- MILDEN domestic periscope mast: DenizGözü Mercan (MSB coordinated project)
- E/O with laser pointer for USVs: DeniGözü Pirana
- Denizgözü Ahtapot with SWIR detector: Gabya modernization
- Denizgözü Ahtapot with HD IR detector: I class frigate
Tests were supposed to begin by end of first quarter 2023.Aselflir500: flight trials will commence in 2023
Thank youSmart chaff/flare launcher
A correction. Smart Chaff/Flare/RF Decoy launcher.Thank you
Something like this.A correction. Smart Chaff/Flare/RF Decoy launcher.
Kind of notSomething like this.
View attachment 55917
Hava savunmadaki kritik Fransız ambargosu 'MİHAL' ile aşıldı
Hava savunma füzeleri için kritik öneme sahip olan lazer yaklaşma sensörleri konusunda, Fransa tarafından Türkiye'ye uygulanan ambargo MİHAL ile aşıldı.www.savunmasanayist.com
Domestic laser solution for A2A missile tht measures distance to target. Frances Ambargo has helped us once again.