Brave Janissary
Well-known member

I just think about how we can gain money from our old m-60's and Leopard 1 and also M-113/acv-15 gzpt series. Just because they are have huge numbers, and for a replace hims we need more money just because prices of tanks and ifv's highly increased.

Behalf of adding extra weight theirs already heavy turrets, why not we are change his turrets with unmanned turret ? Already turret weight of m-60's around 13-16 tonnes and Leopard 1's of 10-13 tonnes. Weight of 105mm unmanned turret is aroun 4-5 tonnes.
So we can gain 10 tonnes weight , and thats a very huge gain. For example leopard 2a4 and 2a6 weight diffrence is 5 tonnes. and m-60a3 and sabra diffrence is 8 tonnes and in the sabra project cannon, engine and most of things changed. Additional armour weight is big probaply 5 tonnes around.
So I mean we just use him cannon him slim and light unmanned turret, or just we can take him from cockreill. Also we can relocate his new 3 crew to front of tank and armoring the front with this new 10 tonnes weight gain. And of course we can change his sights with cheap sights and aselsan yamgöz, lwr and pulat.
And in the and we can make a 55 km/h class M-60 and 65 km/h class leopard 1 with unmanned turreted version of his 105 mm gun who can capable 530 mm penetrate capability from 4 km and thats mean he can penetrate all tanks from sides and back and most of tanks from front without top tier tanks. Also we can make a 105 mm version of top attack capable tanok for againts top tier tanks. Also this tank can resist 120mm tank guns and missile thanks for that to his active protection system and new front armour concept (with help of 10-15 tonnes weight gain)

Also we can convert our m-113's and acv-15's to our new cheap modded ifv and make a team and cheap concept with tank who I stated upwards.
İt could be vey cheap alternative tank-ifv solution for poor african, muslim, asian and sout american countries who have a enemies not have 3 th gen tank inventory.
We can use a monwy who we gain from this to renew&and sell project to replace our inventory with Altay and Modern İfv's.
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