TR Sensors and Detector Programs


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I couldn't understand what was meant by "flight". Flight in a business jet converted into a test-bed airplane is one thing, flight in a Ozgur F-16 block 30 is another thing...

That radar and the TF-10000 engine made me a stress cube, I swear!
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ASELSAN General Maneger Ahmet Akyol;

"When our MURAD AESA radar, which we are counting the days for its flight, and our Gökdoğan missile are used together, we will provide a game-changing competence for our Armed Forces with more precise detection, tracking and engagement from our UAV and fighterjet."

Is ther a chance that they made it something like CAPTOR radar, it can turn rigt left, up and down.



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We are again talking about multiple casualties in the north of Iraq. Again talking about bad weather defeating E/O reconnaissance means, difficulty of engaging targets in fog. Our T-129 Atak helicopters managed to to assist our troops only after the weather opened up and they covered the extraction of our martyrs/wounded. Air strikes followed after that.

I remember talking about MILDAR MMW radar for Atak in the past. There were even pictures from the tests. We were discussing that after we get this capability we must develop MMW seekers for our munitions like Cirit and UMTAS. What happened to this project? Why MILDAR is not used with our Ataks in bad weather when our soldiers need it?


@Sanchez @Bogeyman


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We are again talking about multiple casualties in the north of Iraq. Again talking about bad weather defeating E/O reconnaissance means, difficulty of engaging targets in fog. Our T-129 Atak helicopters managed to to assist our troops only after the weather opened up and they covered the extraction of our martyrs/wounded. Air strikes followed after that.

I remember talking about MILDAR MMW radar for Atak in the past. There were even pictures from the tests. We were discussing that after we get this capability we must develop MMW seekers for our munitions like Cirit and UMTAS. What happened to this project? Why MILDAR is not used with our Ataks in bad weather when our soldiers need it?

View attachment 64693

@Sanchez @Bogeyman
I think there was a balance problem last time. I don't know what happened after that.


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We are again talking about multiple casualties in the north of Iraq. Again talking about bad weather defeating E/O reconnaissance means, difficulty of engaging targets in fog. Our T-129 Atak helicopters managed to to assist our troops only after the weather opened up and they covered the extraction of our martyrs/wounded. Air strikes followed after that.

I remember talking about MILDAR MMW radar for Atak in the past. There were even pictures from the tests. We were discussing that after we get this capability we must develop MMW seekers for our munitions like Cirit and UMTAS. What happened to this project? Why MILDAR is not used with our Ataks in bad weather when our soldiers need it?

View attachment 64693

@Sanchez @Bogeyman
Either the prototype was made with foreign components and stayed as a prototype or in the great minds of army cadre, they didn't like the performance enough on T129, postponed it to T629. So we have 60 T129s without any radars. That's the thing with prototypes. Having them doesn't mean shit if they are not used in service.

Not like it would make much difference in that weather. That snow cover and fog makes the area uninhabitable right now, before it even comes to aircraft operating in the area.


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'Field Programmable Integrated Circuit Development (ALP-EREN) Project' was launched by the Presidency of Defense Industries.

The Underwater Synthetic Aperture Imaging Capability (SAS) Project was initiated by the Presidency of Defense Industries.
What is the submarine for, do they even know what is a SAS?
It is essentially a side scan sonar used for sea bottom imaging, could be used for anything from bottom mine detection, sensor network detection or sunk submarine detection to underwater navigation. So, it is more related to MCM and autonomous submarine or MCM AUV/UUV than a full scale submarine.
Unless TN intends to do a sea bottom warfare it has no relevance to full scale subs.


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What is the submarine for, do they even know what is a SAS?
It is essentially a side scan sonar used for sea bottom imaging, could be used for anything from bottom mine detection, sensor network detection or sunk submarine detection to underwater navigation. So, it is more related to MCM and autonomous submarine or MCM AUV/UUV than a full scale submarine.
Unless TN intends to do a sea bottom warfare it has no relevance to full scale subs.
I think we can assume the project in question will be employed on the new class MCMVs. As this is just r&D for now, i think we can also say new class MCMV is at least few years ahead.


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I think we can assume the project in question will be employed on the new class MCMVs. As this is just r&D for now, i think we can also say new class MCMV is at least few years ahead.
And perhaps for future AUV/UUV projects, but SAS requires a lot of processing (and therefore power) compared to a side scan sonar, but can also compress the size, making it suitable for small to medium to medium sized hulls.

Scientific and Navy's future hydrographic survey vessel could also benefit. But again, side-scan or array sonars are much easier to deploy and use (as long as there is enough space, or high resolution is not necessary).

MCMW vessel has been around for awhile, but i believe concept (requirements) ideas have evolved in lieu of recent developments. Since one of the USV are ordered in MCMW configuration we can be certain that MCMW vessel will be similar to Belgian NG MCM vessel (TN also refers to the project as NG MCM)


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National technologies are ready to take to the field for 5G

Communication Technologies Cluster (HTK) organized the TRNC Communication Technologies Summit with the support of the Cyprus Entrepreneurship and Technology Investment Association (GİTYAD), the main sponsor of the Mobilefest Fair, and the sponsorship of TRNC Turkcell and TRNC Telsim.

Cluster President, ULAK Communication Board Member and ASELSAN Deputy General Manager Mustafa Yaman answered the AA reporter's questions about the work carried out by HTK members and national communication technologies within the scope of the summit.

Stating that the cluster established within Ostim in 2017 brings together local and national companies working in the field of communication technologies, Mustafa Yaman said that they currently have more than 150 members.

Stating that they aim to create cooperation and unity among their members through clustering, Yaman stated that bringing their members together with customers, operators or other businesses that can use these products is among their priority duties.

Stating that they organized various events for these purposes, Yaman said that the summit in TRNC was an important part of them.

Pointing out that TRNC has recently switched to 4.5G and that it is aimed to switch to 5G within 3 years, Yaman evaluated that TRNC stands out as a good market due to these developments.

Explaining that they brought together their members with operators, regulatory institutions, companies and universities in TRNC at the event, Yaman stated that they discussed possible opportunities in a number of areas, from increasing service quality to developing the ecosystem and human resources.

In response to the question about the goals of HTK and its members in TRNC, Mustafa Yaman said:

"We are committed to everything that will be done here from now on. As Communication Technologies Cluster companies, we are committed to all the work to be done in this field. There may have been contributions to the work done, but we want more. We aim for more from now on. We want them to give us the next infrastructure installations and deliver them. This is We are as assertive as we are. Our request is to use our local and national technology here both in the development and dissemination of 4.5G and in the transition to 5G. Our companies are making intense efforts for this. They are trying to make progress in this regard. If a task is given, we will believe that the development here will accelerate even more and now Turkish We believe that companies will also become big players. We want to be given a region in TRNC or Turkey. We want to install this end-to-end technology here.

It makes no difference to us whether this happens here or in Turkey. If it happens here, it will be an advantage for Turkey, as a result, a little more progress will be made and it will go to Turkey in a more developed state and this place will also be updated. There is also an advantage to leaving early. It would be much more advantageous to start here since it is a controllable area. We will discuss this with the ministry, institutions and operators in TRNC. After that, if they trust us and give us this job, we would like to start here. "We are competent to fulfill this task and we are willing to do it."

Yaman stated that they will evaluate the expansion of fiber optic infrastructure in TRNC with their members.

"The key should be with local and national companies"

Stating that within the scope of the "end-to-end 5G project" that started in Turkey in 2018, companies have developed various products and have reached a certain stage, and that development work continues, Yaman said that new products continue to be released.

Stating that they made new evaluations in the light of these developments, Yaman said:

"We will evaluate whether we have any shortcomings or not. Our goal is not to have everything from needle to thread to be local. Because this is not always appropriate and doable. There is no point in localizing some things because they are not critical. That's why other products can be used in some areas. "We are not against it. The important thing is that the dominance is local and national. Communication should be handled holistically and created locally and nationally, and the remaining parts should be completed with different manufacturers if necessary. The key here should be local and national companies."

"We can become a center of attraction"

"When the cake is small, the shares are also small. We need to make the cake bigger." Mustafa Yaman said, pointing out that the way to achieve this is through exports.

Stating that both HTK and its members are making efforts in this regard, Yaman emphasized that the contribution and support of state officials in exports is also very important.

Stating that communication technologies are included in all infrastructures and are of very critical importance, Yaman said, "Health, agriculture, food security and defense... All of these are based on communication infrastructure. We attach great importance to local and nationality here. That is why, as Turkey, we should take control of our infrastructures as soon as possible." "We need to hire more engineers and we need to work harder for this. In this way, we can keep more engineers in the country, train better engineers, create more employment, our earnings will increase and I think we can become a center of attraction." said.

"We must have the chip"

Pointing out that the way to achieve the goals in communication technologies is to make products cost-effective, Mustafa Yaman said:

"Cost effectiveness depends on making the products more compact. You need to be able to do the work you do in large blocks with a chip. Communication technologies are one of the most suitable areas for this work. Therefore, we need to advance in chip technologies. We will develop more products, we will turn the blocks into chips in the products. Chip Hopefully, design and chip production will be done in Turkey in the future. This is how a country develops. Systems are now located on a chip. If you cannot have a chip, your products will not be preferred tomorrow. That is why we definitely need to switch to chip technology.

We have a company working on this in the cluster. They are trying to move forward with various supports and projects. We need to create jobs and provide income for them. Because chip design is expensive, chip production is more expensive. These infrastructures need to be established. We have some way to go in this regard, but we are persistent and I believe we will move forward. The development of the defense industry in the last 20 years is obvious. Trusting the companies, it was said that these works could be done in Turkey, and Turkish engineers succeeded in this job. The situation we have reached after 20 years is obvious. Here too, if it is reliable, this sector will progress like the defense industry and make a name for itself in the world."



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"On the other hand, in addition to TÜBİTAK BİLGEM EHPOD, a Tactical Electronic Support Pod (EDPOD) is also being developed for the F-16 Aircraft. EDPOD also has a similar outer shell with the 300-gallon external fuel tank carried under the fuselage in F-16 Aircraft. The EDPOD System, which was exhibited for the first time at the TUBITAK stand at the IDEF '19 Fair, will detect and diagnose threat radars and contribute to the Electronic Order of Battle (EOB) by using their geographical location information. EH actually begins long before the moment of encounter with enemy aircraft and/or missiles. First of all, the information and data regarding the surface, underwater, air and land platforms that will pose a threat, the operating bands/frequencies of the radars and sensors on them, and the weapon systems they carry are collected through EDT/ELINT Systems in case of peace and uploaded to the EW Information Bank and all areas in the operation area are collected. A reliable and high-resolution 'Electronic Order of Battle/EOB' that will include potential threats [surface, underwater, air and land-based] needs to be prepared. Because the reaction starts after the EOB is formed. Thanks to the preparation of the EOB in advance, it will be easier for friendly elements to establish dominance in the area. Tactical EDPOD System can detect threat radars with its Broadband and Narrow Band Receivers. Following detection, the arrival direction, frequency, pulse width, pulse amplitude, pulse repetition interval, antenna scanning and intra-pulse modulation parameters of the threat radars are extracted. Geographic location information is calculated using the radar's direction of arrival information. The EHPOD System records the contact parameters, location information, Pulse Identification Word (DTK) values and raw Intermediate Frequency data of threat radars for post-mission analysis. It transmits the threat information it obtains to the Ground Support System and other EHPODs in the mission area via the Link-16 network. The EHPOD System also allows the records it receives to be analyzed with the software in the Ground Support System. As a result of the analyses, EHPOD and EDPOD Systems contribute to the updating of the National Joint EH Data Bank."

I think with some software modifications and data link addition, EDPOD should be able to do it.

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AGNOSIS, our product family of Anti-Jamming Resilient Global Positioning Systems, is designed to operate under the threat of jamming and deception, enabling platforms to effectively carry out their missions. Developed by Meteksan Defense, leveraging expertise in ammunition data links, avionics subsystems, and antenna designs, it is intended for use in aircraft and munitions. The AGNOSIS Product Family, distinguished by different capabilities and frequency bands, stands as Turkey's most effective and reliable anti-jamming resilient global positioning system.

- Indigenous, Strongest, and Reliable Anti-Jamming Resilient Global Positioning System
- Options for 4, 8, and 16 Channel Antennas
- Simultaneous Support for Multiple Frequency Bands and Satellites
- Deception-Resistant, Embedded, Multi-Band, Indigenous GNSS Receiver Support Option
- Frequency Filtering, Pulse Filtering, and Spatial Filtering Techniques
- Proven Performance with Integration into High-Speed and Dynamic Platforms


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