If the global Zionist agenda is to destroy Muslims then you have to radicalise them. Make them fanatical like the wahhabists, make them incompatible with the rest of the world. Make them violent and intellectually bankrupt. I know in England Muslims are generally despised, for the most part their behaviour over here played into the hands of the enemy. In general no-one non-Muslim likes Muslims. In fact the common non-Muslim generally sees Islam as a backward and barbaric religion. The common Turk must not allow himself to be brainwashed by this neo-wahhabist agenda taking place in all the mosques across the UK.
In a way we see the repeat of the British backed wahhabist movements against the Ottoman state. Play the oppressed victim and then claim the "secular Turk" is an enemy of Islam. Just like they claimed the Ottoman caliph and the Turks were Kafirs in order to arouse the arabs to revolt against the Ottomans. Today the Arabs belong to the white man in their entirety. All the holy sites are under Anglo-American control. Saudi is no more then a British/American vassal.
Because at the end of the day the international banking system is owned and controlled by non-Muslims. Nearly the entire globes major defence industries are non-Muslim. Most of the international media is controlled by the non-Muslim or the ones that appear Muslim controlled are no more then Vassals to the Anglo-American world. What matters is what you own and control, not how many you number. The Jews show Muslims very well what 20 million people highly organised and determined can do against 1.5 billion Muslims who for the most part produce and invent nothing except radical ideologies and behavioural patterns.
Muslims are being set up and like the Marxists love to do, they always manipulate the abundance of useful idiots to operate against their own interests. If the common Muslim behaved like the common Turkish Cypriot Muslims here in the UK, it would be near impossible to dehumanise these people and their faith.
It is why Ataturk republicanism (secularism, cohesive nationalism) route for Turkiye has served it so well....and bought an incredible amount of respect from larger world in both realpolitik realised way, intellectual and moral essence/ideological way (from those that "get" things in bigger picture).
This is also why/how things get built up subversion pressure if proper care is not taken at critical points of time regarding the republic...and before you know it you got large block of religious bigot numpties that emotionally scapegoat and delude themselves each weakness/fault is indicative of the republic (and Ataturk by extension)....and throw baby out with bathwater on everything that matters to the republic. i.e what percentage of Turks are directly "umtards" themselves or held in some ideological sway/coercion to them....or some frivolous political transactionalism, what have you.
India sadly experiencing same thing in its own context, religious majoritarian bigots are a real corrupt cultish disease as they are anti-reality, anti-republic and anti-constitution and go for "might is right" in their delusional fancy and know nothing of the damage they do when their political prima donnas and triumphalist crap is able to take power to inflict things on the whole to degree they can. Where everything then relies on resistance to this and wishing for less squandering from the better-minded political leaders to have done a far better job upstream to not give any room for this cascade to have taken effect.
One key difference though is that the Hinduism (and thus Hindutva which is the equivalent to Islamism) largely exists within India only....and India is almost 1.5 billion number you mention for Muslims globally (and the separate identities/ideologies/contexts that intersect with them to resort to and/or inculcate islamism to overarch/compensate for).
This means a new angle of subversion vector for Turkiye from the population differential ratio alone on size of Muslim population outside Turkiye to begin with and the why/how of Islamist currents that foment there separate to Turkish context altogether (and sometimes quite virulently anti-Turkish).
This is what wise and sane properly Nationalist Turks long know about, but have to grapple with intensely now, there is no other choice given what is at stake in the end. You import umtards (physically or mentally), you become another version of them and the damage they have done to large parts of Muslim world already is the consequence Turks will be saddled with quite unfortunately. This is what made Ataturk exceptional to rise above this morass, incredible how many people seem to not get this in the republic 100 years later.