TR Politics


France Correspondent
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This is the problem here mate
The opposition alliance is just way too broken rn.... all of them have their own goals and are just allying to topple Erdogan; but what after that? The ppl here are just looking at the half of the cup that is full and is ignoring the rest in terms to their viewpoint of the opposition

Firstly, Baykar said before that any nation's military industry can be toppled no matter how advanced it is as long as there is no political will in an interview. After the AKP goes and the oppositon frgaments again, no party will have the majority and most will try to suck up to the HDP (just like what they are doing now) and I re-iterate how one of those assholes said that Turkey is producing weapons of war and murder within the Turkish parliament itself. So if you are asking me whether the CHP or iYi can destroy a nation's defense industry, then the answer is Yes! If CHP or iYi gets to rule, then the AKP is better alternative but if Umit Ozdag wanna rule, then I say lets give the guy a chance but the current political spectrum is way too polarised tbh.

Secondly, I agree that not all of the opposition is bad; as you have said, Umit Ozdag is actually against the AKP but he isnt with the CHP or iYi due to many reasons, as you know. However, Umit Ozdag doesnt have the suffecient popularity to win in 2023. He may win in 2029 though. Moreover, Umit Ozdag is tooo pure and those who are too pure are easily corrupted tbh

Finally, Yes, most of the Turkish companies doing amazing work rn are actually founded during the 1980s or the 1970s; however, that is no excuse for the delay of more than 40 years FFS! The technology of engines or software wasnt new at the time and they could have nationalised it if they wanted to but I bet that some "foreign" powers didnt like that and actually gave orders to the ruling parties the time to hinder their progress. For example, the Altay tank was planned to have a german engine in 2016 yet it was cancelled. Erdo announced plans to develop a domestic engine and we saw it getting fired in 2021 or early 2022; thus, a period of 5 to 7 years to develop an engine from scartch! Why did a company like BMC which hasnt even been founded for even a decade manage to develop an engine in 7 years while other companies couldnt? Does this mean that TAI or Aselsan are inferior? The asnwer is NO! the only difference is that there was political will to actually do these stuff

You are 100% right on the fact that Erdo didnt do shit for the defense industry. The true legends are the engineers who actually make such dreams come true but Erdogan is the one providing political will and is resisting and getting sanctioned by literally most Western countries for supporting the development of such systems till this day. Just look at the massive propaganda against Turkish weaponry and you will get what I mean

I still remember one member who said b4 that Osman Kavala used to supply the military with weapons and equipments in the early days; thus, my question is how does a philantrophist who hasnt even established a company for less than a decade (if he even did establish one) get the right or even tech to supply weaponry to TSK while ASELSAN or TAI that were founded in the 80s and 70s were present at the time

I dont wanna be an extreme AKP fan but if me rejecting the AKP because they used to collude with FETO and PKK and replacing them with those who are ACTUALLY STILL COLLUDING with such factions; then my brain is simply dead

Erdogan is an asshole tbh; but at the very least is a patriot and not a liberal piece of shit (sorry for the language guys)

I can write 5 days worth of articles shitting on Erdo and the mistakes he did but that doesmt mean that I support getting those shitty PKK back into the turkish political scene again tbh

The true answer is that politically Turkiye is a complete mess. CHP which was once Ataturk's party is now nothing but the West lapdogs. On the other hand if AKP keeps winning the elections Turkiye will definitely become a dictatorship. In no democratic countries you will see the same person rulling for more than 25 years. We can be sure that all the institutions will be under Erdogan's check. Foreign investors which are also closely monitoring the next elections will left in mass, meaning an even more chaotic situation for the economy. Basically Turkiye will become like Putin's Russia.

What is interesting but also painful to see is that some members here are basically saying "Screw democracy as long as AKP keeps pushing the defense industry forward".


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This is the problem here mate
The opposition alliance is just way too broken rn.... all of them have their own goals and are just allying to topple Erdogan; but what after that? The ppl here are just looking at the half of the cup that is full and is ignoring the rest in terms to their viewpoint of the opposition

Firstly, Baykar said before that any nation's military industry can be toppled no matter how advanced it is as long as there is no political will in an interview. After the AKP goes and the oppositon frgaments again, no party will have the majority and most will try to suck up to the HDP (just like what they are doing now) and I re-iterate how one of those assholes said that Turkey is producing weapons of war and murder within the Turkish parliament itself. So if you are asking me whether the CHP or iYi can destroy a nation's defense industry, then the answer is Yes! If CHP or iYi gets to rule, then the AKP is better alternative but if Umit Ozdag wanna rule, then I say lets give the guy a chance but the current political spectrum is way too polarised tbh.

Secondly, I agree that not all of the opposition is bad; as you have said, Umit Ozdag is actually against the AKP but he isnt with the CHP or iYi due to many reasons, as you know. However, Umit Ozdag doesnt have the sufficient popularity to win in 2023 (he needs a miracle tbh). He may win in 2029 though. Moreover, Umit Ozdag is tooo pure and those who are too pure are easily corrupted

Finally, Yes, most of the Turkish companies doing amazing work rn are actually founded during the 1980s or the 1970s; however, that is no excuse for the delay of more than 40 years FFS! The technology of engines or software wasnt new at the time and they could have nationalised it if they wanted to but I bet that some "foreign" powers didnt like that and actually gave orders to the ruling parties the time to hinder their progress. For example, the Altay tank was planned to have a german engine in 2016 yet it was cancelled. Erdo announced plans to develop a domestic engine and we saw it getting fired in 2021 or early 2022; thus, a period of 5 to 7 years to develop an engine from scartch! Why did a company like BMC which hasnt even been founded for even a decade manage to develop an engine in 7 years while other companies couldnt? Does this mean that TAI or Aselsan are inferior? The asnwer is NO! the only difference is that there was political will to actually do these stuff. TEI only took 2 years to finish the design nstudies of teh brandnew TF-6000 and yet we needed 40+ years to nationalise the tech for TS-1400 even though TEI was co-producing F16? Insnaity, the math just doesnt add up here

You are 100% right on the fact that Erdo didnt do shit for the defense industry. The true legends are the engineers who actually make such dreams come true but Erdogan is the one providing political will and is resisting and getting sanctioned by literally most Western countries for supporting the development of such systems till this day. Just look at the massive propaganda against Turkish weaponry and you will get what I mean

I still remember one member who said b4 that Osman Kavala used to supply the military with weapons and equipments in the early days; thus, my question is how does a philantrophist who hasnt even established a company for less than a decade (if he even did establish one) get the right or even tech to supply weaponry to TSK while ASELSAN or TAI that were founded in the 80s and 70s were present at the time

I dont wanna be an extreme AKP fan but if me rejecting the AKP because they used to collude with FETO and PKK and replacing them with those who are ACTUALLY STILL COLLUDING with such factions; then my brain is simply dead

Erdogan is an asshole tbh; but at the very least is a patriot and not a liberal piece of shit (sorry for the language guys)

I can write 5 days worth of articles shitting on Erdo and the mistakes he did but that doesmt mean that I support getting those shitty PKK back into the turkish political scene again tbh
I agree with a lot of what you said.

But as @I_Love_F16 mentioned, if Erdogan wins again Turkey will practically become a dictatorship. One with 10 million refugees in it who will all receive citizenship.

None of our weapons will matter if we are already invaded and rotten in the core.

Also, the will for the advancement of the Turkish defence industry comes from the military itself, and the bureaucratic structure which it has created. Along with countless members of society which support it. Altay, TFX, Atak, Milgem, these were all planned long ago, some as far back as the 80s. You know what Turkey went through in the 80s and 90s? Islamists and PKK united against the nation. Simultaneously, we got embargoes and sanctions. With so much instability, the SSM (now SSB) still managed to create products such as J600T Yildirim and Kobra APCs. As well as laying the groundworks for where the defence industry is now. This is one of the few success stories in today's Turkey, and the bureaucratic structure which TSK created is largely responsible for this.


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What nonsense is this. Who are you kidding, they are just words. No, it started 20 years ago. What was done 20 years ago? Isn't the opposition with those who speak out against defense industry companies and oppose them? For example, HDP is one of the opposition's biggest partners. I wish you success with a defense minister from HDP. In fact, lists have already been prepared. If they come to power, the opposition will throw anyone who speaks against the government in jail.I'm not saying this. The opposition says.
İ dont count hdp as anything but a terror org whos only objection is to help akp. Any other country wouldve put them in jail the moment they were announced.


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İ dont count hdp as anything but a terror org whos only objection is to help akp. Any other country wouldve put them in jail the moment they were announced.
The CHP, which has been with the HDP since its establishment, has supported the Çözüm Süreci and is today its ally. We have a Main Opposition that protects when HDP members are imprisoned. An Opposition that immediately complained about us to America and Europe. A short reminder, the CHP was the biggest supporter of the Çözüm Süreci being carried out with the HDP*. And isn't it CHP that carries Kurdish voters from east to west by cars? :) I love Turkish Politics.


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The undefeated victory of CHP for 10 years in Bodrum can be an example of this :) They filled Kurdish voters in Bodrum under the name of working. Anyone living in Bodrum already knows this.


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The CHP, which has been with the HDP since its establishment, has supported the Çözüm Süreci and is today its ally. We have a Main Opposition that protects when HDP members are imprisoned. An Opposition that immediately complained about us to America and Europe. A short reminder, the CHP was the biggest supporter of the Çözüm Süreci being carried out with the HDP*. And isn't it CHP that carries Kurdish voters from east to west by cars? :) I love Turkish Politics.
This comment is from top to bottom completely false. Cozum sureci is akp's doing. If demirtas and osman kavala are terrorists, why isn't the Turkish State coming up with evidence and give them life in prison? Instead they are being held without court. This is making the Turkish Republic look bad and this is why opposition brings up this issue. It has nothing to do with 'freeing' terrorists from prison. And your last sentence makes me think you are a troll so no more replying to you.


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This comment is from top to bottom completely false. Cozum sureci is akp's doing. If demirtas and osman kavala are terrorists, why isn't the Turkish State coming up with evidence and give them life in prison? Instead they are being held without court. This is making the Turkish Republic look bad and this is why opposition brings up this issue. It has nothing to do with 'freeing' terrorists from prison. And your last sentence makes me think you are a troll so no more replying to you.
I've decided that I don't even need to argue with you. Oh my god these people...aktrol le oktrol karışımı


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I've decided that I don't even need to argue with you. Oh my god these people...aktrol le oktrol karışımı
He is right, nobody should be held captive without trial no matter what he has done, whether you like or not imprisoning someone without a trial is holding hostage.
AKP turned Turkey into a banana republic and people like you cheer that.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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He is right, nobody should be held captive without trial no matter what he has done, whether you like or not imprisoning someone without a trial is holding hostage.
AKP turned Turkey into a banana republic and people like you cheer that.
This, even a trial that will get scrutinized from top to bottom for weaknesses is better than none at all. And it has little to do with giving leeway to terrorists but taking away a potential weapon that the EU and certain lobbies can bash Turkey with.


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Insanity, i swear
Those liberal leftist traitors

The CHP wants peace while Greece is already beginning to build anti-tank trenches near the Turkish border

Mark my words people! The current Russian war screwed the EU over and many nations like Germnay cant afford to help Greece anymore. Thus, Greece with its massive debt, small economy, and technologically inferior defemce industry needs another source of money even if it means stealing all of Turkey's EEZ since it will be a massive deadweight to other EU countries and the EU doesnt like that. The Eurozone is going into recession

Greece is already preparing the battlefield for Gods sake..... They are buildimg trenches along the border, arming the islands with radars, tanks and AD systems and buying Rafales along wirh F35s and having the US build bases along the greek islands to act as a barrier against amy possible Turkish response. The moment the preparations have finished, they will declare that they will drill in their so-called righteous EEZ and will respond if Turkey did any sort of unwanted act.... This is supported by the Greek PM recent statements warning Erdogan of doing anything against Greece

Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis said that in a possible crisis or conflict between Turkey and Greece, NATO countries would support Greece and Turkey should not be surprised by this.

"Turkey should know that it will pay a heavy price in any negative situation. Our army is always ready." -Greece Minister of Defence

Meanwhile we have a lovely opposition which wants peace with Greece, wanna rearm the kurds and give them all the lands adjacent to the Syrian border for a new stronger PKK and above all a HDP which states that the turkish drones are weapons of mass destruction. Imamgolu, and Kilicdaroglu are fqing traitors and I will always say it

And yet turkish ppl in this forum are wondering are wondering whether the asshole Demirtas and Kavala; the former which clearly stated that He accept the pkk idealogy and the latter being a "philantrophist" yet somehow wiggles into the supp,y chain of the TSK....... PPL open the dictionary to check what a philantrophist means FFS

Anyway, thx to the Ukraine-Russsia war, the global hegemony got fqed and a new world order will slowly begin! a war is near for the capture of as much resources and land/water as possible whether the turks like it or not! And this war will decide a lot for Turkey; not only its EEZ but also its international standing, influence, and its future for the next 4 to 5 decades. Not only Turkey though, The Libyan war will be re-ignited soon and the Chinese-Taiwan war will undoubtedly happen. The priorities need to be set straight

But no, lets just go with peace (AGAIN!) with the PKK and Greece while they rearm themselves and when Turkey gets divided, will the turks wake up by then? Or will there be another Ataturk to help the Turks then? I just wanna ppl to balance shit for once

And i apologise for the language
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This comment is from top to bottom completely false. Cozum sureci is akp's doing. If demirtas and osman kavala are terrorists, why isn't the Turkish State coming up with evidence and give them life in prison? Instead they are being held without court. This is making the Turkish Republic look bad and this is why opposition brings up this issue. It has nothing to do with 'freeing' terrorists from prison. And your last sentence makes me think you are a troll so no more replying to you.
Just because you dont know of the evidence doesnt mean that there is no evidence. There actual videos where demirats himself states that he is supporting independence, PKK's ideology and that Greece is arming the PKK

And about Kavala, didnt the European court attend Kavala's recent case during the last month or two? Ever since the case, amd the European court has been silent on Kavala's issue..... Why I wonder? Probably because they got slapped with the evidence over their faces while attending the hearing right? I mean if the case was a fiasco then why isnt the European court stirring shit up? They recently threatened to expel Turkey before the Kavala case and now they are completely silent? Thats weird dont you think?
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This, even a trial that will get scrutinized from top to bottom for weaknesses is better than none at all. And it has little to do with giving leeway to terrorists but taking away a potential weapon that the EU and certain lobbies can bash Turkey with.
Yet we should still advocate fair trial for everyone no matter what they are accused of because a unfair system will also hit you too sooner or later.


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Someone who called the people in the SE to arm up and resist deserved a place in prison. If Turkish law would be apllied half of the Parliament would sit now in Silivri.


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Those liberal leftist traitors

The CHP wants peace while Greece is already beginning to build anti-tank trenches near the Turkish border
Damn your country has already been captured by Syrians and Afghans.

Greek trenches are not close as danger as Syrian refugees, afghan illegal migrants.

Again someone took Rabbit from hat to disguise the real national security problem.

Just a war with Greece could save current president.

@Vaggos Thank you Greece, keep provacating Türkiye so you and we are one more 5 years with Mr.Erdoğan..
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France Correspondent
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Damn your country has already been captured by Syrians and Afghans.

Greek trenches are not close as danger as Syrian refugees, afghan illegal migrants.

Again someones took Rabbit from hat to disguise the real national security problem.

Just a war with Greece could save current president.
Thank you Greece, keep provacating Türkiye so one more 5 years with Mr.Erdoğan..

Exactly ! Get in a war and this way you can divert people's attention. And take advantage of this by graping even more power. It's a common practice actually. Either way Greece will never attack first.


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Just because you dont know of the evidence doesnt mean that there is no evidence. There actual videos where demirats himself states that he is supporting independence, PKK's ideology and that Greece is arming the PKK

And about Kavala, didnt the European court attend Kavala's recent case during the last month or two? Ever since the case, amd the European court has been silent on Kavala's issue..... Why I wonder? Probably because they got slapped with the evidence over their faces while attending the hearing right? I mean if the case was a fiasco then why isnt the European court stirring shit up? They recently threatened to expel Turkey before the Kavala case and now they are completely silent? Thats weird dont you think?
Someone who called the people in the SE to arm up and resist deserved a place in prison. If Turkish law would be apllied half of the Parliament would sit now in Silivri.
Again, either you make a trial and arrest people according to laws and evidence or you let them free.
You can not hold people captive without a trial.

You guys keep repeating the same and accuse oppostion of treason when they raise these issues even thought you know exactly that they are right with their concerns, you just dont care because its other who suffre from it right now.

But you guys dont understand that you are on the best way of making demirtas a martyr among Kurdish population just like erdo once became a martyr among islamists for way less..

Be careful what you advocate for because this unfair justice system might one day turn against you.


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Again, either you make a trial and arrest people according to laws and evidence or you let them free.
You can not hold people captive without a trial.

You guys keep repeating the same and accuse oppostion of treason when they raise these issues even thought you know exactly that they are right with their concerns, you just dont care because its other who suffre from it right now.

But you guys dont understand that you are on the best way of making demirtas a martyr among Kurdish population just like erdo once became a martyr among islamists for way less..

Be careful what you advocate for because this unfair justice system might one day turn against you.
I'm not against a process that makes his imprisonment officially.

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