TR Sensors and Detector Programs


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MURAD nose AESA radar is in integrarion and test phase now.


Fuzuli NL

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Land Forces EW inventory

Koral-I/IIRadar ED/ET (Much more powerful energy output and frequency coverage than REDET family)
Karakulak (Improved MILKED-4A2)HF ED (Electronic Support)
Sancak (Improved MILKAR-4A2)HF ET (Electronic Attack)
ILGAZ (Improved MILKAR-3A3)V/UHF ET (Electronic Attack)
SEYMENGPS ET (Electronic Attack)
ARES-2LC/T-EMobile ED (Electronic Support)
Excellent Post ✅✅✅✅✅
Detailed Post ✅✅✅✅✅


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Is it a GaN based radar ?
Yes. It is planned and designed as a GaN-based radar. The first GaN-based radar(STR) is already in the Turkish armed forces inventory. We are not years away from the GaN technology. It is already in use. Months of delay might happen maybe a year. CAFRAD is also designed as a GaN-based radar but the prototype radar used GaAs-based modules. Depending on the situation prototype radar might use GaAs modules in the integration phase. According to the latest news from SSB officials, the radar is in the testing and integration phase so there is a good chance that most of the problems are resolved.


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Latest Status Report on New Generation KORAL and SEYMEN EH Systems and Radar Projects​

Ibrahim Sunnecti​

Ahmet AKYOL, Head of SSB Electronic Warfare (EW) and Radar Systems Department, delivered a speech at the 'EH and Radar Systems Panel' held on 12 May 2022 within the scope of Yıldız Technical University (YTU) 10th Defense Industry Days. He shared striking information on the latest situation in his works and ongoing projects.​

May 16, 2022


In the short video shared by AKYOL with the audience during the presentation, there are interesting tips on the system configuration of the Next Generation KORAL (KORAL-II) Mobile Radar EH System, which was started on 12 November 2020 under the contract signed in 2020 and is expected to enter the Turkish Armed Forces inventory in the coming period. was taking.
Compared to its predecessor KORAL-I, which consists of GaAs-based T/R modules, KORAL-II can respond to very broadband and high output power demands thanks to the use of GaN-based HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor) and MIMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit) structures. it has a wider frequency span in both Radar ED (Electronic Support) and Radar ET (Electronic Strike) roles.

KORAL Mobile Radar Electronic Warfare (EH), originally developed by ASELSAN within the scope of Land Based Remote Electronic Support/Electronic Attack (ED/ET) Capability Acquisition (Land SOJ) Project signed between Aselsan and SSB on 30 July 2009, and whose deliveries started in February 2016. ) System; one Radar Electronic Support (KORAL ED) System Vehicle operating in a wide frequency band integrated on the MAN HX77 Tactical Wheeled Heavy Duty Vehicle in 8x8 configuration and four Radar Electronic Attack (KORAL ET) System Vehicles, each of which is capable of jamming transmissions in certain frequency bands. consisted of. Listening to the 2-8GHz (E/H) and 8-20GHz (I/J bands) frequency bands of KORAL with DRFM (Digital RF Memory) capability, routing, mixing,


In the KORAL-II video shared by AKYOL, the system configuration includes the Accommodation Vehicle, Maintenance Site Vehicle, Operations Control Unit (three operator consoles each with two color screens), Radar Electronic Support (ED) Tool-I, Radar Electronic Support ( It was noteworthy that there were vehicles for different roles, such as ED) Vehicle-II and Radar ET Vehicles (4 units). The number of vehicles in the system configuration can be up to 11 vehicles depending on the user. Another striking point is the horn antenna array (used to detect the target arc) in the front of the Radar Electronic Support (ED) Vehicle-I, which is placed on the trailer, and the small cylindrical antenna (the position of the target arc detected by the broadband antenna) used to detect sensitively)


Considering the dimensions, operating frequencies, output powers of the antennas used in KORAL-I Mobile Radar EH System, GaAs T/R (Transmit/Receive) modules phased array antenna technology and electronic beam directing capabilities, KORAL Radar ET System's 150-200 km It was estimated that the KORAL Radar ED System could be used up to a maximum range of 300-500 km, depending on the altitude of the vehicle's location above sea level and the power of the enemy radar. In KORAL-II, on the other hand, I think that thanks to the use of GaN-based HEMT and MIMIC structures, in addition to a certain range increase, higher levels will be achieved in terms of both detection sensitivity and mixing performance.


AKYOL also made a presentation on the Electronic Navigation System (SEYMEN) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), helicopters, airplanes, etc.
It is aimed to apply Electronic Attack (ET) to targets such as weapons, guided missiles, missiles, command and control systems and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) used in land, air and sea platforms. In this way, it will be ensured that these systems, which can pose a threat, are removed from friendly elements by both confusing and intelligently deceiving them. SEYMEN System, which is aimed to be completed and delivered in a 27-month calendar; radar, electro-optical and electronic warfare elements are integrated on the military tactical vehicle, It offers a solution where it can work integratedly on a single shelter. According to METEKSAN DEFENSE, SEYMEN will be able to confuse and deceive navigation systems with high reliability, using more than one different GPS at the same time, in the same/different directions. In addition, more than one system will be able to perform coordinated tasks. The SEYMEN System will also have the ability to record and analyze the detected KKS signal.


SSB EH and Radar Systems Department Head Ahmet AKYOL, emphasizing that there are serious advantages to being in the air while conducting the emission analysis of RF broadcasts, and that being able to do this over a UAV in the air offers much more advantages to the user, said, based on this fact, that SSB will join the Unmanned Systems Integrated EH Systems in the coming period. stated that the emphasis will be placed on


Explaining that Turkey has acquired the element-level digitization technology in the radar field with the ÇAFRAD Project, AKYOL stated that the ÇAFRAD prototype has been taken into the inventory. The ÇAFRAD Technology Demonstration Prototype (TGP) was deployed to the Naval Academy campus in Tuzla in the first half of 2019, and was subjected to a series of tests by deploying it to an old HvKK radar position in the Eastern Mediterranean in the second half of 2020. Reminding that the Active Electronically Scanned Weapons Detection Radar (STR) entered the inventory in 2021 (MSB announced that the first of the Weapon Detection Radars to enter the KKK inventory, with its social media account on December 10, 2021, has completed the inspection and acceptance procedures), and that it is effectively used in the operational field. AKYOL summarized the radar systems to be delivered in 2022 as follows:
The first National Air Traffic Control Radar, which can be used in both military and civil airports, will enter the inventory in the coming months,


· The ERALP Early Warning Radar System (EIRS) will also be put into service in 2022. S-Band ERALP T/EIRS, which was previously announced by SSB İsmail DEMİR to be delivered in November 2021; It consists of a total of 6 separate vehicles: Radar Subsystem, Control and Communication Subsystem, Radar Static Uninterruptible Power Supply Subsystem, Radiolink Subsystem (2x) and Radar Generator Subsystem.

· CENK-S Naval Platform 3D (3D) Search Radar will be put into service in 2022.


· AESA developed for the SİPER System and the new generation Multifunctional Fire Control Radar (ÇFAKR) with antenna architecture in the digital beamforming infrastructure are counting the days to enter the inventory in 2022. The ÇFAKR antenna, which is built on a 6x6 tactical vehicle, can be used in sectoral mode with 360 degree side coverage by rotating or with its antenna standing still.

· Aircraft/UAV Nasal Radar (MURAD) with antenna architecture in AESA and digital beamforming infrastructure has been produced and work is currently underway in the joint integration, test and trial phase.

Emphasizing that they will focus on the production of Integrated Early Warning and Maritime Surveillance Radars for UAVs in the coming period, AKYOL said that dissemination of the locally developed Passive Radar system is among their targets in the upcoming period.

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It is next generation Ahtapo Denizgözü a work in progress. We should be seeing the first national HD thermal sensor samples by next year.

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