Baykar is also testing 950-1050 hp MS-500V-S Turboprop engine.
Baykar is also testing 950-1050 hp MS-500V-S Turboprop engine.
Same image from TEI website.. F. Akşit @TEI_TUSAS GM: We delivered half of the 40 PD-170 engines ordered for Anka UAV. We will deliver the remaining half in two months.
The final format of TEI’s PD-170 aero engine
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Unbelievable how Kale couldn't make the freaking thing yet.Bad News, SSB is looking for Ukranien alternative for TR40 engine alongside with Kale Kjt3200
SOM Füzesi için Ukrayna motoru gündemde | SavunmaSanayiST
Savunma Sanayii Başkanı Prof. Dr. İsmail DEMİR, SavunmaSanayiST’nin gündeme dair sorularını yanıtladı. DEMİR, SOM Füzesi ile ilgili önemli açıklamalarda
I don't know but this looks fishy.Lodos Propulsion Energy from Turkey and Zorya-Mashproekt from Ukraine reached an agreement on a partnership.
Zorya-Mashproekt specializes in developing gas turbine engines (including ships).
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I don't know but this looks fishy.
There is a presentation made by Mahmut Akşit (Head of TEI). In the video he was telling the struggles while developing TS1400. He said "Even ukraine didnt give us the tech"(for turbin blades).
Here is the link. You can look at 11:40.
Youtube video
Now, Ukraine didnt give us a single tech for 1400hp engine. But they will give some 25000HP marine engine? This doesnt make any sense. And smells bad.
You can be right. In the video he says "even ukraine". So we normally expect them to do what we say. Which means we have better relations compare to others. But You cant get this kind of tech with money. We are planning to establish a facility in ukraine to produce baykar drones. And we get Black shield engine company. But now we get marine engines. What did we give? Maybe we can teach them ada class corvette tech like we did with pakistan? who knows?Ukrainians didn't get close to accepting tech transfer but majority of this is because of reaching a deal, money issues. They are trying to sell us like 6 AN-178 before they agree to co-develop co-manufacture the aircraft. They say for the majority of the stuff that they can do it by themselves. "Yaparız ederiz". Russians have the same mentality too. There is also difficulty reaching agreement for workshare.
With the recent developments, including regional conflicts, success of Turkish arms, signing strategic cooperation agreements etc. such deal is much more likely to happen. Relations develop overtime, especially for projects like this, Baykar deal and other companies cooperating will be helping us developing a relation. Turkey wants to be strategic partner not a customer.
You can be right. In the video he says "even ukraine". So we normally expect them to do what we say. Which means we have better relations compare to others. But You cant get this kind of tech with money. We are planning to establish a facility in ukraine to produce baykar drones. And we get Black shield engine company. But now we get marine engines. What did we give? Maybe we can teach them ada class corvette tech like we did with pakistan? who knows?
Or maybe we share some of our sensor tech? Ukraine said we will develop a SAM system together?
I just learn we will produce corvettes together. Which makes sense.
Who is the receiver of the Technology for Marine gas turbines?Ukraine buying TB-2s, which some of the payment very likely to be done by giving engines or other tech at least for future purchases. If Ukraine acquires Akıncı in the near future, it would be paid similar way. If Ukraine wants electronic systems, ships etc. it could be paid similar way.
Turkey gets to have key tech in the short term while Ukraine gets to modernize their army while also getting opportunity to turn their aging products to modern products which they can export with Turkey.
Let us not forget Tulomsas for heavy marine and land Diesel engines!Turkish industry came to a level of maturity in overall design and development engineering in almost all sectors and Engines became our biggest defficiency in our own products. Europe and US benefits from this situation when they want to make pressure on us so Turkey is investing heavily on engine sector and we will receive the fruits of these efforts in 5 years.
TEI: Turboshaft, Turbojet, Turbofan engines, drone turbodiesel and gasoline engines
Blacksea Shield: Drone gas turbine engines JV.
Lodos Propulsion: Marine gas turbine engines and transmission JV.
KaleArge: Cruise missiles turbojet engines
TrMotor(TEI is one of the shareholders): Tf-X turbofan engine and most likely Hürjet future turbofan engines
BMC power: All kind of turbo-diesel engines
Tümosan: All kind of turbodiesel engines
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- Engine Turbine Blade, used in turboshaft engines and operating under the harshest conditions for engine components, has been produced with national capabilities as a first in Turkey at TÜBİTAK MAM Materials Institute High Temperature Materials Research, Development and Repair Center of Excellence.
- Turbine blades, especially the ones for high pressure turbine modules have been produced with directional solidification (DS – ing.) and single crystal casting (SX – ing.) technologies.
Turkey’s First National ENGINE TURBINE BLADE with Cooling Ducts