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You are not thinking correctly. The minimum requirements of such an aircraft will be even lower. If such a project ever happens you might see a 500lbs internal capacity requirement.Their requirements can be met by a single engine light/medium weight 5th gen design. Why then even bother with a twin engine heavy weight design?
The requirements are too poor in the first place. 65km is even lower than the 30 year old AIM-120A. That the Turkish military industry is capable of developing better performing products, doesn't mean the requirements aren't subpar in the first place.You are not thinking correctly. The minimum requirements of such an aircraft will be even lower. If such a project ever happens you might see a 500lbs internal capacity requirement.
For example, the minimum requirement of the Gökdoğan missile was 65km range. It easily passes that range today and soon it will reach over 100km without much effort. You might argue why need a missile as big as Gokdoğan to achieve a 65km range. It doesn't work like that.
Operational requirements are the minimum requirements a defense product has to achieve to successfully complete its designated mission. Anything lower than that and the armed forces won't accept it as a viable product and won't procure it.
So, in the end, we are "guaranteed" to have a product that achieves the minimum requirements. That doesn't tell us about anything about the final capability of the product.
No, the requirements should've been minimum AIM-120B range which the Gokdogan is supposed to be replacing. Tubitak-Sage could have gone the easy way by designing a MICA sized missile to reach 65km and be done with it and it would've left the TurAF scratching their heads. It is thanks to the benevolence and ambition of Tubitak-Sage that they designed an AIM-120 sized missile with room for growth approaching the AIM-120C5/7 range.So by your logic range requirement of the Gokdogan missile should have been 100km and when a missile with an 80km range delivered the air force should have rejected it because it doesn't meet the minimum requirements. This is how you destroy a defense industry.
I guess these are quoted for export chancesWho here genuinely thinks the TF-X is going to use ASRAAM, MICA, GBU, SPEAR, SDB or even the Meteor in Turkish service?
Good point. It could've have achieved it with a twin engine medium weight design like the KF-X/AMCA.Perhaps it is because it is a mult-irole fighter that has to meet many other requirements like speed, range, non-stealth carrying capacity and such.
Read my post carefully before responding. This post of yours is full of strawman and shifting the goalpost.This is wrong there is no guarantee(and most likely will fail) that you will achieve the same range as 120C5/C7 on your first try. Putting the bar high will doom your fledgling defense industry as you have to officially reject the product which doesn't achieve minimum requirements. Gökdoğan should have been rejected according to your requirements. CATS should have been rejected it is worse than MX-15. At the first iteration, you should set the bar as low as you can without jeopardizing the operation and accept anything more as a bonus.
Can you compare it with F-35 and F-22, in numbers. What are RCS of these Jets?The targeted RCS value for the MMU/TF-X was -10 to -20 dBsm (0.1m2 to 0.01m2, low visibility/Low Observabelity). Already in his speech, Alb. YAY stated that beyond this, they will surpass themselves in the current conditions. Since RCS = 10 (Decibels/10), the resulting RCS value will be between 0.1m2 and 0.01m2. Experts with knowledge of the subject I consulted pointed out that the RCS value of 0.01/1m2 is reasonable and stated that if they came up with a target like 0.00001, they would not be convincing anyway. One of the experts commented on the subject, “It is surprising that they give a figure like -10 to -20 dBsm. Even in this design, stealth disappears at 30° and 140°. In other words, it would be more believable if they gave the dBsm value between 0-20,” he said.
Anadolu Kartalı 2021/2 Eğitimi Basın Günü Faaliyetinden Notlar
Gerçek harekâta benzetilmiş bir ortamda, pilotların, hava savunma personelinin ve kontrolörlerin harekâta yönelik eğitim seviyelerinin artırılması, müşterek ve birleşik harekât usullerinin denenmesi ve geliştirilmesi, gerçek harekât şartlarında kayıpların asgari seviyeye indirilmesi ve gö
Can you compare it with F-35 and F-22, in numbers. What are RCS of these Jets?