According to a report prepared by a research organization based in the United States, "Turkey became the world's largest military UAV supplier as of 2021." The Center for New American Security published a study on the global military drone market.
The study highlighted the rise of Turkey, China and Iran in the market by developing low-cost military drones.
According to the data in the report, global military UAV sales have increased rapidly in the last 10 years. While China's share in the market peaked in 2014, Turkey surpassed China in 2021.
Since 2021, Turkey has been the largest military UAV supplier in the global market... According to the report, Turkey has also realized 65 percent of the world's armed UAV sales since 2018.
Ekonomi - ABD merkezli bir araştırma kuruluşunun çalışmasında, Türkiye, Çin ve İran'ın düşük maliyetli askeri İHA geliştirdiğine dikkat çekildi. Çin'in pazardaki payı 2014'te zirve yaparken 2021'de Türkiye, Çin'i geride bıraktı.