TR Politics

Angry Turk !!!

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Turkey doesn't need to actively fuck such countries to be taken seriously.
It bothers them more when they are ignored, everyone knows that Greece are absolute cowards who hide behind other countries and they know that best themselves.
Countries that really have capacity and are powerful don't bark.
Nor do they go to other countries and beg for these or those (weapons) not to be delivered to Turkey.
I agree but the point still stands. Turks need to become stronger, more vicious in their mindset. More united against EVERY danger to the Country.

China is a good example.


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I agree but the point still stands. Turks need to become stronger, more vicious in their mindset. More united against EVERY danger to the Country.

China is a good example.

Then I'll quote myself:
Erdogan is not the ideal politician for Turkey and yes he is running a one man show, and yes he is an autocrat like Trump, Putin & Xi Jinping.
But for me he is MOMETANELY without alternative the other politicians are lame ducks, they have no foreign policy expertise, you would play ping pong and 7D chess with them in international politics and their own dynamics and complexities at the same time and Imamoglu would always be the loser or would bend. Erdogan is more resistant because he has created a network of foreign policy ties and dependencies over two decades. I simply don't trust Imamoglu to be able to protect Turkish interests in the long term.
Then Charisma and an understanding of democracy alone will not be enough to keep Turkey afloat internationally.

Imamoglu would have or would work in peacetime to build a foundation in Turkey.
But we are seeing a turning point in history, with power blocs shifting or dissolving. The USA no longer wants to share power and no longer wants to play world police, it has become a hard-nosed transaction-based government, China is on a confrontational course with the USA. Russia is playing its own game with Europe. The world has never been so insecure and destabilized as it is now as a whole power structure.
But you all know better than I do, and I'm on the wrong track.....


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Democracy is a complete farce. Thoroughly vulnerable to manipulation by foreign entities, and internal interest groups. Prone to demagoguery.

The Chinese say it best that every country needs to formulate political structures which fit their context. Turks for example, imo, should have a government centered on military dictatorship / tutelage. The best Turks will always materialize in a soldiers uniform, not in a politicians suit.

its always funny when someone speaks like that while living the best countries such as, let me check.. Canada.


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Greeks basing their entire cultural and social existence on their hate of Turks is great tbh. Not even a loving wife thinks of her husband as much as the Greek thinks of the Turk.


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AKP is trying to send in far-left provocateurs to delegitimize the protests.. getting super desperate 😅


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its always funny when someone speaks like that while living the best countries such as, let me check.. Canada.
Yeah, Canada. You may not know about Canada, but just about no one here considers this country to be well governed. A bunch of incompetents are slowly but surely driving this country into the ground at both the Provincial and Federal level.....

Capitalism drives prosperity, albeit imperfectly. Democracy doesn't even exist in a country like Canada, its just a carefully managed rubber stamping and consent-gathering process while most of the decisions regarding resource allocations take place in the private sector.
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Think Tank Analyst
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Who the fuck gave this an "excellent post" rating and why are they a TTA?
I do not participate in discussions concerning Turkey's internal affairs. I am not a Turkish citizen, so I avoid discussing Turkish politicians, especially opposition ones. I consider it inappropriate. I fully agree with our colleague's post about Turkey's foreign policy. By the way, if you do not know, we act in concert with Turkey on many foreign policy issues.
This is a forum. Here everyone can share their thoughts and evaluate the opinions of others.

(Surağınızdın ekinşi böliqi mağan arnalmağan. Sondıktan, ruksatınız bolsa, jayapsız kaldıramın)
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You can't turn a secular nation into one ruled by sharia law overnight. That worked in Iran with the efforts of western intelligence, but would never work in Türkiye due to multiple factors, one of which was and still is to a small extent, the military.

Why do you think the CIA made FETÖ creep into the military?

Erdoğan has been slowly chipping away at secularism, but has failed. The population, the youth in particular, is too well educated in the age of the internet. Erdoğan removed subjects such as evolution from school curriculums and replaced them with mandatory religious subjects... but this backfired and youth wants nothing to do with Islam.

The overwhelming majority of ethnic Muslim Turks are secular minded people, they really don't believe in religion being forced on anyone. Even when you look at the Ottoman empire, despite being the Caliphate and leader of the Islamic world there was next to no efforts to force anyone non-Muslim to become Muslim, outside the Sultans personal bodyguards.

This is a primary reason why the Turkish state has been flooded with many MENA type peoples, these people are far easier to manipulate and drag into a sharia state.

Just look at the damage done to the republic in allowing millions of Kurdish refugees into the nation over the last 40 years? 2 to 4 million Kurds flee Iraq into Turkiye, they they start calling that land Kurdistan and become affiliates to the PKK terrorists. Could you imagine if such a thing took place in the EU, a million italians cross into France and then start calling the parts they reside in Italy or vice versa.

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