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View attachment 43727
I wonder why islamaphobia and anti pakistani sentiment in Turkiye is Increasing lol
I don’t think these are comment from Turks, but Pakistanis pretending to be Turks.
View attachment 43726
comments under the video.
View attachment 43727
I wonder why islamaphobia and anti pakistani sentiment in Turkiye is Increasing lol
Indeed they are pakistanis pretending to be TurkishI don’t think these are comment from Turks, but Pakistanis pretending to be Turks.
@ManomedThe amnesty document signed by the Minister of Justice Ahmet Seyid in Syria was officially published. Now, there is no problem for Syrians to return to their countries.
View attachment 43725
We don't care they have stayed for too long and used our tax money to open up shops. Akp also gave them free citizenship they can't nor speak Turkish nor they want to.@Manomed
No offense mate but do you really think that the Syrians will accept going to a nation ruled by radical Shias, Iran, and Russia? So you think that the Syrians will feel peaceful returning home thanks to a piece of signed paper? Are you being ironic?
This is a regime that is filled with radical killers, looters, and rapers and you think Assad will guranatee safe return to Syrian nationals? Havent you seen what happened in Ukrainian war or am I blind?
We don't care they have stayed for too long and used our tax money to open up shops. Akp also gave them free citizenship they can't nor speak Turkish nor they want to.
We still don't forget our citizens who got stabbed by syrian mobs.
I don't have to pay money for foreigners in both syria and Turkiye.
Erdogan was a EU plant to destroy Turkey.
I told you .... the West doesn't want the refugees out of turkey - that was their plan - and they made it happen...
Erdogan is another puppet and used Islam to brainwash people because the opposition parties on the other hand were made by western intelligence and
are anti-Turkic in general... CHP has a long tradition of accepting any demands of the west and had always had a submissive stance towards the PKK e.g.... don't confuse the armed forces with the politics - back then the military was almost a state in a state - with its own agenda and laws ...
so it was all in Erdogan's favor to carry out the assigned task...
as long as turkey has no independent politics, nothing will change...
There are pro-Assad Syrians in Turkey as well. Watch the video of the shopkeeper in Damascus who films Assad in their restaurant and says that he will send the video to their boss in Turkey.@Manomed
No offense mate but do you really think that the Syrians will accept going to a nation ruled by radical Shias, Iran, and Russia? So you think that the Syrians will feel peaceful returning home thanks to a piece of signed paper? Are you being ironic?
This is a regime that is filled with radical killers, looters, and rapers and you think Assad will guranatee safe return to Syrian nationals? Havent you seen what happened in Ukrainian war or am I blind?
How much are those pro-Assad in proportion to the total refugees? Lets not kid ourselves here, ppl are fed up with refugees that they are trying to find out any sort of excuse to just legitimise their claims of throwing refugees outThere are pro-Assad Syrians in Turkey as well. Watch the video of the shopkeeper in Damascus who films Assad in their restaurant and says that he will send the video to their boss in Turkey.
We don't careHow much are those pro-Assad in proportion to the total refugees? Lets not kid ourselves here, ppl are fed up with refugees that they are trying to find out any sort of excuse to just legitimise their claims of throwing refugees out
Iam not saying that Turkey should host refugees forever but I just believe that throwing them to Assad to loot, rape, and mass kill them is just wrong. If there is no alternative, then killing them and throwing them into the sea may actually be more "humane" than what most of them are going to experience in Syria
IMO, safe zones are the way to go. The problem here is that unlike in Ukraine, no EU nation will support Turkey in its fight against Russia
Officialy Turkey is a secular country. What they need to understand is that Muslims around the world have different mentalities. Culture is different, the way of practicing the religion is different. How can someone come to your country and say that your woman are whores because they don’t cover or get dressed differently ? These kind of people are not human they are worse than animals and the governement should deport these people asap.
Dilris ertugrul is popular among Indian muslims also
Trust me if a Turkish guy went to Pakistan or Afghanistan and started snooping at their women they would have beaten the shit out of him.
In those societies they will snoop at other women but their own.
I think its about recruitment IMOThe Ministry of National Education is organizing a festival to be attended by 600 Syrian youth studying at vocational high schools. The planned 5-day youth festival will be held in a 5-star hotel in Antalya and will cost 4 million 653 thousand 750 TL.
Gifts such as polyester bags, notepads, pens, hygiene kits, cloth masks, flasks, badges, balls, frisbee, raincoats, t-shirts, fleece will be given to the participants. Activities to be held at the festival will include treasure hunting, rope race, sack race, and kite making.
Why are we paying for any of these lmao?
No Turk has to pay money for these syrians.I think its about recruitment IMO
Young fresh minds have a lot of possibilities especially orphans who understands the importance of eduction and the importance of joining universities
Dont get me wrong, you can kick the refugees who are detrimental to society but at least employ the Syrians who have brains. This is what any nation with minimum levels of common sense would do
As an example, after the Muslim Brotherhood escaped from Egypt, some engineers were talented enough to work in Baykar; one of such employees was even interviewed before