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Bro, MQ9 got the longest combat record!Well with "it seems" you are already declaring your opinion and not something factual, I guess all the countries ordering the TB2 are a bit in disagreement with you. Quality does not show on photo's, it shows herself on the battlefield. On picture the French Neuron looks quite impressive and quality but what is quality if it remains off battlefield?
Secondly drones are still in evolution form compared to the long years that jet fighters already have behind and drones are catching up in dazzling speed.
The MQ-1 and MQ-9 looks indeed nice and are probably also nice drones, but can you tell me in which war they have shined?
Are we talk about export or domestic?Latest deals indicate $17 million usd per TB2 (however, this likely includes training, technical support and ammunition)
Those days of TB2 selling for $6 million are long gone
Which wars? Can you sum them? By my knowledge only used extensively in Afghanistan and some use in Syria (only in taking out some ISIS operatives, not war). When we count the number of tank and AD system kills than MQ9 does not even come close to Tb2.Bro, MQ9 got the longest combat record!
And this is the very first drone to be used extensively in multiple wars.
And still to this day, MQ9B is the finest combat drone out there.
We are finally making guided artillery rockets air-launchable. The total warhead impact diameter of 6 TRG-230s is around 300 meters by 55-60 meters, which can destroy an entire military convoy in one sortie.Roketsan:
With the IHA-230, Turkey's first air-to-ground supersonic missile, which was first fired from our Bayraktar AKINCI UCAV, the target over 100KM was hit with a direct hit!
We continue to exceed the limits with our national engineering capabilities!
The operational combat radius is about 3 times that at least. More than a year ago, the Bayraktar AKINCI flew for nearly 14 hours with a payload of 1,360 kg. During these endurance test flights, 7500 km were also covered in a single sortie.Akıncı flew 900+ km, hit the target, flew 900 km and returned, 1800+ km in total.![]()
I agree with you %100.İngilizcem yetmediği için Türkçe yazıyorum sonra çevirebilirsem çeviririm.
Baykar'ın genel olarak daha ucuz üretim yöntemlerini seçtiği ortada gibi. Zaten öyle yapmasalar hem ucuz yapamazlar hemde istedikleri adetlerde üretemezler kolay kolay. Kızılelma daha prototip aşamasında olduğu için bir şey demek doğru olmaz ama büyük ihtimalle o da insanlı hava araçlarına göre çok daha fazla hata payıyla üretilecek ki maliyeti düşük olsun. Akıncı ve TB2 de hala daha o "mükemmel" üretim yok gibi. MQ-1 ve MQ-9'la karşılaştırınca aradaki fark bariz belli oluyor. Ama işte onlarda deli fiyatlara mal oluyorlar. Bence Baykar'ın yaptığı doğru olan gibi. kaliteye çok kasarlarsa süreçler çok uzar. Kızılelma'nın RCS konusuna gelince de dediğim gibi bence daha üstünde ciddi RCS azaltma çalışmaları yapılmamıştır, en fazla bilgisayar üzerinde simulasyonlar. Kızılelma üretime yaklaştıkça RCS düşürme işleri ciddiye biner zaten o zaman daha ince işler yapılır. Ama yine dediğim gibi bence RCS yi çok düşürmeye kasarlarsa maliyetleri aşırı yükseltirler. Bu iha 0.1- 0.05 m² RCS ye sahip olsa efsane olur zaten. İnsanlı bi araç gibi aşırı kasmaya gerek yok RCS yi. Baykar istese MQ-28 gibi bir üretimde yapabilir ama yani maliyeti uçururlar. Kötüleme amaçlı söylemiyorum bu arada yanlış anlaşılmasın.
It seems clear that Baykar generally chooses cheaper production methods. If they didn't do that, they wouldn't be able to make it cheap and they wouldn't be able to produce it in the quantities they want. Since the Red Apple is still in the prototype stage, it would not be right to say anything, but it will most likely be produced with a much higher margin of error than manned aircraft, so that the cost will be lower. Akıncı and TB2 still do not seem to have that "perfect" production. Compared to the MQ-1 and MQ-9, the difference is obvious. But here they come at crazy prices. I think what Baykar does is like the right thing. If they are too harsh on quality, the processes take too long. As I said about Kızılelma's RCS, I don't think serious RCS reduction studies have been done on it, mostly simulations on the computer. As Red Apple gets closer to production, RCS downgrades get serious, then finer work is done. But again, as I said, I think if they try to reduce the RCS too much, they will increase the costs excessively. This drone would be legendary if it had 0.1-0.05 m² RCS. There is no need to overstretch the RCS like a manned vehicle. Baykar can produce something like the MQ-28 if he wants, but they will increase the cost. View attachment 51409
View attachment 51408
What is it?Have you heard the rumor about Kizilelma II?
Do you mean Kızılelma B or C?Have you heard the rumor about Kizilelma II?
This missile land variant weight 215 kg with 42 kg warhead . If the drone variant is the same than Akinci can carry and fire 5 of them without problem .Looks lovely, would be nice to get F-16s to fire these supersonic missiles too
View attachment 51459