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Turksat 6A was placed in the capsule before launch.

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🚀 The orbital maneuvers of TÜRKSAT 6A will be carried out by our Electric Propulsion Engine! 💫

🇹🇷 Turkey's first domestically produced communication satellite, TÜRKSAT 6A, will take its place in space on July 9th.

🌟 Developed under the leadership of TÜBİTAK UZAY with over 80% local content, TÜRKSAT 6A will serve at an altitude of 35,000 km for 15 years.

🔋 The Electric Propulsion Engine, which will perform the necessary east-west maneuvers to keep the satellite in its orbit, was designed, produced, and tested in the @tubitakuzay laboratories.

⚡ This system, which operates with high efficiency and uses xenon gas, offers more maneuverability with less fuel consumption compared to other propulsion systems.

📈 The 300W system used in our first domestically produced satellite with an electric propulsion system, İMECE, which was launched last year, has been operating successfully. Now, we have developed a 1500W electric propulsion system for TÜRKSAT 6A, a much larger satellite that will operate in a higher orbit.

🌐 With the technologies we produce, we are not only capable of producing satellites but also exporting our satellite subsystems, progressing towards becoming a global technology provider! 👏

🛰️ The Electric Propulsion System, which is of critical importance for TÜRKSAT 6A, was produced through the meticulous work of our expert team at the TÜBİTAK UZAY Institute! 🚀

⚙️ One of the systems we produced for TÜRKSAT 6A at TÜBİTAK UZAY, the Electric Propulsion System, came to life in our mechanical and electrical production workshops featuring a class 10,000 clean room.

🔬 Our Electric Propulsion Engine Laboratory, where the design, production, and testing processes take place, is equipped with three vacuum tanks, two of which are large. These tanks are equipped with various test setups used to measure and analyze the performance of propulsion systems.

🔵 The vacuum tanks established to conduct these tests contain critical devices such as a thrust stand for measuring thrust, a Faraday measurement system for determining exhaust gas properties, and a thermal measurement system for determining thermal properties.

🇹🇷 We are strengthening our nation's space journey with our national space technologies.

🔗 For details: 👇🏻

We successfully fired our electric thrust engine! 🚀

🛰️ We fired the HALE 1500 electric thrust engine, which we developed within the scope of the TÜRKSAT 6A project, for 7 minutes.

🌌 Thus, our electric thrust engine, which we produced entirely with domestic and national resources, gained space history in geostationary orbit at an altitude of 35,786 km.

✅ While we continue the orbital tests of TÜRKSAT 6A, we also need to perform periodic position protection maneuvers to keep our satellite in orbit against the disruptive factors originating from the Earth, the Sun and the Moon and to maintain a safe distance from other satellites.

⚙️ For this purpose, we will use two domestically-made Electric Thrust Engines that we have installed to keep our satellite in its longitude and maintain its circular orbit.

🛰️ Thanks to our electric thrust engine, which we have successfully used in the HALE 300 version on our İMECE satellite, we will now be able to maneuver with less fuel and have the opportunity to increase the mission life of our satellite.

This step we have taken in our national space journey is the work of our country's independent technological power and our determined engineers. We are proud of our teams! 👏🏻 🇹🇷



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(Bloomberg) -- Turkey has held talks with Somalia about setting up a site to test-fire missiles and space rockets from the Horn of Africa country, according to people familiar with the matter.

Ankara’s ballistic-missile program requires long-range testing and Somalia’s location on the eastern tip of mainland Africa is ideal for firing toward the Indian Ocean, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing sensitive subjects. The country is close to the equator, making it a suitable site for a space port, they said. Testing near the equator can also help boost the range and efficiency of space rockets.

Turkey has long aspired to join a space race traditionally dominated by global powers, and plans to launch a rocket have been underway for some years. That could potentially be fired from Somalia, the people said. Turkish officials are confident Somalia will agree to its request, the people said. Turkey’s defense ministry declined to comment.

Hussein Sheikh-Ali, national security adviser to Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, declined to comment when contacted by phone on Tuesday. The chairman of the parliamentary sub-committee on defense, Abdi Ahmed Koshin, said he was unaware of any such agreement with Turkey.

Turkey has been working on increasing the range of its domestically-built Tayfun missiles from about 560 kilometers (350 miles), President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in 2022. A Somalia launch site would remove the risk of debris falling into residential areas and other countries, the people said.

Turkey is one of the few foreign powers strengthening ties with Somalia as it tries to rebuild after years of clan warfare. Over the past decade, Turkey has expanded its influence through defense cooperation and infrastructure projects, and has plans for hydrocarbon exploration. It’s involved in mediation between the government in Mogadishu, the capital, and leaders in Somaliland, a semi-autonomous region.

Along with the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, Turkey is among the middle-tier powers making inroads across Africa as Chinese investment slows and the US plays catch up.

While Russia has become a symbol of anti-Western sentiment in some places, its Wagner Group mercenaries aren’t as coveted as Turkey’s TB2 Baykar drones, which 11 African nations have purchased.

Increasing Foothold

Turkey has been increasing its foothold in the Horn of Africa nation since Erdogan visited the country in 2011. He agreed at the time to provide financial assistance to revive basic services such as education and health along with security.

A defense-industry cooperation agreement signed between Turkey and Somalia in 2015 allows for “joint research, development and production projects in the field of military equipment in the territories of the parties.” The two countries agreed in July to further boost their defense and economic cooperation over the next decade.

In 2017, Turkey opened its largest overseas military base in Mogadishu, and hundreds of the country’s troops are training Somalian soldiers. That’s part of Somalia’s plan to improve security after an insurgency by the Islamist group al-Shabaab.

Turkey, which wants to replicate its relationship with Mogadishu in other African countries, is expected to dispatch an exploration ship to search for oil and gas off Somalia’s coast, following an offer from the country’s government.

On the diplomatic front, Ankara has recently tried to mediate in a dispute between Somalia and neighboring Ethiopia over a deal Addis Ababa struck to build a port in Somaliland. Somalia considers the semi-autonomous region to be part of its territory.

--With assistance from Mohamed Sheikh Nor and Mohammed Omar Ahmed.



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I had been looking for a location for a spaceport in Somalia on the maps for a long time taking into account a number of considerations.

  • Being closest to the equator gives the advantage of rotational assist from the ground to the tune of 60% less energy required for the same payload compared to Baykonur Space Center which translates to like 50% gains compared to İğneada launchpad.
  • Security situation in Somalia requires a safer location than just any location.
  • Regular transportation of materials from Türkiye to the spaceport must be convenient. Distance should be manageable for planes and an airport and a seaport must be available.
  • Must be safe from environmental hazards and must not be a hazard to major human settlements and major nature protection zones.
  • Large enough land must be able to be provided for permanent structures to be built. This is more relevant in the case of an island location.
  • Facilities for spaceport personnel must not be inconvenient; should be a manageable distance to a city rather than not.

There is a big distance from the south of Somalia to the north, so this comes as a major consideration for a start. What kind of a spaceport is being considered is also a major factor for location selection. Offshore, onshore and inland locations and fully built and semi-built infrastructure plays a big role. There are more things to consider to make the endeavor a successful one.

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