Every day I understand the virtues of capital punishment more and more.
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Binali Yildirim: —There are Kurds, Turks, Assyrians, Abkhazians and Circassians in these lands; the definition of citizenship can be revised. —Authority can be transferred to local governments. —The way must be opened for Erdoğan to run for President again.
@Ryder look at these traitors
I remember a while back, some members were criticising a video while claiming that some elements of the Turkish military have deteriorated, and I was wondering if there is any truth to this Nordic monitor article? Also, just how trustworthy is the Nordic monitor i feel like i heared of them before but i cann't remember wear?
Okay, so it's just bullshit, then, thanks.Its ran by islamist feto members and pkk affiliates. So basically western controlled. Anyone who hates Turks and Turkiye will write for them. AK party including erdogan were basically feto's child. They may have had a falling out but the hatred of the "Turk" is common between both them.
Okay, so it's just bullshit, then, thanks.
This guy gets arrested all the time lol I bet he's got his own blanket in the precinct cell
oh god they even arrested this guy.. he does street interviews
Bears repeating.I remember around 2010s I as a teenager knew what kind of mentality Islamists have and how they will act the second they see themselves safe from military coups. I said they will try to turn the country into Iran, and people laughed basing their judgment on their actions at that period of time; having no clue about the overwhelming hold a messianic and apocalyptic ideology obsessed with the afterlife can have on the minds of people born into; they didn't know that the processes which will turn the country into Iran, will also transform populace like a boiling frog, creating new normals and wiping out memories of past normals, at which point when a complete transformation is achieved they will not know they are living in it. They were fooled by their Takkiye of their liberal phase and they are still fooled now. Looking at their attitudes now, I have very little doubt that election frauds have been happening when losing elections has mattered a little too much; I think we're deluding ourselves if we believe these guys will leave with elections. They have completely hollowed out the armed forces, making all manners of promotion depend on political will just for the days that will come.