TR Politics


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It’s a kind of a game/competition and right now, CHP doesn’t play well. So, you can vote for a winner team or for a looser team . But what a team should never ever do is, insulting the voters who can take you in powers.
We are not playing game, and people in Türkiye are fed up with akp and alamancis. So we don't need alamancis and we can insult idiots. ,they have no understanding ability so it is better to insult and show them their level

Note: alamanci is redneck akp supporters abroad, excluding meaningful and brilliant Turkish people living abroad


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Like dealing with PKK , letting PKK armours pass through the Türkiye and peace deals?? or reading Öcalan letters??
Don't worry ,no one can pass akp in making deals with PKK or HDP.
And we will not stop voting for opposition due some shit MPs in CHP or iyiparty. We know what akp members told for feto, for tsk etc.
They even talked shit for our soldiers ,blaming them stopping PKK deals

Just watch and see what akp did!!
If you have face , you would not talk but you have none.

What a genius trick (Maybe by H.Fidan). You don’t have the furthest to see this. You are a typical Türkiye Turk. I don’t want to blame you or insult. But most people in our country lack on education and enlightenment.


What a genius trick (Maybe by H.Fidan). You don’t have the furthest to see this. You are a typical Türkiye Turk. I don’t want to blame you or insult. But most people in our country lack on education and enlightenment.
At least we didn't left our country


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Yeah,let's sell thy too !!
They sold everything for peanuts!!
They sold lands to Arabs and get some money, since that ares will be valuable due new canal. And you think this is fair??
you know nothing , especially privatization is mostly good but when you make it in fair. And what about big hospitals and new bridges?? All have state guarantee and are paid in dolar.
They normally cost let's say 5 billion dollars but they build it 10-15 billion dollars and they use state banks credits!! So instead of making our state rich, we are making some 5 gangsters rich!! Yeah so fair.
After akp, you will see what dirty deals they have made!!
Those deals were also done before AKP and will continue to be done after AKP. This is the sad reality unfortunately.


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I don’t left my country, too.
Yeah i know but you are still irritating people of this country, the real ones, the ones that actually live in this land and suffers. The only time you will have an equal say in this topic is when germany kicks you out. Because thats the only way you would live in your beloved turkey.
So stop playing the turkish patriot that has kurulu duzen in germany so that he cant come back to the motherland.

and you have spine to call real turkish people uneducated for not believing islamist bullshit and propaganda. Disgusting...


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Those deals were also done before AKP and will continue to be done after AKP. This is the sad reality unfortunately.
If you are not good with math, yeah they are same. If you have slight nowledge over math you would know that the corruption of akp times are magnitudes bigger than what old goverments did. Its not even comparable.


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And, we know who fucked up our country by filling syrians, afgans and many shits from many 3rd world countries!!
And, we know who fucked up our country by filling syrians, afgans and many shits from many 3rd world countries!!
It is a bit weird but those people you mention will probably vote for the good of the country they live in. But some sizeable portion of our people currently are voting for a party that wants Turkey to be destroyed. Of course, I am against these migrants and want them to return to their countries. But what about the above portion?


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If you are not good with math, yeah they are same. If you have slight nowledge over math you would know that the corruption of akp times are magnitudes bigger than what old goverments did. Its not even comparable.
Dont get me wrong I wasn’t trying to defend AKP in any way. It is just to let out my frustration over our past, current, and future administrations. Btw. I studied stochastic calculus so my math is not that bad!


It is a bit weird but those people you mention will probably vote for the good of the country they live in. But some sizeable portion of our people currently are voting for a party that wants Turkey to be destroyed. Of course, I am against these migrants and want them to return to their countries. But what about the above portion?
AKP is a EU puppet everyone knows thats lets not forget how they are only arresting Turks but don't touch non turks Is this for the good of the country


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I know it looks like im spamming but im quite angry. Firstly these chp statements are extremely stupid and i hope one they after coalition win the elections chp can clean itself. BUT i always say the same thing, “HDP ates olsa curmu kadar yer yakar” same goes for PKK. The biggest threat to this country is not HDP or PKK or FETO at the moment, İts AKP. They do everything to destroy it in the long term and this election is our last chance


The funeral of the rapist Syrian who was killed in Hatay today turned into a show of strength just like the funerals in Palestine. Takbir was brought at the funeral and vows of revenge were made The Syrians threatened the Turks in Turkey. This event has been the living proof of what kind of security crisis Turkey is in. Like it or not, accept it or not, from now on, this issue is no longer up for discussion. The only thing that can definitively solve the refugee problem in Turkey is the harsh policies of Umut Özdağ. This issue is no longer resolved voluntarily and sweetly.

Im not using rapist as a Insult he tried to harras a woman and got stabbed.

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The funeral of the rapist Syrian who was killed in Hatay today turned into a show of strength just like the funerals in Palestine. Takbir was brought at the funeral and vows of revenge were made The Syrians threatened the Turks in Turkey. This event has been the living proof of what kind of security crisis Turkey is in. Like it or not, accept it or not, from now on, this issue is no longer up for discussion. The only thing that can definitively solve the refugee problem in Turkey is the harsh policies of Umut Özdağ. This issue is no longer resolved voluntarily and sweetly.
I am 100% for Ümit Özdag but people won’t vote for him. CHP will follow less radical policies to appease the west, and get some economic benefits in the short term. But even without syrian refugees, Turks would have been in minority in this country in 50 years. So we are discussing in vain, actually.


I am 100% for Ümit Özdag but people won’t vote for him. CHP will follow less radical policies to appease the west, and get some economic benefits in the short term. But even without syrian refugees, Turks would have been in minority in this country in 50 years. So we are discussing in vain, actually.


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Yeah i know but you are still irritating people of this country, the real ones, the ones that actually live in this land and suffers. The only time you will have an equal say in this topic is when germany kicks you out. Because thats the only way you would live in your beloved turkey.
So stop playing the turkish patriot that has kurulu duzen in germany so that he cant come back to the motherland.

and you have spine to call real turkish people uneducated for not believing islamist bullshit and propaganda. Disgusting...
I was born in Germany, so it was not my decision to be here. I have same rights as you have, because I am turkish citizen. You may suffer more than me in our homeland, but this is not my problem. I can add that I may invest more in Turkey, that you will ever be able. But this is not the point here. On top of that, I dont call you uneducated because of religion issues -as an atheist, I dont care-, I do it, because I know you. Their is no different between Kemalists and Islamists.

One more thing, one day I will return home. Be glad that you have that gurbetci. Without us, Europeans would eat you out.


I was born in Germany, so it was not my decision to be here. I have same rights as you have, because I am turkish citizen. You may suffer more than me in our homeland, but this is not my problem. I can add that I may invest more in Turkey, that you will ever be able. But this is not the point here. On top of that, I dont call you uneducated because of religion issues -as an atheist, I dont care-, I do it, because I know you. Their is no different between Kemalists and Islamists.

One more thing, one day I will return home. Be glad that you have that gurbetci. Without us, Europeans would eat you out.
without gurbetcis erdogan votes would have been lower
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