TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions


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Refugee problem will always involve racism no matter what. Both cant be divorced.

If people remember the european refugee crisis whole rehtoric was racism. In the usa its the same story.

In Turkeys case its never been racist. We have taken millions of refugees over the decades. The recent issue is the sheer scale of it. Under 20 years of erdogan we could have taken in over 10 million refugees, mainly kurds and arabs, then after that afghans, pakistanis, north africans mainly from libya, egypt.

The problem facing Turks is that culturally these people are very different. Most Turks want to live a western lifestyle, individual liberties and freedoms as well as economic prosperity. Even the biggest erdogan supporters on this forum are living in the west, they won't give that up to go live in erdogans Turkey. Most refugees are coming from cultures that don't tolerate these sorts of things.

So potentially the massive influx aids Erdogan's sharia dictatorship state ambitions. He won't achieve it with ethnic Turks, but if he floods the country with people who are easier to fool over Islamist dictatorship then he does it. Some people will ignore this, but erdogan even went on record once saying the UK has the queen" why shouldnt Turkey have something similar. And what he meant is he wants a privileged untouchable position for his family.

None of this is happening by chance, the borders were demined on erdogans orders by an Isreali company for a purpose. Then at the height of the syrian civil war when you needed those people to stay and fight assad and not to leave the regions the PKK had their eyes on, he tells them to come to Turkey.

In nature the fool always gets crushed, if Turks want to continue to decieve themselves dont be surprised if Turkey doesnt exist in 100 years time. Its worth reading Ataturks great speech to get an idea of how close Turks came to extinction at the end of world war one.


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Refugee problem will always involve racism no matter what. Both cant be divorced.

If people remember the european refugee crisis whole rehtoric was racism. In the usa its the same story.
In it’s roots there may lie a degree of racism. But as civilised and educated human beings we should be better than giving in to racist rhetoric.
Refugee problem is not just a problem of race. In fact far from it;
1. It is a demographic problem for Turkey. Population concentration in certain areas is creating form of ghettos.
2. it is an economical problem for Turkey. We can’t afford to subsidise them
3. it is an educational problem for Turkey as they will not easily adapt.
4. It is a humanitarian problem for Turkey. A good deal of them are being exploited as cheap slave labour, and many are without work.
5. It is a Sociological problem for Turkey. Many of them will never be accepted in to society as just as many of them don’t want to either.

So like most Turks say; enough is enough about our hospitality they MUST all go back.
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As far as Syria and Iraq are concerned
In it’s roots that may lie a degree of racism. But as civilised and educated human beings we should be better than giving in to racist rhetoric.
Refugee problem is not just a problem of race. In fact far from it;
1. It is a demographic problem for Turkey. Population concentration in certain areas is creating form of ghettos.
2. it is an economical problem for Turkey. We can’t afford to subsidise them
3. it is an educational problem for Turkey as they will not easily adapt.
4. It is a humanitarian problem for Turkey. A good deal of them are being exploited as cheap slave labour, and many are without work.
5. It is a Sociological problem fir Turkey. Many of them will never be accepted in to society as just as many of them don’t want to either.

So like most Turks say; enough is enough about our hospitality they MUST all go back.

For me personally the danger is really two things. The first is whether the influx of islamist minded people will aid the islamists in turning Turkey into a theocratic dictatorship like Iran. That will be bad news for everyone including those who helped vote it in.

The second danger is whether these "substantial" minorities will be tomorrows future separatist/terrorist problem. Just look at the Kurds, we have taken in millions over the decades, with most kurds today living in western Turkey. With Istanbul having the largest kurdish population on earth with over 3 million. Yet the narrative internationally has been that a daily genocide is occurring against the Kurdish people, then combine that will all the pkk terrorism and the properganda they spread through the entire state that the Turk is evil and bad. Are these Arabs going to be a similar problem in the future?

If there was a way to make sure these 2 problems don't arise, then its maybe a better option to find ways to integrated these people into the Turkish state.

On a side note last time i was in Istanbul and i would meet with friends some of them who either had kurdish friends with them or were ethnic Kurds, i would ask them how the genocide was going? They would look at me with a blank stare, then i would tell them that the media in the UK is telling the people that the Kurdish people are being slaughtered by the Turks, he wouldn't believe me that the UK media was saying these things.


France Correspondent
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@GoatsMilk I agree with everything you said, this is spot on. Turkiye is in danger and unfortunately I don’t see any improvement with the current political mess.


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In Turkeys case its never been racist. We have taken millions of refugees over the decades. The recent issue is the sheer scale of it. Under 20 years of erdogan we could have taken in over 10 million refugees, mainly kurds and arabs, then after that afghans, pakistanis, north africans mainly from libya, egypt.

The problem facing Turks is that culturally these people are very different. Most Turks want to live a western lifestyle, individual liberties and freedoms as well as economic prosperity. Even the biggest erdogan supporters on this forum are living in the west, they won't give that up to go live in erdogans Turkey. Most refugees are coming from cultures that don't tolerate these sorts of things.

So potentially the massive influx aids Erdogan's sharia dictatorship state ambitions. He won't achieve it with ethnic Turks, but if he floods the country with people who are easier to fool over Islamist dictatorship then he does it. Some people will ignore this, but erdogan even went on record once saying the UK has the queen" why shouldnt Turkey have something similar. And what he meant is he wants a privileged untouchable position for his family.

None of this is happening by chance, the borders were demined on erdogans orders by an Isreali company for a purpose. Then at the height of the syrian civil war when you needed those people to stay and fight assad and not to leave the regions the PKK had their eyes on, he tells them to come to Turkey.

In nature the fool always gets crushed, if Turks want to continue to decieve themselves dont be surprised if Turkey doesnt exist in 100 years time. Its worth reading Ataturks great speech to get an idea of how close Turks came to extinction at the end of world war one.

I still cannot believe there are some people on this forum who think that the refugees should stay. Only some villagers who watch Ahaber all day should be ignorant enough to think that Turkey should keep its current policy on refugees.

If AKP wins the next elections, watch them accelerate their refugee fueled Islamization project. This all originates from their hatred of Atatürk. I'm seriously worried that something bad might break out.


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I still cannot believe there are some people on this forum who think that the refugees should stay. Only some villagers who watch Ahaber all day should be ignorant enough to think that Turkey should keep its current policy on refugees.

If AKP wins the next elections, watch them accelerate their refugee fueled Islamization project. This all originates from their hatred of Atatürk. I'm seriously worried that something bad might break out.

Islamization is a means to an end for the political islamists, none of them are muslims none of them care for religion. Just go and listen to the leaked recordings of the various AK party members over the years, how they insult the religion and laugh at Islam. But the islamist systems allows them to remain in power indefinetly. That power brings incredable privlidge and economic wealth. The common Turk will become poorer to finance this corrupt system.

Muslims shouldn't be fooled in thinking "Islamization" means creating a more islamic society, no its about creating a more controlled society for a specific class of people at the top.


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The 700k Syrian kids will be automatically be eligible for Turkish citizenship. Correct?

We need to deal with the reality that many Syrians will be staying in Turkey for good. So get the educations' ministry working and make sure that they are brought closer to Turkish values. Otherwise, this will be a disaster for the coming decades.

I can tell you that much as one of the 3-5m Turks in Germany and the issues we are facing here ;)


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In it’s roots there may lie a degree of racism. But as civilised and educated human beings we should be better than giving in to racist rhetoric.
Refugee problem is not just a problem of race. In fact far from it;
1. It is a demographic problem for Turkey. Population concentration in certain areas is creating form of ghettos.
2. it is an economical problem for Turkey. We can’t afford to subsidise them
3. it is an educational problem for Turkey as they will not easily adapt.
4. It is a humanitarian problem for Turkey. A good deal of them are being exploited as cheap slave labour, and many are without work.
5. It is a Sociological problem for Turkey. Many of them will never be accepted in to society as just as many of them don’t want to either.

So like most Turks say; enough is enough about our hospitality they MUST all go back.

Thats thing so many good arguments but it gets ruined by dumbasses who use racial rehtoric which increases sympathy for them allows sjws and liberals to constantly defend illegal immigrants because of "evil racists".

Nowadays the refugee is being romanticed by liberals as if its a good thing. Honestly nothing good in having to leave a country where your life was where you had family, friends you name it only to leave it all.

Doesnt matter if you live in a rich country you will always be home sick.


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A true refugee is a person who is either deported by force from his/her country or have had to leave home because it is being occupied by hostile forces whereby the said person’s life is in danger. Hence he/she is seeking refuge.

It is difficult to sympathise with people who take advantage of a conflict to find a way to escape military service or venture in to a new country for a so called better job and life prospects.

That last one is not a refugee. But an illegal immigrant. They are to be treated as such. Deport them back to their countries

But the first case covers people who are subject to refugee status and they can not be forced back to a dangerous war zone or where his/her life can be jeopardised. As Turkey we have signed UN charters that cover safety and well being of refugees. But we can coerce and make them obliged to go back under their own will by making it harder and more difficult for them to stay.


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A true refugee is a person who is either deported by force from his/her country or have had to leave home because it is being occupied by hostile forces whereby the said person’s life is in danger. Hence he/she is seeking refuge.

It is difficult to sympathise with people who take advantage of a conflict to find a way to escape military service or venture in to a new country for a so called better job and life prospects.

That last one is not a refugee. But an illegal immigrant. They are to be treated as such. Deport them back to their countries

But the first case covers people who are subject to refugee status and they can not be forced back to a dangerous war zone or where his/her life can be jeopardised. As Turkey we have signed UN charters that cover safety and well being of refugees. But we can coerce and make them obliged to go back under their own will by making it harder and more difficult for them to stay.

Just out interest AK party has gradually been handing the syrian refugees passports, the estimates are anywhere from half a million to a million already given Turkish passports? Are these people now untouchable from a legal perspective?

Also the syrian refugees have given birth to over a million babies while in Turkey are they granted citizenship status?


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Just out interest AK party has gradually been handing the syrian refugees passports, the estimates are anywhere from half a million to a million already given Turkish passports? Are these people now untouchable from a legal perspective?

Also the syrian refugees have given birth to over a million babies while in Turkey are they granted citizenship status?
Unfortunately YES to first question. But citizenships given through naturalisation can be taken back by government decree. Especially if there are “irregularities” in the way they have been given. Citizenship in Turkey is earned through kinship. Being born in Turkey does not necessarily entitle you to automatic Turkish citizenship. Either one of your or both of your parents have to be Turkish.

There is also article 29 of Turkish citizenship law under which a naturalised citizen’s citizenship can be revoked. (Pls read art 29)

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France Correspondent
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Just out interest AK party has gradually been handing the syrian refugees passports, the estimates are anywhere from half a million to a million already given Turkish passports? Are these people now untouchable from a legal perspective?

Also the syrian refugees have given birth to over a million babies while in Turkey are they granted citizenship status?

It was all part of the plan. Give those refugees / illegal immigrants Turkish citizenship so they can vote for you during election. A nice machiavellian plan from AKP.


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There are around ~1.5 million Syrian children between ages of 0 to 11.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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There are around ~1.5 million Syrian children between ages of 0 to 11.
I just have to ask, what are your sources? Or are they of the politically sensitive, I-shouldn't-know-this kind?

I also would like to know how many of them are Syrian Turkmen, who should be way easier to assimilate into Turkish society if the need arises.


Hence few of these posts will be deleted. Owners will be warned.

Problem is politically correct admins like you exist in Turkey and unfortunately are in key positions.

Exposing Syrian and Afghan crimes in Turkey should not come as offensive. Especially those of Pakistanis, I know you don't like this one especially.

When we say they are inclined to harrasment and rape because of their backward culture, lack of law, order and women's rights in their country we get the hammer because your fragile sentiments. We go from examples of grooming gangs in Europe to warn Turks.

I don't want Turkish kids or any kid being harassed by such Pakistani or similar perverts, is that racist now?
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Problem is politically correct admins like you exist in Turkey and unfortunately are in key positions.

Exposing Syrian and Afghan crimes in Turkey should not come as offensive. Especially those of Pakistanis, I know you don't like this one especially.

When we say they are inclined to harrasment and rape because of their backward culture, lack of law, order and women's rights in their country we get the hammer because your fragile sentiments. We go from examples of grooming gangs in Europe to warn Turks.

I don't want Turkish kids or any kid being harassed by such Pakistani or similar perverts, is that racist now?
If there were more people like me in key positions, there wouldn’t be any refugee problem today. Because I wouldn’t allow that to happen.
This is a multinational, multicultural and a multi religious forum. There are rules here that bides every user. Racism and racial hatred with foul language and attack on a specific nation by generalisation are not allowed.
What you have written here , apart from last sentence, conforms to forum rules. I have edited in one area (such Pakistani os similar) to make it non generalised.
You can give news of specific crimes carried out by specific refugees or refugee groups in Turkey, with valid sources and point out your negative sentiment. As long as this is not against forum rules you are free to discuss this.
This has nothing to do with being politically correct. It has a lot to do with abiding by the set forum rules. When you are writing about sensitive issues like this, I suggest you read it couple of times before you publish it. What is written in the heat of the moment may not be exactly correct when it comes to forum rules.
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I just have to ask, what are your sources? Or are they of the politically sensitive, I-shouldn't-know-this kind?

I also would like to know how many of them are Syrian Turkmen, who should be way easier to assimilate into Turkish society if the need arises.
Directory of immigration.
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