@TheInsider ,
Is there any rumour about order number? I think we need at least two squadron (24 for it) Kızılelma-A (KE-A). Actually we need to order them immediatly asap, Baykar not a giant defence firm. To open new production line they need funds. With a fair price (15-20 mil USD for each just my personel guess according to Light combat aircraft prices) with included future AI developments and weapon integration agreements, we have to fund 30 percent of total amount of order (110 to 150 mil USD) so they speed up production. Meanwhile they continue to develop KE-A and new weapon integrations. Some of u ask why it is so urgent and funding unfinished project? I try to explain my thouhgts .
Actually As a flying aircraft without weapons and without perfect sensors KE-A still a very perfect weapon. Why?
When we look the Blue Homeland map, we see our border edge near the Girit island. Assume that we send 2 KE-A to patrolling the this area "too far and too near " for them. I mean they dont say nothing legaly they are too far from island but they are too near if they decide to make something. Also it is a good message to them to remind blue homeland belongs to whom. But they have to make something. Probably their decision sending F16 to suppression to KE-As. At the beginning they will show many video to humilate KE-As also for to show their "air superioty" . At here let me to give u some basic knowledge and to make some basic calculations depend on the google search . The Air Force's fleet of F-16 Fighting Falcon multi-role fighters cost
$26,927 an hour (*1). At here I have to make an assumption about KE-A operiton cost ( I make this assumption according to Light combat aircraft) will be at least 6th times cheaper then a F16. So In a one year if we make 10000 hour extra flights (approx. 14 hour pair KE-As flight per day), they will to 8000 hour (11 hour pair F16s flight per day). At here in one year they have to spend 215 mil USD extra money compare to 45 mil USD from us. Of course it is not sustainable. Probably in a one year they will decide to buy light combat aircraft and they will buy two squadron Aermacchi M-346FA (Fighter Attack). They already order 10 for training purpose if they dont want to go a logistic hell again they will order it. But what is cost two squadron of them nearly 1.2 billion USD (*2). At here they also try to hire some of them from İsreal but I dont expect its cost cheaper than buying them. Anyway their decision and money. At here I want to underline another thing; logistic nightmare of Greece . My personel speculation (it needs verification may be not true), Their war doctrine prepared for short time conflict, it means although number of planes, is very big acc. to their population but their logistic not . If we increase the flight times, and also flight place (like using second another base) at a point they dont support their logistics. So eventually number of planes ready to flight start to decrease.
Meanwhile, I hope, in a 5 year also KE-B , KE-C (twin engine version) will start to produce. So at this time M-346FAs not enough to face them . Again they will start to send F16s. At here again we can send KE-A whenever we want. They will dont know which version will they faced so they have to send F16s .

(At here I feel a bit devious). With my respects.
2) has just announced an,estimated at 1.2 billion dollars.