trafficking. And god knows what else they did in those 20 years.

His balant sabotaging of the economy to rile people up so they riot against him won’t work.

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