And Lool right on time to run interference for AKP’s stupidity…
>The arrested Mayor of Beylikdüzü will probably become an informant.
>He is the person who told many people in Ankara months before this operation, "Save me, I committed a crime together with İmamoğlu, but İmamoğlu made me do it."
>The IMM staff gave the files to the state and carried out an operation on Rıza Akpolat Rıza Akpolat became a confessor and aired all of İmamoğlu's dirty laundry.
>He wrote a 40-page confession, 40 pages. If you are looking for operatives, look at the men within the CHP. The operatives are there.
Because it just doesnt add up nor even make sense. I would have agreed with everything you stated if the target of the arrest was Mansur Yavas and not ImamogluDude, why are you wasting your time with posting fabricated lies in here... Nobody here reads them or believes them. Even the AKP supporters (at least those with working brain cells and some honestly left in their souls) know that this arrest is nothing but farce.
The whole world knows that Erdogan and AKP are afraid... They are scared because their time is running out and they can't ever beat Imamoglu in an election. And they know it very well.
Turkish students who protest this injustice get beaten, shot with plastic bullets, tear gas meanwhile kekos waving terrorist flags, singing terrorist songs while dressed like terrorists in Nevruz aren't touched.
Is their anything more hypocritical and shameless than AKP and their sheeps?
Smart and responsible person does not waste over 25 billion dollars in taxpayer money in just 3 days does it? Look everyone here knows you’re some kind of troll and actually don’t care about facts or what happens to the people of Turkiye.What I want to say is that Erdogan isnt an idiot nor are his advisors and if he wanted to, there would be a plethora of ways that would provide better results than the one being implemented rn. That is why I believe that Erdogan/police does actually have some serious evidence against Imamoglu and his circle and that is why Erdogan went ahead with Imamoglu's arrest probably to try and take Istanbul from the CHP's clutches
he was lawyer of PKK failed sucied bombers, protector of adnan oktar pedophlia sex tarikat and like a axe he cut every police and army members during ergenekon and balyoz trails in court while defending PKK he also was planning the legal way to bring öcalan to house arrest then make new pro PKK constitution i hate erdogan but this one is one of the rare thing he did right !Varan Üüüüüçççç!!!!
“BREAKING NEWS | Istanbul 2nd Civil Court of First Instance suspended Istanbul Bar Association President İbrahim Kaboğlu and the bar association management from office.”
I know some of you will say he deserved it because of their alignment with DEM and everything but this is not the realm of a government.
They’re literally stampeding over every corner of civilian democracy.
Because it just doesnt add up nor even make sense. I would have agreed with everything you stated if the target of the arrest was Mansur Yavas and not Imamoglu
According to recent polls, the difference between Erdogan and Imamoglu is ranging from 5-15%. Considering that the elections are 4 years away, such a gap can be easily bridged especially when it is well-known how the AKP overspends to buy voters. Moreover, I would like to remind you that Erdogan won his previous election even though the country experienced an earthquake that resulted in the deaths of more than 50k citizens just 2-3 months before the elections. Moreover unlike the previous election, the AKP is trying to make peace with the DEM a**holes and if it succeeds then it means around 8% of the votes would be in the bag. With simple approximation; adding AKP's (around 30%) With MHP's (around 8%) and DEM's (around 9%) equals around 47% while the CHP only has a stable base of 29-32%. This means that by doing nothing, Erdo would win the next election one way pr the other
In addition to that, Imamoglu is the weakest candidate of the 2 possible competitors from the CHP's roster; if we went with your theory and that it is nothing more than oppression out of fear, then the ideal choice is to either jail both Imamoglu and Mansur Yavas or at the very least Yavas alone since he is someone that is both liked by the Right and the Left as well as being more "CLEAN" than Imamoglu at the very least
Thus, it doesnt make sense to jail the weaker candidate and honestly the most incompetent among the two while keeping the strongest alive and even giving him a boost
What I want to say is that Erdogan isnt an idiot nor are his advisors and if he wanted to, there would be a plethora of ways that would provide better results than the one being implemented rn. That is why I believe that Erdogan/police does actually have some serious evidence against Imamoglu and his circle and that is why Erdogan went ahead with Imamoglu's arrest probably to try and take Istanbul from the CHP's clutches