Not yet, it still needs at least 2 years of flight testing.Can we start deliver Atak to Pakistan now?
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Not yet, it still needs at least 2 years of flight testing.Can we start deliver Atak to Pakistan now?
Not yet, it still needs at least 2 years of flight testing.
First of all USA isn't an "any country" . We all know this so they can do whatever they want not just to us even to EU and china. Second it was just a joke man. Absolutely, I'm against sanctioning anyone/anything even weapons.Yes, let's make it so any country can mess with the President of Turkey - whether you like him or not (I'm not a fan btw) he represents Turkey.
For me too but you need to conisder that kimd of product needs evalutaion how jt behaves in real comditions, how it behaves with fuselage, avioncs and who knows how many other paramters to measure for safe usage, maybe tei could compromise some of this but it wont be usefull for anyone or to make small batch to ease the pressure from pakistan under special conditons.Seams long to me.
First of all USA isn't an "any country" . We all know this so they can do whatever they want not just to us even to EU and china. Second it was just a joke man. Absolutely, I'm against sanctioning anyone/anything even weapons.
It is not enemies everywhere, it is one enemy with many heads.That’s why it is very important to not make more enemies as necessary. Some people think they can mess with whole mankind and want to make enemies on every corner.
I hope we sanction you.I hope they sanction our president. Or things doesn't work like this ?
In thery yes, but i think that tests will be conducted first on t129
First of all USA isn't an "any country" . We all know this so they can do whatever they want not just to us even to EU and china. Second it was just a joke man. Absolutely, I'm against sanctioning anyone/anything even weapons.
No it's not any other country, they have a lot of buffer space with their foreign interests back firing on them.
China is growing fast, Russia is stepping in more, Europe is stepping up on occasions, Turkey is continuing with it's foreign and internal interests despite F-35 cutoff...
I see US diplomatic power fading, not growing. I'm sure they are aware of this too.
Not just thet, concept of "freedom" is outdated, ironically it atracts more trash to america then productive and inovative people and also other countries can offer basic infrastructure for stem works so it is harder to headhunt. Altough they will be for long time champions in gender studiesOne of the reasons US loosing blood is their government are having difficulties attracting bright people
Many talented young people work in private industry like investment, banking sector rather than intelligence agencies etc. Pay is like 10x greater in private industry
Cold war conditions no more
Anything of importance?
With respect to its competition, TS1400 will have between 67-120shp of emergency power.Anything of importance?
Net gain itself, only patience now needed all further project will go smoother and fasterMr Akşit sair that TEI created a bi jet engine infrastructure thanks to this program. ~ 700 design&development engineers have worked on this engine.
I am wondering what a 'bi jet engine infrastructure' meansMr Akşit sair that TEI created a bi jet engine infrastructure thanks to this program. ~ 700 design&development engineers have worked on this engine.
The currency will be affected, European and American defense companies benefits from this; offering Turkish engineers on critical projects citizenship/residency and decent (can not be even imagined in Turkey) salaries.Let me remind everyone that sanctions will mean slowed down economy, maybe even recession depending on what and how hard. And that will impact budgets and defence projects.