they are sending a wink
If we compare it with TFX, it is small and Indonesia is invesring in this?
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They have offered a partnership in the beginning,LoL
they are sending a wink....
If we compare it with TFX, it is small and Indonesia is invesring in this?
Translation in summary:Kendi savaş uçağı projesini başlatmayı planlayan Türkiye, Fırtına, Altay ve KT-1T projelerinden dolayı zaten iyi bir savunma sanayii ilişkisine sahip olduğu Güney Kore ile temaslar kurdu. Bu kapsamda 2010 sonbaharında Güney Kore'ye üst düzey ziyaretler gerçekleştirildi ve proje modelleri üzerinde konuşuldu.[19] Ancak esasa dair görüş ayrılıkları söz konusuydu: Türkiye, A400M gibi uluslararası projelerdekine benzer şekilde, risk, maliyet ve idari kararların birlikte alınacağı modeli; Güney Kore ise yalnızca maliyetin bölüşüldü bir modeli savunuyordu. Uçağın tasarım ve performansına dair tüm konularda tek karar merciinin DAPA, ana tasarımcının ise ADD olacağı belirtiliyordu. Bu görüş ayrılığı nedeniyle Türkiye'nin ortaklığı gerçekleşmedi. Nitekim Türkiye, 15.12.2010 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen Savunma Sanayi İcra Komitesi (SSİK) toplantısında Türk Hava Kuvvetlerinin 2020'li yıllardan sonraki jet eğitim uçağı ve muharip uçak ihtiyacını karşılamak maksadıyla bir proje başlattı.[20]
Lot of country flags were projected on KFX. I don't see any wink wink stuff on thisLoL
they are sending a wink....
If we compare it with TFX, it is small and Indonesia is invesring in this?
Lot of country flags were projected on KFX. I don't see any wink wink stuff on this
They have offered a partnership in the beginning,
From orko_8
Devam Eden Savaş Uçağı Geliştirme Projeleri ve Bazı Değerlendirmeler - 2
Savunma, politika, istihbarat ve diğer her şeyin bulanık mantığı
Translation in summary:
Turkey was not interested because Korea haven't shared decision making privilege but only finances. DAPA was the main decision maker while ADD was main contractor for design. Later Hürjet and TF-X projects were commenced.
Korea didn't have any issues about the ToT (apart from foreign contributions given to them), in fact in 2000s KAI-TAI were pretty close, the problem was Turkey wanted to have a say in the project, setting requirements together according to self needs (deciding together), sharing project management, risks etc, not just finances but as whole, as it was also told in the source while Koreans were preferring the project to be their own solely but looking for partners to share finances (the way, Turkey looks for partners in TF-X project now). It was Turkey who was not satisfied with the agreement, wasn't pleased by being a partner just by sharing finances and receiving technical packages in the end.They have offered to finance the project, but the question what should bu asked is. What is Indonesi getting from this project?
What did the Korean see in them and give them ToT and not us?
Korea didn't have any issues about the ToT (apart from foreign contributions given to them), in fact in 2000s KAI-TAI were pretty close, the problem was Turkey wanted to have a say in the project, setting requirements together according to self needs (deciding together), sharing project management, risks etc, not just finances but as whole, as it was also told in the source while Koreans were preferring the project to be their own solely but looking for partners to share finances (the way, Turkey looks for partners in TF-X project now). It was Turkey who was not satisfied with the agreement, wasn't pleased by being a partner just by sharing finances and receiving technical packages in the end.
The issue is not about ToT or outcome, but the design process while setting up: which part is going to be used, produced by whom, parameters decided by whom etc.
Lot of country flags were projected on KFX. I don't see any wink wink stuff on this
Interesting, but no UAE flag? They have close ties and there is a possible opportunity there if USA doesn't veto purchase.It shows their target market, even US flag is there as well since USA is seeking low cost fighter to complement their high cost F22 and F35
Interesting, but no UAE flag? They have close ties and there is a possible opportunity there if USA doesn't veto purchase.
Good to know that we are doing it.Mr KOTIL: "If Turkey fails to do own ejection seat, it's not possible to make national aircraft "
Mr KOTIL: "If Turkey fails to do own ejection seat, it's not possible to make national aircraft "
You have to make everything in parallel to make them ready in time for production.I wouldn't put so much into ejection seat, honestly. Let's make the engine first, though.
You have to make everything in parallel to make them ready in time for production.
The lack of them, possible. But we will try to make them until make them.Sure, but would TFX fail as a national aircraft because of the engine or the ejection seat ?
Those flags looks more like suppliers of components.. I don't think target market is USA or Turkey.. They look like the flags of suppliers on that picture, partners.Have you check all the flags there ??? I think it is just snapshots of targeted market, of course they will try to sell it to all countries that has good financial and good relationship with USA.
Might be correct. SDT supplied data link tool for KF-XThose flags looks more like suppliers of components.. I don't think target market is USA or Turkey.. They look like the flags of suppliers on that picture, partners.