TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions


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This is what happened with the Trump wall as well

Honestlt, walls are a stupid means to stop refugees. If you wanna stop refugees, then it can only be done by bullets and this isnt a scenario in which I want a TSK soldier to be in
if you see it that way, what a huge waste of money project. if you're already spending that amount of money, then at least do it right.. that's how I see it haha


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This is what happened with the Trump wall as well

Honestlt, walls are a stupid means to stop refugees. If you wanna stop refugees, then it can only be done by bullets and this isnt a scenario in which I want a TSK soldier to be in

Go and take a look at the wall Greece has put on its borders and then go look what our government has put on our border with Iran. This thing is a joke, they knew from a beginning it won't stop their brethen from illegally entering Turkey. 12 year olds could climb over that wall.

Never forget how the akp demined the border with Iran which kept the flood of rapists away from our border because the EU demanded it from them. Ever since the border has been demined afghans, iranians and pakistanis are entering this country illegally in the thousands every day.

Even the contract was most likely given to another yandas company so they can siphon off more money from the people's pockets.

After deporting them all we need to reenforce our Border with Iraq, Iran and Syria with the same type of Wall Greece uses. Not only that but the Border with Iran needs to be mined again. Just like it was in the past. A real Border security needs to be established.


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Go and take a look at the wall Greece has put on its borders and then go look what our government has put on our border with Iran. This thing is a joke, they knew from a beginning it won't stop their brethen from illegally entering Turkey. 12 year olds could climb over that wall.

Never forget how the akp demined the border with Iran which kept the flood of rapists away from our border because the EU demanded it from them. Ever since the border has been demined afghans, iranians and pakistanis are entering this country illegally in the thousands every day.

Even the contract was most likely given to another yandas company so they can siphon off more money from the people's pockets.

After deporting them all we need to reenforce our Border with Iraq, Iran and Syria with the same type of Wall Greece uses. Not only that but the Border with Iran needs to be mined again. Just like it was in the past. A real Border security needs to be established.

Unfortunately as long as AKP is in power there will be endless hords of refugees trying to pass the border. It was obvious from the start that this wall was not tall enough.


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Go and take a look at the wall Greece has put on its borders and then go look what our government has put on our border with Iran. This thing is a joke, they knew from a beginning it won't stop their brethen from illegally entering Turkey. 12 year olds could climb over that wall.

Never forget how the akp demined the border with Iran which kept the flood of rapists away from our border because the EU demanded it from them. Ever since the border has been demined afghans, iranians and pakistanis are entering this country illegally in the thousands every day.

Even the contract was most likely given to another yandas company so they can siphon off more money from the people's pockets.

After deporting them all we need to reenforce our Border with Iraq, Iran and Syria with the same type of Wall Greece uses. Not only that but the Border with Iran needs to be mined again. Just like it was in the past. A real Border security needs to be established.
Again, the Turkish border eith Iran is different from the Greek-Turkish border. It isnt easy to place concrete walls over several mountains with valleys in between. The border between Turkey amd Iran is ideal for influx of refugees but difficult to defend

As for the demining issue, Iam not that knowledgeable about it; thus, I wont comment on it. However, I do know that the border between Turkey and Iran, in terms of terrain, is a cluster fuck to defend


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while India's indentity has always been Hindu

This depends on the definition of "Hindu".

From strictly religious/cultural angle, certainly not true....from basic fact that there is no dogmatic crystalised definition of "Hindu" to begin with (in the sense that it is often used with the abrahamic religions and certain other cultural systems and identities too).

As a Hindu myself, I am often extremely different to a Hindu from another part of India (or even same part of India) very deep ways. You can get extremely different answers (each with written, defined, practiced and inherited basis) for questions that other religions and cultural systems have long settled and made quite clearer bound wise.

This descriptor origins was at root geographic (Hindu, Hind, Indus, India, Sindhu, Hindustan etc etc)....applied to a whole variety of (downstream amalgam of various indigenous and introduced) belief systems.

The other (popular) name is Bharat which is more "original" dynasty based much like the name of Qin emperor in China.

The modern republic certainly was not formed on religious (majoritarian need) basis.

A very large number of muslims stayed within India during partition.....they are as part of Indian identity as any other minority, plurality or majority found within it.

The original (attempted and ongoing) definition, push + sustainment for religious based majoritarian state lies on the Pakistan side in subcontinent.

That has had some counter-influence on India downstream due to whole number of matters.....but that is different subject to get into.

But the Indian republic at its core is not any kind of exclusivist religion identity (or really any kind of identity other than the geographic bounded one and all the deeper legacy it has contained within it nation-wise over a long time).....

....just like Turkey is not either (and it has similarly seen a recent realised drift in various way over time from its initial visionary setup as well).

Those are significant counter-counterforces (versus the drift in a chunk of years) by having the core set up this way as well.


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This is what happened with the Trump wall as well

Honestlt, walls are a stupid means to stop refugees. If you wanna stop refugees, then it can only be done by bullets and this isnt a scenario in which I want a TSK soldier to be in

Turkish border has always been open gates for decades.

My great grandpa was a arms dealer it was easy to bribe the border guards to smuggle weapons in.

If the refugees have money with them what makes you think they wont use this to bribe?

Turkiye is a corrupt country and has been for decades everytime a new government comes in to fight corruption they become corrupt themselves.


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This depends on the definition of "Hindu".

From strictly religious/cultural angle, certainly not true....from basic fact that there is no dogmatic crystalised definition of "Hindu" to begin with (in the sense that it is often used with the abrahamic religions and certain other cultural systems and identities too).

As a Hindu myself, I am often extremely different to a Hindu from another part of India (or even same part of India) very deep ways. You can get extremely different answers (each with written, defined, practiced and inherited basis) for questions that other religions and cultural systems have long settled and made quite clearer bound wise.

This descriptor origins was at root geographic (Hindu, Hind, Indus, India, Sindhu, Hindustan etc etc)....applied to a whole variety of (downstream amalgam of various indigenous and introduced) belief systems.

The other (popular) name is Bharat which is more "original" dynasty based much like the name of Qin emperor in China.

The modern republic certainly was not formed on religious (majoritarian need) basis.

A very large number of muslims stayed within India during partition.....they are as part of Indian identity as any other minority, plurality or majority found within it.

The original (attempted and ongoing) definition, push + sustainment for religious based majoritarian state lies on the Pakistan side in subcontinent.

That has had some counter-influence on India downstream due to whole number of matters.....but that is different subject to get into.

But the Indian republic at its core is not any kind of exclusivist religion identity (or really any kind of identity other than the geographic bounded one and all the deeper legacy it has contained within it nation-wise over a long time).....

....just like Turkey is not either (and it has similarly seen a recent realised drift in various way over time from its initial visionary setup as well).

Those are significant counter-counterforces (versus the drift in a chunk of years) by having the core set up this way as well.
Except few lines you are mostly correct ,but not the thread to discuss that . Bharat didn't came into existence in 1947 , and not should be defined on the basis of few privileged ones who defined our definition and constitution on their ideology when millions others who fought and perished don't get a say in it or the ones who were betrayed by our leaders of that time . And secular was added in Indira era , so saying india as secular is not correct totally , yes we believe in secular values thanks to our most liberal religion of Hinduism but that doesn't mean that we have to pay the price of it with our blood


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This depends on the definition of "Hindu".

From strictly religious/cultural angle, certainly not true....from basic fact that there is no dogmatic crystalised definition of "Hindu" to begin with (in the sense that it is often used with the abrahamic religions and certain other cultural systems and identities too).

As a Hindu myself, I am often extremely different to a Hindu from another part of India (or even same part of India) very deep ways. You can get extremely different answers (each with written, defined, practiced and inherited basis) for questions that other religions and cultural systems have long settled and made quite clearer bound wise.

This descriptor origins was at root geographic (Hindu, Hind, Indus, India, Sindhu, Hindustan etc etc)....applied to a whole variety of (downstream amalgam of various indigenous and introduced) belief systems.

The other (popular) name is Bharat which is more "original" dynasty based much like the name of Qin emperor in China.

The modern republic certainly was not formed on religious (majoritarian need) basis.

A very large number of muslims stayed within India during partition.....they are as part of Indian identity as any other minority, plurality or majority found within it.

The original (attempted and ongoing) definition, push + sustainment for religious based majoritarian state lies on the Pakistan side in subcontinent.

That has had some counter-influence on India downstream due to whole number of matters.....but that is different subject to get into.

But the Indian republic at its core is not any kind of exclusivist religion identity (or really any kind of identity other than the geographic bounded one and all the deeper legacy it has contained within it nation-wise over a long time).....

....just like Turkey is not either (and it has similarly seen a recent realised drift in various way over time from its initial visionary setup as well).

Those are significant counter-counterforces (versus the drift in a chunk of years) by having the core set up this way as well.

Thats pretty interesting man.

I know India is diverse but never knew they were this diverse when it comes to being Hindu.

Not to mention you have Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs. Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Judaism may not be native to India but overtime they also contributed to India and its identity.

India is so diverse from its languages and ethnic groups. North India and South India are also pretty different from each other.

I learn new stuff everyday.


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our borders and border guards are a joke hahaha

That border wall has a very ineffective design. They should have atleat made an arched top design and spikes to deter climbing. Even cost for effective solutions like this is much harder to cross.

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3 yıl önce Türkiye'ye gittiğimde taksicinin Suriyeli, otel sahibinin Suriyeli, yemek yediğim restoranın da Suriyeli olduğunu öğrendim.Türkiye'de yaşayan tüm Suriyelilerle gurur duyuyorum. 🇸🇾

I went to Turkey three years ago and found the taxi driver is Syrian, the hotel owner is Syrian, and the owner of the restaurant where I had lunch is Syrian. I am proud of all the Syrians living in Turkey. Greetings to you 🇸🇦🇸🇾

Comments under this video :DDDDDD

"No one has the right to fire us. This country is ours, and our country, President Erdogan, has taken care of us, we have a right in these lands. We're not going anywhere. We are used to it here. We are religious brothers, why do you hate us? We are all human"

How tf is this land belongst to them :D?

@CAN_TR you should see this comments abi.


They say stuff like arab martrys in çanakkale.

We gave martrys in korea should we request them to take us there???


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That border wall has a very ineffective design. They should have atleat made an arched top design and spikes to deter climbing. Even cost for effective solutions like this is much harder to cross.

View attachment 43849

View attachment 43851

Funny how India and Pakistan can make a proper border wall that is simple while Turkiye builds a shitty nothing burger of a wall.

So embarassing.


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They say stuff like arab martrys in çanakkale.

We gave martrys in korea should we request them to take us there???

There were Greek and Armenian martyrs too.

Seriously dont give a damn about Greeks or Armenians.

Majority of the Ottoman army was Turks.

Also Ataturk actually commanded a Arab battalion full of Druze and Alawite arabs guess what they fled or deserted when the British and French dreadnoughts began to bombard the area.

Also German and Austro-Hungarian troops fought in Gallpoli do we owe anything? No we dont.


There were Greek and Armenian martyrs too.

Seriously dont give a damn about Greeks or Armenians.

Majority of the Ottoman army was Turks.

Also Ataturk actually commanded a Arab battalion full of Druze and Alawite arabs guess what they fled or deserted when the British and French dreadnoughts began to bombard the area.

Also German and Austro-Hungarian troops fought in Gallpoli do we owe anything? No we dont.
In the tented camp of the 72nd Arab regiment ahead, we saw many Arab soldiers escaping from the regiment, hiding in tents and smoking hookahs.”

source : fahrettin altay, 10 years of war and after, insel publications, istanbul, 1970, p. 90


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Ottoman Army suffered high rates of desertion because the Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians, Greeks, Yazidis, Kurds and other Non Turks either fled, deserted or joined the allies.

Same story with Austria-Hungary as the Italians, Serbs, Czechs and Slovakians all deserted the army leaving Austrians, Hungarians, Bosniaks and Croats to be fighting for the Empire.


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In the tented camp of the 72nd Arab regiment ahead, we saw many Arab soldiers escaping from the regiment, hiding in tents and smoking hookahs.”

source : fahrettin altay, 10 years of war and after, insel publications, istanbul, 1970, p. 90

So many Turkish commanders were fustrated with Arab and Kurdish soldiers.

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