ROKETSAN Cakir Engine will be provided by KALE ARGE.
The Engine Specs seem incredible.
> The capabilities gained during the development of the KTJ3200 program provided us with flexibility and agility
> The development activities of the KTJ1750 engine started in 2021.
> Production of the first prototypes is almost complete and testing is only a matter of time.
> The qualification tests of Kale R&D production KTJ-1750 Turbojet Missile Engine, are scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of this year.
> 1750N thrust
> 20 kilograms
> thrust/weight ratio of > 11
> Diameter of 202mm
> Length of 464mm
The KTJ-1750 won the bid for the CAKIR Missile from Roketsan against TEI with their TJ-300
The Specs of Kales are even better than TEIs offering or any other Competitor in this field.
The Engine Specs seem incredible.
> The capabilities gained during the development of the KTJ3200 program provided us with flexibility and agility
> The development activities of the KTJ1750 engine started in 2021.
> Production of the first prototypes is almost complete and testing is only a matter of time.
> The qualification tests of Kale R&D production KTJ-1750 Turbojet Missile Engine, are scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of this year.
> 1750N thrust
> 20 kilograms
> thrust/weight ratio of > 11
> Diameter of 202mm
> Length of 464mm

ÇAKIR Füzesi'nin Motoru KTJ-1750 Kalifikasyona Hazırlanıyor
ÇAKIR Füzesi'ne güç verecek KTJ-1750 Turbojet Füze Motoru'nun kalifikasyon faaliyetlerinin, bu yılın dördüncü çeyreğinde başlaması planlanıyor.

The KTJ-1750 won the bid for the CAKIR Missile from Roketsan against TEI with their TJ-300
The Specs of Kales are even better than TEIs offering or any other Competitor in this field.