TR Politics


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so people have 2 choose either vote for akp which brought giving citizinship to all afghan Iraq Iran Pakistan Egypt and sryans here giving them citizenship so they could rule forever

or vote for chp who wont send them back and willing to change TURKİSH constitution to win election

remember when kılıçdaroğlu visit uk he meet with amberin zaman


If we choose akp, we will lose Turkish identity and need to live with 13 million afgans and syrians and lose our bright generation, or we can choose millet ittifakı candidate and whenever it's candidate make mistake we can throw her/him away from duty since parliament will decide!!

So either we will lose out Turkish identity and lose our generation or choose anyone supported by millet ittifakı when Incase of mismanagement to be toppled!!


21 2,013
meanwhile muharrem ince left chp Mehmet Ali Çelebi join akp Aslı Baykal daugther of Deniz baykal may join akp too and tanju ozcan being fired from chp for 1 year



1 740
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It is better for us you don't vote at all.
We don't need anyone's vote who do not live in Türkiye for our future .
We know who made açılım and who brought feti to power in the past. We know who let 13 million illegals live in Türkiye .. we know who let illegals study at universities instead of our children. We know who destroyed our country's future by spending money for illegals. We know who made our country a hell for it's young people. Better vote for right parties in your country instead of voting for right party's in Türkiye.


1 740
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meanwhile muharrem ince left chp Mehmet Ali Çelebi join akp Aslı Baykal daugther of Deniz baykal may join akp too and tanju ozcan being fired from chp for 1 year

Have you voted for muherrem ince against Erdoğan?? Or were you talking shit about him during elections??
We don't care who joins akp or leave CHP!!
We know that we need to get rid of akp.
Andif you are Azeri, it is not up to an Azeri to tell what is good for Türkiye!!


21 2,013
If we choose akp, we will lose Turkish identity and need to live with 13 million afgans and syrians and lose our bright generation, or we can choose millet ittifakı candidate and whenever it's candidate make mistake we can throw her/him away from duty since parliament will decide!!
First of all CHP wont send them back the only party who says (idk whether they can ) is zafer part , and the so called empower parliamentary system is not just parliamentary system its removing first 4 item of constitutions in other word no Ataturk this country is not Turkish country the official language is not Turkish and no more secularism i cant say yes to this
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1 740
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first of all chp wont send them back the only party who says (idk whether they can ) is zafer part , and the so called empower parliamentary system is not just parliamentary system its removing first 4 item of constitutions in other word no Ataturk this country is not Turkish country the official language is not Turkish and no more secularism i cant say yes to this
How could you say that CHP won't send them back???
Especially all people supporting iyi party and major part of CHP supporters hate from illegals??
We need to get rid of akp for our future and to keep Turkish identity.
Don't post lies!!


21 2,013
@Fighter_35 first of all om not turkish citizen im turkmen i cant vote beside this is a free website and we are all free to talk about politics i have to remained you that im a objective person so i dont take any party above criticism . idk what to say to you , i just showing you whats going on inside chp and the fact that kk is doing some shady stuff and you write back o akp this and akp that its remaind me of this video of erilk
o we can do this cuz akp have done that in the past etc . no NO NO what is wrong is wrong if akp doing it i would called it out too but i will also call it out if chp is doing it , things akp done is crystal clear to all they cant escape from it but chp trying to cover what they are doing with ypg and more importantly empower parliamentary system while they remove 4 first item of constitution, i knew this since 2020 , no ataturk ,no turkish country, no offical turkish language ,and no secularism . im informing you abut things that neither atv nor halktv will show you , and you come back at me with what ??
It is better for us you don't vote at all.
We don't need anyone's vote who do not live in Türkiye for our future .
Have you voted for muherrem ince against Erdoğan?? Or were you talking shit about him during elections??
Andif you are Azeri, it is not up to an Azeri to tell what is good for Türkiye!!

If you are chp member then it is your duty to research and question your leaders action otherwise you are no different then akpeons try to be objective and if they are doing some shady things its up to you to force them to give you what you want , sadly here in turkey we dont have news channels but rather propaganda channels doesn't matter whether its halktv or atv they are both are same .
Im giving you an alternative media out of this . watch these videos and then read my comment again

How could you say that CHP won't send them back???
CHP had integration report back in 2016 thats why . like i said the only party who are focusing on 13 million illigals is zafer party and idk how ümit özdağ will send them back
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21 2,013
Have you voted for muherrem ince against Erdoğan?? Or were you talking shit about him during elections??

@Fighter_35 and to finish this up im very mad at muharrem ince ,Mehmet Ali Çelebi and Aslı Baykal for leaveing and surrendering chp to likes of canan kaftançioğlu (whom is anti turkish and anti atatürk) ,tanju ozcan is doing the right thing by staying and fighting those leeches whom infiltered the chp



21 2,013
My question is why people are being force either to vote for akp or chp wtf man why can we change/ control the behavior of the politicians to give us what we want , instead they do what they to want behind close doors
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I dont know why but I still do believe that the US had a hand in the recent Istanbul bombing. I know many dont like Soylu but seriously it slowly starts to feel that the US certainly had a hand in the recent sad event

Sorry but who let those terrorist enter to This country with out controls???
Whose fault is this??
Any country can be behind of this attack, the point is stay state should save it's citizens and to do that, a state can not let many foreigners enter to country with out detailed checks!!


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I never once thought that Umit Ozdag would say this 😱😱😱
And here I thought that he was a true nationalist but it seems that the mask he wore had fallen down! I truly thought he would be the new patriotic hero that Turkey needs.... sadly.... another US agent it seems.

No offense but all Turkish politicians are assholes..... the recent Istanbul bombing that took the life of an innocent 3-years old girl and its own country wont even fight to get her revenge! All the politicians threw her rights away to please the mighty US and the only one who said he will fight against the PKK keeps saying "we will come one night" for the past 2 to 3 years.... truly shameful

Victory Party Chairman Ümit Özdağ demanded the use of "diplomatic" tools instead of operations against the terrorist organization PKK/YPG.

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As of June 2022, there are 466105 Syrians who can vote in the next elections. Note that citizenship giveaways to Syrians increased a lot in 2022 and we can expect 1 million Syrian voters in the next elections. This is Syrians alone, there are a sizeable amount of voters from other nationalities. 1 million Syrian voters mean probably something like 3-4 million Syrians who have Turkish IDs.



France Correspondent
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As of June 2022, there are 466105 Syrians who can vote in the next elections. Note that citizenship giveaways to Syrians increased a lot in 2022 and we can expect 1 million Syrian voters in the next elections. This is Syrians alone, there are a sizeable amount of voters from other nationalities. 1 million Syrian voters mean probably something like 3-4 million Syrians who have Turkish IDs.


Notice how many of them are registered in cities neighboring Syria. Don’t be surprised if they ask autonomy in 10-15 years.


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I never once thought that Umit Ozdag would say this 😱😱😱
And here I thought that he was a true nationalist but it seems that the mask he wore had fallen down! I truly thought he would be the new patriotic hero that Turkey needs.... sadly.... another US agent it seems.

No offense but all Turkish politicians are assholes..... the recent Istanbul bombing that took the life of an innocent 3-years old girl and its own country wont even fight to get her revenge! All the politicians threw her rights away to please the mighty US and the only one who said he will fight against the PKK keeps saying "we will come one night" for the past 2 to 3 years.... truly shameful

Victory Party Chairman Ümit Özdağ demanded the use of "diplomatic" tools instead of operations against the terrorist organization PKK/YPG.

Dude, this is a gross exaggeration of what he said. He literally just said that he hates seeing men in their 20s dying for no gain. He said that when possible, diplomacy should be used. He DID NOT say that diplomacy should be used with PKK/YPG.

EHA Medya is lying, even some of the replies are exposing them.


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Dude, this is a gross exaggeration of what he said. He literally just said that he hates seeing men in their 20s dying for no gain. He said that when possible, diplomacy should be used. He DID NOT say that diplomacy should be used with PKK/YPG.

EHA Medya is lying, even some of the replies are exposing them.
How is that any better?
The fact that Umit Ozdag STILL believes of the possibility of talks either between the Syrian regime or the PKK just speaks of his naivety just like Erdogan, AKP, CHP, and iYi; in other words, he isnt any better

For a quick history lesson, ever since the founding of the PKK and the Assad family have been supporting it even though it was made by its arch-enemy, the US. Have you ever questioned why? It is simply because the political elite of Syria still believes that majority of the areas of eastern Turkey actually belongs to Syria and that it was unlawfully taken away starting with Hatay! Therefore, PKK is the perfect tool to meet such goals

There is a reason why Assad dont want to talk to Erdogan; Erdogan is the currently the only one within the Turkish political class who wont withdraw from Syria while all the other politicians have voiced their consent to do so..... even with Umit Ozdag, lets say they initiated talks under Umit Ozdag rule, what do you think Assad will ask from him? Simply to get out of Syria and the first thing that he will do after obtaining such territories back is giving it back to the PKK and this will reinitiate the terrorist bombings that occured once or twice every month within Turkey from 2011-2016

The same mistakes will just repeat itself and this isnt a good sign. I truly wanted Umit Ozdag to be the new leader of a new generation but with his belief of diplomacy with Assad still rooted, then Turkey is poised to suffer again and again

Although, thanks for clarifiying what EHA Media tried to cover👍

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