TR Turkey expects to lay ground for Kanal Istanbul project in summer

Canal Istanbul?

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So? Should we just kiss france's ass?
You are angry because china puts millions of muslims into concentration camps? Then what about france? Those guys(France) destroy countries. Look at egypt, sudan, and lebanon!
I would chose china rather than france anytime
At least china is trying to break the status quo and not solidify france's colonialism
France will always one of the top enemies to turkey and muslims amd that is not me talking but actual damn history!
Try to think outside the black-white shades, world is not bipolar.
Btw, you really just said you prefer a country that is committing a crime against humanity to one that did it in the past, wow, normal people would protest somethings thats happening in current time instead of apologizing it with the crimes of someone in the past.
You represent the exact problem of muslim world, this is the reason why it will always stay broken up, underdeveloped and ruled by outsiders because not a single country in muslim world has spine.
At least china is trying to break the status quo and not solidify france's colonialism
Great, replace one evil with another. (y)

France will always one of the top enemies to turkey and muslims amd that is not me talking but actual damn history!
Oh, you wanna tech me history? Look up the history of China and Turkic people and tell me again how friends we are...


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Try to think outside the black-white shades, world is not bipolar.
Btw, you really just said you prefer a country that is committing a crime against humanity to one that did it in the past, wow, normal people would protest somethings thats happening in current time instead of apologizing it with the crimes of someone in the past.
Do you seriosuoy believe that france isnt commiting crimes against humanity these days. If so, then without any offense, you are blind. Think about what they are doing in mali, think about the billions of ppl in different countries who are suffering from the dictators that they are supporting! Just because they arent the ones who are whipping you doesnt mean they are innocent; dont forget that they are supporting those who are whipping you. Thus, their hands are stained similarly
You represent the exact problem of muslim world, this is the reason why it will always stay broken up, underdeveloped and ruled by outsiders because not a single country in muslim world has spine.
And the treatment for that is france right?
The reason the muslim world wont rise is because they are dumb, greedy and idiotic
The muslim world was originally an empire but many rotten arabs wanted the power so badly so voila lets destroy the ottomans and the ones who beared the responsibility at the end are the turks.
The west knows the arab mentality well...... and they know how to capitalise on it
I want the ppl to understand that the state turkey is in rn is mainly because of the west and not china. Certainly other internal factors contributed but that is for another time
Great, replace one evil with another. (y)

Oh, you wanna tech me history? Look up the history of China and Turkic people and tell me again how friends we are...
I Never said that china was turkey's eternal friend
What i wanna say is that why china abuses their muslims; its because they dont believe in the chinese ideology that your life is for the state as china is a communist state. Moreover, the areas where the muslims live at are filled with lucrative oil fields in addition to being strategically located for china to realise its ambition. So its money money and money
I have been to france before, and i assure you that they dont like turkey or the muslim world in general. Many of them believe taht muslims are degenerates of inferior standing. Many of them believe that in order for the christian religion to truly prosper, muslims should be eradicated. Racism is in their blood. From those who are even before napoleon. Many even now hate the ottomans to the core and still believe that you must be gone as the children of the ottomans

Mate i just wanna say that i truly respect your opinion (in case you thought iam attacking you)
If iam forced rn to chose between 2 evils; i would chose the one which makes me grow and not be smaller (france wanna turkey be an obedient little shield or canoon fodder as i would like to say.... pigs that they can throw at any time but that is just wrong; turks have their honour as well)
This is what china did
Before the 2000s, china was sucking USA ass. After they gained what they wanted.... its paytime baby!
Turkey should do the same. Turks arent inferior to the chinese by any means. If they can do it, then so can you


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Problem and responsibility of decision is neither europeans' nor others'. We will think the best for us and decide in any way true for us. And now the decision maker for Turkey is President and his cabinet as chosen by the majority.
When we listen anybody as though the specialist, he/she doesn't like anything. Everything wrong and bad. But when we ask how should we do? She/he says it is not my business... And so on...


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If akp wouldn't fucked up the Turkish economy, the mayor would take credit from the Turkish banks instead of French ones. If akp supported chp municipality projects as they did with akpian municipalities they wouldn't take credit from French banks. It's not kissing anybodies butt ffs, the loan is not for free.
And this kanal project is only another project to suck money from the nation like other projects, making the cronies richer. It's no coincidence that Qatari Emireate's mom bought land where the canal is passing.


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Do you seriosuoy believe that france isnt commiting crimes against humanity these days. If so, then without any offense, you are blind. Think about what they are doing in mali, think about the billions of ppl in different countries who are suffering from the dictators that they are supporting! Just because they arent the ones who are whipping you doesnt mean they are innocent; dont forget that they are supporting those who are whipping you. Thus, their hands are stained similarly

And the treatment for that is france right?
The reason the muslim world wont rise is because they are dumb, greedy and idiotic
The muslim world was originally an empire but many rotten arabs wanted the power so badly so voila lets destroy the ottomans and the ones who beared the responsibility at the end are the turks.
The west knows the arab mentality well...... and they know how to capitalise on it
I want the ppl to understand that the state turkey is in rn is mainly because of the west and not china. Certainly other internal factors contributed but that is for another time

I Never said that china was turkey's eternal friend
What i wanna say is that why china abuses their muslims; its because they dont believe in the chinese ideology that your life is for the state as china is a communist state. Moreover, the areas where the muslims live at are filled with lucrative oil fields in addition to being strategically located for china to realise its ambition. So its money money and money
I have been to france before, and i assure you that they dont like turkey or the muslim world in general. Many of them believe taht muslims are degenerates of inferior standing. Many of them believe that in order for the christian religion to truly prosper, muslims should be eradicated. Racism is in their blood. From those who are even before napoleon. Many even now hate the ottomans to the core and still believe that you must be gone as the children of the ottomans

Mate i just wanna say that i truly respect your opinion (in case you thought iam attacking you)
If iam forced rn to chose between 2 evils; i would chose the one which makes me grow and not be smaller (france wanna turkey be an obedient little shield or canoon fodder as i would like to say.... pigs that they can throw at any time but that is just wrong; turks have their honour as well)
This is what china did
Before the 2000s, china was sucking USA ass. After they gained what they wanted.... its paytime baby!
Turkey should do the same. Turks arent inferior to the chinese by any means. If they can do it, then so can you
The problem here is you attack opposition because they lend money from ''enemy'' while the goverment lends money from a even bigger ''enemy''.
China isnt giving out those cheap loans for nothing, they are known for their debt trap diplomacy, we have no clue under what arrangements those loans have been taken, and now we cant even critisize them on top of it.
Look how many times Erdogan attacked France and Macron, the difference is the loan has been taken from a french bank, french goverment can do nothing about it, at least we got that freedom.

I am one of the first to critisize France's colonial past and current shady activities in Africa, i did so in the past and still say they are hypocrites hiding behind human rights and democracy, yet China is way worse in this regard and its happening as we speak about it.
If you really think that China gives that money to help Turkey in any way then you are just naive and play along the Chinese propaganda.

Besides, have you ever though about why the opposition has to take loans from abroad in the first place?
The municipalities have to take money from foreigners to finish projects in the cities because the central goverment cut the payments, the goverment is literally cutting the funds for municipalities that have been elected by the people, by doing that they show how much they really respect the democracy and constitution.
Erdogan is trying to do the same as what Sisi did when Morsi was in power he made sure that nothing in the country works so that people go to the streets.

Blame the goverment that has turned the country into a banana republic instead of blaming oppositional municipalities that are trying to finish projects and keep functioning.
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Canal Istanbul Status.

Laying Ground 26.06.2021


Progress 15.12.2021 ( ca. 6 Months )

2 km in 6 Months.



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Kanal Istanbul has been talked about for centuries even Ecevit flirted with this idea.


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Pic from 13.02.2022
2 Months later and 8 Months after Laying Ground.

> No visible progress.
> Could be related to Weather Conditions.

View attachment 39867

With the Start of Spring Construction seems to have started again.
Apparently after a 6 Month Pause (Likely due to Winter and bad weather Conditions) the restart of construction can be seen from Space.

Left: Pic from 15.02.2022
Right: Pic from 15.04.2022



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It is out in the open that this project is meant to serve a privileged few, but opposition fades away somehow, as more and more warm up to the idea of a second canal. Pros and cons are still out there, but it seems all the more doable (call it a genious strategy, or weariness as a result of too much exposure!), especially, and I say that should be a pre-condition, with foreign funding. That will be a relief on tax payers, and suppress much of the loud voices in favor of the project.

As it seems the project is still on the go, it is getting clear that we have way passed the U-turn. I say it is time we discuss how Turkey will benefit, i.e. financially if feasible, in stead, and leave behind the Janissary attitude, “istemezük!”.

EDIT: Just a little note to avoid lightning strike; I am not thoroughly against the idea, but the way it is realized, without a debate on pros and cons!
With the Start of Spring Construction seems to have started again.
Apparently after a 6 Month Pause (Likely due to Winter and bad weather Conditions) the restart of construction can be seen from Space.

Left: Pic from 15.02.2022
Right: Pic from 15.04.2022

View attachment 42566 View attachment 42568
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This canal istanbul has been a idea thats has been floating since the Ottoman Empire.

Bulent Ecevit also flirted with this idea but back down due to costs.


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This canal istanbul has been a idea thats has been floating since the Ottoman Empire.

Bulent Ecevit also flirted with this idea but back down due to costs.
That has never been a “mission-impossible” for any of us, after all our ancestor floated ships on land! Just years of diggin’, and diggin’, and diggin’,,,


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Canal Istanbul is bad for Russia and good for NATO.
it is BAD for all
it is GOOD for Turkiye. Why because there are NOT ANY International Agreement to force Turkiye

Simple example: Lets say Channel Istanbul is ready USED...............................

Lets Say When and What ever is the case................ Turkiye decide to close Straite channel........Lets say Incident happend :).............All international start Complain.....
But Turkiye Answers WILL be THERE IS CHANNEL Istanbul why you crying................You can used :)............................

But Force multipiler for Turkiye is GAME CHANGING..............So many posibilities .......So many

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