Erdoğan's army of trolls keep trying to undermine the protests by representing it as a radical leftist uprising. Similar to Gezi Park protests, which were hijacked by separtist leftist groups and Erdoğan's old friend Gülen (FETÖ)
This time it's much different
The radical left regime in Turkiye is AK party. People on the right believe in personal liberty, freedom of religion, limited government. Its leftist ideologies that demand complete and total state control of everything, where the collective matters more then the individual. With the "collective" representing what's best for the government.
A big trick the left/marxists do is to change the meanings of words. For example "secularism" is basically this "Secularism, at its core, is the principle of separating religion from the state and public life, ensuring that government does not favor any particular religion and that all citizens are treated equally, regardless of their beliefs or lack thereof."
It means you are free to believe what you want and you are also free not to believe anything. The leftist pusdeo Islamists had tried to condition the people that "secularim" means you hate Islam or that you hate Muslims. When in reality most Muslims of Turkiye are secular people. Its a simlar trick they did with nationalist or patriots, people who respect and will defend the state and her people, into meaning racists or far right extremists.
Psuedo Islamism is basically marxism for dummies/muslims.
Not to mention its leftists that demand the flooding of nations with migrants as a way to expand the size of the social state, with each migrant being a vote towards socialism. While also using them to attack patriotism, national and cultural values. AK party is an extreme left party.
Listen Muslims, these people if they get to a position where they cannot be challenged, they will even subvert and destroy the faith. As for Turks, you have to reclaim the religion, meaning you need to know it better then "Lawrence of Arabia" otherwise it will be used against the Muslim people by enemies of the state. This doesnt mean you have to be religious, you just need to know it better then the enemy so that you can counter their subversions and manipulations.