TUSAŞ ve TÜBİTAK BİLGEM - MMU için Radar Kesit Alanı Tesisi Kuracak!
Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii ile TÜBİTAK BİLGEM arasında Milli Muharip Uçak (MMU) Sözleşmesi kapsamında yakın alan test tesisi için sözleşme imzalandı. Sözleşme ile Milli Muharip Uçak’ın radar kesit alanı tesisi TUSAŞ yerleşkesinde kurulacak ve uçağın testleri gerçekleştirilecek.www.defenceturkey.com
"Radar Cross Section Test facility will be opened in 2021" - date: december 2019
"Radar Cross Section Test facility will be opened in the second quarter of 2024" - date: february 2023
I love Temel Kotil, but as any other manager he can be prone to overpromising. The hurdles are real and countries as diverse as Russia, China, Japan, India and France have been wrestling with them for decades, as they are doing now. So these are not some old problems, as someone else alluded to, which can now be bypassed by 3d printing and digital twins and Dassault and Siemens CADs (things Temel Kotil is referring to when he talks about how they accelerated the MMU design, and which I point out to show how they don't apply here). The metallurgic hurdles are contemporary and Japan, Russia and India are grappling with them currently. China seems to have passed them, at least they claim they have but it took them two decades. The past two decades, not decades 50 years ago.
It was likely that there would be delays in infrastructure investments. Many strategic infrastructure investments are carried out at the same time by Tusaş (Wind tunnel, EMI/EMC, RCS measurement, Bird Strike, Production hangar, litening test, Engineering building...) but I think that deliveries of Tf35K can be made at said time. R&D projects on Nickel, aerospace stainless steel and Titanium have borne fruit and TEI is among a few institute ruling 3rd generation single crystal blade technology. TEI previously worked on a GE origin engine on compressor design and tested that its lower stage compressor solution gave more efficient results. They are working hard for cooling R&D and additional coating technologies to reach higher temperatures. They are also developing exhaust section and CD nozzle technology on the Tf10K now. Maybe, they will develop 2D TVC nozzle for Tf35K. Obviously, all available technologies will be tested on the Tf10K within a few years. These test results will directly affect calendar of Tf35K. TEI has no problems with production. The real challenge will be about having a working engine design that will prove itself. That's why more than 200 engineers are only interested in design work at the moment and on the other hand, negotiations are underway with RR on cooperation.