They disobeyed orders, but since ATATÜRK was mentioned they made a big fuss about it.
How about we let him rest in peace and try to make new heroes? But no, we have to be stuck in the past and divide people by pro / anti ATATÜRK. The pro ones are getting labled as anti religion and the anti ones are getting labeled as islamists.
Milli Savunma Bakanlığı kaynakları, Kara Harp Okulundaki mezuniyet töreninde teğmenlerin resmi olmayan yeminine ilişkin "Mesele kılıç çatmak değil, sadece disiplinsizliktir" dedi.
You do have point there.
As usual us Turks are too fixated on the Ottomans and Ataturk.
I do believe we should move on. We shouldnt be fixated on the past. You cant carve a future while remaining fixated on the past.
Ottoman Empire is dead and Ataturk is dead. Let them rest in peace. Even today Muslims are calling for Salahuddin Ayubi to come back to liberate Palestine. They are dead. Move on.
They dont teach history fair in Turkiye. They focus more on the Ottoman Empire's fck ups than its successes.
If you learn a 600 year old empire and focus on its fck ups more than successes no wonder people are negative. Every empire in the end collapsed due to its fck ups. But in Australia we learn more about how successful the British were than its screw ups.
Roman Empire is a 1000 year old you cant compound it to oh look Christianity ruined the empire.
You teach both of its successes and its screw ups. Thats how you get a fair balance.
I forgot too Shias and Alevis are so fixated on the battle of Karbala. Move on its been 1000 years.