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general hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu asking general çetin doğan whether hilmi ozkok a member of tarikat since he is next in line to become chief of general staff which çetin doğan mistakenly identify him as conservative which lead to fetö to return to army after 2002


general necdet özel architect of 15 temmuz become chief of general staff with the help of erdogan ofc after erdogan kick arrest retire everyone except him and he promot all the fetö members to important places

general engin alan saying everybody arrested in air, sea and land forces academy except for necdet özel

engin alan the national hero of turkey didn't stand up when erdogan came then erdogan arrested him to please PKK during oslo negations

hilmi özkok saying during my time 2002 to 2006 being member of fetö was not a crime compeletly ignoring general ismail hakkı karadayi 1992-1997 action during 28 şubat were he kick around 230 fetö member and perpared 600 pages long report about tarikat of fetullah gulen and their relationship with CIA as well as the fact general hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu 1998-2002 where fetullah gulen had to flee turkey and general hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu putted on US's list of human right violator for looking at fetullah gulen's tarikat
Mate, how old are you? You keep spamming cringe stuff in here.


15 1,655
Mate, how old are you? You keep spamming cringe stuff in here.
i put political history of army and turkey from 90s all the way to 2013 if you find it cringe maybe you are not old enough to remember the tayyipçi fetöcu iktar of 2002 to 2013 and the opening kozmik oda as well as peace process with PKK which i did not today islamist demanding the removal of first 4 item of constitutions is the continuation of same jihad since 90s from time of erbakan where they wanted a regime change and the irony is the fact the Graham E. Fuller the former head of Turkey's CIA was the first guy who suggested the first 4 item need to be change and islamist following his wishes

for everything that i claimed i put a video to prove my point you better watch all of it before quoting me

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