TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions


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The best solution to all this mess is (and always was) to just not let any Syrian in Turkey and to seal the borders tight... Then to let Bashar and Putin deal with them the best way they can- with barrel bombs. <3
The problem to your plan is the PKK
Retreating from Syria, under the current conditions, imply that the PKK will come back stronger than ever and will probably establish long-lasting radical shia communities in Syrian cities that were originally moderate sunnis

Such a shift in the demographics will have just the same catastrophic consequence on Turkey just like with the massive syrian refugees that aims to topple the Turkish demographic

Furthermore, with the US set on supporting the PKK in order to destabilise the region and hopefully partition oil-rich Turkish territory from the mainland regardless of the consequences as well as Turkish pleas; The only way rn is to make a deal with Assad and Russia to try and take them onto the anti-PKK side just like with Iraq

But will such a deal succeed when Assad family has deep connections with the PKK? And will the US remain silent? And even if Assad supported Turkish interests, does the Russian-Turkish alliance have the strength to kick zionist USA out? What about the Turkish economy and US retaliation and sanctions? And what about the Israeli-Kurdish corridor that will eventually be a reality when Israel invades Lebanon? And above all, will Iran remain silent?

The whole Middle East is on the verge of a massive all-out war and no one knows where this shit is going


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The problem to your plan is the PKK
Retreating from Syria, under the current conditions, imply that the PKK will come back stronger than ever and will probably establish long-lasting radical shia communities in Syrian cities that were originally moderate sunnis

Such a shift in the demographics will have just the same catastrophic consequence on Turkey just like with the massive syrian refugees that aims to topple the Turkish demographic

Furthermore, with the US set on supporting the PKK in order to destabilise the region and hopefully partition oil-rich Turkish territory from the mainland regardless of the consequences as well as Turkish pleas; The only way rn is to make a deal with Assad and Russia to try and take them onto the anti-PKK side just like with Iraq

But will such a deal succeed when Assad family has deep connections with the PKK? And will the US remain silent? And even if Assad supported Turkish interests, does the Russian-Turkish alliance have the strength to kick zionist USA out? What about the Turkish economy and US retaliation and sanctions? And what about the Israeli-Kurdish corridor that will eventually be a reality when Israel invades Lebanon? And above all, will Iran remain silent?

The whole Middle East is on the verge of a massive all-out war and no one knows where this shit is going

Turkiye nearly went to war against Syria in 1999.

Generals after getting the war called off were pretty much pissed off. Now most have ended up in prison because you know akp and chp feared they would have gone rogue.

If Turkiye finished the job in 1999 they would have been in a much better position.

For decades Turkiye deluded itself in trying to maintain Syria and Iraq as stable neighbours.

Lets be honest this Ummah politics that Erdogan believes has got to go enough with trying to save everybody under guise of Islam.

Its like Turkiye holds onto this belief that it should lead and save the whole Islamic world.

Delusions at best.


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Sorry but I have never considered Ryder to be a RTE supporter.

On another note the refugees or whatever you want to call it started acting like troublemakers they are because of RTE attempt to meet Assad.

In my opinion allowing the refugees to stay within our national border is very dangerous and we need to deport them to the safe zone in Syria before we try to make any kind of deal with Assad. As I see it we have potential 13 mio enemies within our borders


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Turkiye nearly went to war against Syria in 1999.

Generals after getting the war called off were pretty much pissed off. Now most have ended up in prison because you know akp and chp feared they would have gone rogue.

If Turkiye finished the job in 1999 they would have been in a much better position.

For decades Turkiye deluded itself in trying to maintain Syria and Iraq as stable neighbours.
First of all, war shoupd always be the last option
Regardless of the political party, no one woupd want to throw his nation into a war since the consequences are too severe and that is exactly why Turkey entered Syria in 2016 and that is to get rid of the PKK terrorism once and for all after learning from 1999 and other recent events that some assholes only undertsands the language of force


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Sorry but I have never considered Ryder to be a RTE supporter.

On another note the refugees or whatever you want to call it started acting like troublemakers they are because of RTE attempt to meet Assad.

In my opinion allowing the refugees to stay within our national border is very dangerous and we need to deport them to the safe zone in Syria before we try to make any kind of deal with Assad. As I see it we have potential 13 mio enemies within our borders
They are probably scared Erdogan would ditch them because Assad said that he is ready to work with Turkey regarding terrorism which was why Turkey entered Syria in the first place. If Turkey ever managed to get a deal similar to the one in Iraq, the possibility of the Syrian opposition falling into the hands of Russia and Assad is high since Turkey would have already gotten everything that it wants. And we all know how Russia and Assad handles betrayals


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sen bir taşin altına saklanmak yerine hangi yüzle burda hala konuşuyorsun AK partili ???? sesini kes otur yerinde. ( how dare you to show your face here instead of hiding under a rock member of AKP ?? cut your voice and site down )
The level of sheer stupidity and ignorance of some forum members never ceases to amaze me.

Like what do you even mean? You don't make any sense. A weak humiliation attempt which is in fact Just random accusations with a pile of varoş slur.

AKP'li? What the even f.? I'm not even asking for proof for these baseless accusations and meaningless words because I know that solid evidence and well constructed logical conclusions don't make it through your thick head. There's no place for facts in your small, black and white world.

I can only wish you to grow up and get rid of this vulgar side effects of puberty.
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First of all, war shoupd always be the last option
Regardless of the political party, no one woupd want to throw his nation into a war since the consequences are too severe and that is exactly why Turkey entered Syria in 2016 and that is to get rid of the PKK terrorism once and for all after learning from 1999 and other recent events that some assholes only undertsands the language of force

Syria hates us because we took Hatay.

By the way in ww1 when Ataturk led the Yildirim army group for 1 last stand in ww1 the people in Aleppo rebelled.

Erdogan tells every Muslim Turk that Syria has always been loyal.

All bollocks. Im not going go on some racist rant but its utter delusion to believe Syrians like us when the nearly all of them from Sunnis, Shias, Druze, Alawites and Christians all believe we were colonisers and imperialists.

They still believe hatay will come back to them.

Turkiye and Syria have the most toxic relationship in geopolitics.


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The situation gets out of control. A group of people tried to walk towards the Bab Al-Salama border and in result of the reaction of TSK one of them died.

Tens of MRAPs, TOMA vehicles crossed in Syria. Despite the official statements of the Interim Government and the Syrian National Army the escalation continues.

As Yasar Guler said 10 years ago, "These men will turn against us" and we see how right he was.

Hard times are approaching.


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Erdoğan's statement about meeting with Assad, yesterday's events in Kayseri and today in Syria.

It looks like someone pushed the button to create desired public opinion for things to come.

Unfortunately, we lost in Syria.


France Correspondent
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Unless our people massively protests on the streets about all those refugees and migrants, nothing will change I’m afraid. Politicians won’t back down until they fell threatened.


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Erdoğan's statement about meeting with Assad, yesterday's events in Kayseri and today in Syria.

It looks like someone pushed the button to create desired public opinion for things to come.

Unfortunately, we lost in Syria.
Not all hope is lost
While I do agree that the current events are just too crazy to be considered as a co-incidence, Turkey still has the chance to turn things around

First things first is to see how much Assad is trying to compromise and the path that Turkey takes should be based upon that


21 2,013
Unless our people massively protests on the streets about all those refugees and migrants, nothing will change I’m afraid. Politicians won’t back down until they fell threatened.
millions should protest in all the cities. in ankara people should gather in front of General Staff of the Turkish Armed Force's building and demand them to take control of the state this will make politicians shit their pants. dont make mistake nither CHP nor AKP has any plan to send these 3rd worlders back to the shithold they came from. Remember the words of binali yıldırım's word which said " we are protecting the borders of Europe " . but sending them back is not enough we should put visa on all 3rd world / muslim countries with exception of Turkic and Balkan muslims. just like germany if they want to study in Turkish universities they better gather at least 1000 * 12 Euros for each year in blocked bank account before being granted student visa
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The situation gets out of control. A group of people tried to walk towards the Bab Al-Salama border and in result of the reaction of TSK one of them died.

Tens of MRAPs, TOMA vehicles crossed in Syria. Despite the official statements of the Interim Government and the Syrian National Army the escalation continues.

As Yasar Guler said 10 years ago, "These men will turn against us" and we see how right he was.

Hard times are approaching.
The only good thing for now is that he is the current minister of defense
Hopefully he will be able to tackle the situation


France Correspondent
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As expected, Erdogan condemns the ‘’xenophobia’’ and said nothing about the molested child.


21 2,013


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As expected, Erdogan condemns the ‘’xenophobia’’ and said nothing about the molested child.

An Arab worker did a sex tape with a Kazakh girl.

Ill never forget the video of Kazakh men going ballistic the man actually fled instead Kazakhs went on a beating spree of foreign workers mainly Arab workers.

It happened years ago but man Kazakhs all went haywire when they saw the footage.

The anger of a Turkish child getting molested was the final straw I think that broke the camels back. The law and order failed to do anything so the Turkish locals took matters into their own hands.

I think vigilante cases have increased in Turkiye due to the governments failure to bring law and order and to punish criminals.


21 2,013
An Arab worker did a sex tape with a Kazakh girl.

Ill never forget the video of Kazakh men going ballistic the man actually fled instead Kazakhs went on a beating spree of foreign workers mainly Arab workers.

It happened years ago but man Kazakhs all went haywire when they saw the footage.

The anger of a Turkish child getting molested was the final straw I think that broke the camels back. The law and order failed to do anything so the Turkish locals took matters into their own hands.

I think vigilante cases have increased in Turkiye due to the governments failure to bring law and order and to punish criminals.

remaind me of last month in Kyrgyzstan were eygption arab start a fight then pakistanis get invovled and they all got beaten for whole month pakistanies in PDF were bitching about it and cursing atatürk ( idk how the fuck atatürk got involved ) you can still read all the comment of those din qardaşlari in PDF about turks and turkic nations when sinan abi tried to talk sense to them they showed their true face



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I am gonna be honest the scale of Refugee problem is so big that any short term solution became unrealistic ı am naively hoping that what has happened in Kayseri is a wake up call we have to come up with rational and applicable solutions and policies
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