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general hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu asking general çetin doğan whether hilmi ozkok a member of tarikat since he is next in line to become chief of general staff which çetin doğan mistakenly identify him as conservative which lead to fetö to return to army after 2002


general necdet özel architect of 15 temmuz become chief of general staff with the help of erdogan ofc after erdogan kick arrest retire everyone except him and he promot all the fetö members to important places

general engin alan saying everybody arrested in air, sea and land forces academy except for necdet özel

engin alan the national hero of turkey didn't stand up when erdogan came then erdogan arrested him to please PKK during oslo negations

hilmi özkok saying during my time 2002 to 2006 being member of fetö was not a crime compeletly ignoring general ismail hakkı karadayi 1992-1997 action during 28 şubat were he kick around 230 fetö member and perpared 600 pages long report about tarikat of fetullah gulen and their relationship with CIA as well as the fact general hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu 1998-2002 where fetullah gulen had to flee turkey and general hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu putted on US's list of human right violator for looking at fetullah gulen's tarikat
Mate, how old are you? You keep spamming cringe stuff in here.


15 1,663
Mate, how old are you? You keep spamming cringe stuff in here.
i put political history of army and turkey from 90s all the way to 2013 if you find it cringe maybe you are not old enough to remember the tayyipçi fetöcu iktar of 2002 to 2013 and the opening kozmik oda as well as peace process with PKK which i did not today islamist demanding the removal of first 4 item of constitutions is the continuation of same jihad since 90s from time of erbakan where they wanted a regime change and the irony is the fact the Graham E. Fuller the former head of Turkey's CIA was the first guy who suggested the first 4 item need to be change and islamist following his wishes

for everything that i claimed i put a video to prove my point you better watch all of it before quoting me


15 1,663

@somegoodusername to add to you knowledge watch the video above about army's report about how US and Germany are supporting their elements as privet islamist NGO in order to overthrow the regime. the common purpose of irtica actives is about weakening turkish state breaking turkey apart and change the constitutions which would lead to regime change. thus when army focused on PKK in 90s , islamist in germany mock Turkish state that they are too busy dealing with PKK that they dont have time for us. report also ask half of the existing resources that are spend on PKK to repurpose to combat the threat of irtica

this lead to creation of batı group çalişmasi and doğu group çalişmasi where batı group çalişmasi deal with threat of irtica while doğu group çalişmasi deal with PKK
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fetöcu bület arinç deputy of prime minister erdogan says : saying "sayin öcalan" is no longer a crime carring flag of PKK and poster of Öcalan is no longer a crime even Turkey's system should be like this federalism and democracy no none of them no longer a crime now all those who were in jail for these crime ( PKK terrorist ) are now released from prison and no longer will recive any court order

speaker : some people talking bout the öcalan to be moved into house arrest
fetöcu bület arinç deputy of prime minister erdogan says : say friends are saying that maybe with mapped path or putting in the que of the things that are need to be done and start with PKK giving up their weapons

spoiler's alert they didn't drop their weapons all those PKK terrorist that AKP released later re join and kill our police and soldiers

fetöcu bület arinç deputy of prime minister erdogan accousing anyone who is saying no the the peace process with PKK to be " expiloter of terrorism ( he meaning the army )" and saying they ( army ) wants to bombs etc. look at this traitor how he is not executed for treasons idkİnsanlar_Heyeti

the famous akil people made up actors/actress singers journalist etc who were suppose to convince people for the peace process among the hilal kaplan the famous pelikanci who recived award for calling turkish state armenian geonocider and calling öcalan a secret muslim but turkish army a murderer.

they later forced open the kozmik oda were name of 848 turkish spy revealed and later murderd

now we are going through another peace process as so called nationalist devlet bahçeli visited DEM ,CHP were ok with it even before the election and i remember meral akşener also talked about federalism before the presidential election
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ORG. Hasan IĞSIZ arrested by traitors for fighting Fetö

the media's attack on army as well as şehit families they never get punished for that

at 1:10:39 erlik explain the new peace process including teaching all the element school courses ( math physics etc) in Kurdish up to 8th grade , freeing öcalan etc and malum şahis is ok with all of it

AKP-MHP and PKK negotiations
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15 1,663

at 0:0 a son of a şehit crying that the terrorist are being released and erdogan dont give a shit

at 0:28 another son of şehit showing the coffin of his father to his friend and saying look that is my dad

at 0:38 a turkish officer crying over the coffin of his brother saying this is a son of the nation at age 32 who is the murderer of him ?? those who say peace process where are you ?? they later call those who are against peace process a vampire who feed on the blood of şehits

at 1:02 father of şehit cleaning the tears of his son's squad mate and saying to him " dont cry if you cry the enemy will laugh "

at 1:19 another şehit's daughter crying over the coffin of his father

at 1:23 now with the new law that AKP pass carrying flag of PKK and poster of Öcalan is no longer a crime PKK sympathizers took the opportunity to humiliated now handcuffed army in the street knowingly nothing will happen to them as long as AKP is there

at 1:33 the terrorist osman öcalan brother of abdullah öcalan who had red warning from Interpol police, brought to TRT tv by AKP

at 1:40 a Kurdish singer saying öcalan is a father of freedom and terrorist is turkish government at the next scene he is shacking hand of erdogan

at 1:10 a gazi soldier who protesting the peace process and lost his leg break his Certificate of appreciation by army

at 1:18 mother of a şehit protesting the peace process

at 1:31 now that the islamist took over the took all the army hospitals from army and gave it to the health ministry. islamist in order to please their PKK ally close the doors of the hospitals on turkish soldiers by keep delaying their treatment

at 1:42 a mother of şehit saying why our children are buried under ground while their murderers are freed from prison

muharrem ince talk about peace process and protest it from the parliament

@Ryder @GoatsMilk just refreshing your memories for the coming referendum


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Cycle is turned again : AKP-MHP alliance trying to restart second peace process to fix relationship with West and economy of course.Looks like CHP going againts it now ? I dont know i am tired of this shit.

Bonus :

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Its insulting how Abdullah Ocalan was protected by Turkish soldiers if the reports are true.

How many power does Ocalan even hold?

The man is only symbolic nothing else. Cant believe it that a terrorist head is being treated to a holiday house with comfort and food.

Turkiyes justice system and its political system is broke. Thats why the murders are increasing along with crime.

Turkish government does more to protect criminals than its own citizens. There is no revolt or politicians being held accountable because the Turkish public treat politicians and political parties like a football team. Regardless of the bad they do they are never held accountable.


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I think it's more like an informal public opinion polling, trying to gauge tolerance. I think now that the feedback was negative, they are gonna do it behind closed doors as much as possible and try to propagandize their base to convince them it isn't happening.

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