According to TR FM, UK has lifted all export restrictions on defence industry.![]()
İngiltere Türkiye'ye Yönelik İhraç Kısıtlamalarını Kaldırdı
İngiltere, savunma sanayiine yönelik olarak Türkiye'ye uyguladığı ihracat kısıtlamalarını kaldırdı. Gelişmeyi, Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt ÇAVUŞOĞLU
This opens up RR deal and eases TFX bottleneck situations. If there were any!
Lol, the export restrictions came after the engine talks fell through. But Brits didn't follow it letter by letter most of the trade continued with some of them denied. Now they are lifting it after the engine deal happened and they made Canada lift its restrictions too.
Brits got big money for the engines of ~500 fighters (250 for TR+250 for export). A single-engine might cost 5 million $ so 1000+ engines will cost 5 billion+ and Brits will continue profiting in the future when we take life cycle costs into the consideration. Big mind games were played by both sides in this process. Finally, a deal was achieved. TR pushed for BMC(AKP businessmen wanted to get a big slice of the juicy pie) the UK wanted to have a good workshare(%50) by getting the contract with TAEC and holding sensitive technology secrets safe for the third countries. In the end, TR managed to get TEI and TRMotor involved via TAI, BMC and Qatar are kicked off from the deal. A more distributed workshare is created between companies(which means RR giving up some of its profits.)