What is this ?
Kızılelma's older brother probably
Kızılelma's older brother probably

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Ladies and gentlemen, it was long overdue tbh, but lets say hi to the Chinese clone of the TB2
The 2nd Prototype of the ANKA-3 stealth deep impact aircraft was seen flying for the first time!
TUSAŞ General Manager Dr. Mehmet Demiroğlu:
- ANKA 3 -
"2nd Prototype Will Fire from Internal compartment"
-Ammunition integration continues and we plan to fire from internal ammunition chamber in our 2nd prototype.
View attachment 72015
I really, really hope Baykar designs a bigger Akıncı that can fly higher and carry even bigger loads after KE's design is done, then, maybe we'll see a UAV-300 if that is done
It is said that the Bayraktar TB3 landed on the TCG Anadolu this morning.
The 2nd Prototype of the ANKA-3 stealth deep impact aircraft was seen flying for the first time!
TUSAŞ General Manager Dr. Mehmet Demiroğlu:
- ANKA 3 -
"2nd Prototype Will Fire from Internal compartment"
-Ammunition integration continues and we plan to fire from internal ammunition chamber in our 2nd prototype.
View attachment 72015
In the video he only tells that the 2nd prototype will fly in November. Now where is the source that it did actually fly?if you go several pages back you can find the interview.
Source: Retired admiral Cihat YayciSource ?
If the ship commander did not take Baykar's social media employee on board, this rumor may possible. Jokes aside, I think all the test flights of the TB-3 have been shared on social media so far. I don't know if the sea tests will proceed more discreetly within the navy.
We cannot be certain whether that's the same aircraft.1x Wescam MX-15D/MX-20 at the rear
1x CATS+ at the front