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Rotary engines are powerful but fuel hungry, high on emissions and noisy. The only example
,in military is the Harop's British made engine.
İt is further than rotary engine however the main disadvantage of rotary engines is lifespan. But they solved it.
( Noisy?? İ wouldn't say it)

This engine will be US Army's future generator!!!

@Yasar could it be Also generator for electric ALTAY MBT?
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İt is further than rotary engine however the main disadvantage of rotary engines is lifespan. But they solved it.
( Noisy?? İ wouldn't say it)

This engine will be US Army's future generator!!!

@Yasar could it be Also generator for electric ALTAY MBT?
This engine emerged long time ago but still presented like it is new. Electrification kills many engines.


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My favorite rotary engine maker for drones; they even called me to offer their engines for my drone project a few years ago.



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Would like to see hybrid-electric propulsion which can be scaled down to smaller UAVs by now.
Baykar's VTOL is a hybrid, so are many others. But their configuration uses two seperate systems actually. Electric part does the vertical take off and landing and fuel engine does the forward propulsion in plane mode. It is not very efficient to keep two different power source and propulsors on the same system but it is a world of trade-offs.


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This engine emerged long time ago but still presented like it is new. Electrification kills many engines.
İt's different from traditional rotary engines.
Design overcomes the traditional oil consumption and sealing problems associated with rotaries.


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İt's different from traditional rotary engines.
Design overcomes the traditional oil consumption and sealing problems associated with rotaries.
I mean the Liquidpiston company started making this engine long time ago, I have been following ever since they first appeared as I have been looking for engines for my projects.
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I man the Liquidpiston company started making this engine long time ago, I have been following ever since they first appeared as I have been looking for engines for my projects.

İf US Army chooses, it means it will solve the problems
images (3).jpeg


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As a final word for wankel engines; their "apex seal" wearing problem is their biggest problem that shortens their maintenance lives. You can also check out Mazda's wankel engines for cars, they keep coming back with improvements but still didn't make a success.


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İt is further than rotary engine however the main disadvantage of rotary engines is lifespan. But they solved it.
( Noisy?? İ wouldn't say it)

This engine will be US Army's future generator!!!

@Yasar could it be Also generator for electric ALTAY MBT?
Wankel/Rotary engines are theoretically how all combustion engines should be designed as.
One single motion direction. No sudden repetitive jolts and kicks which are part of a cylinder/piston engine.
If you listen to the Mazda rotary engine it sounds like an electric engine.
But in real life so much development and technology and money and time has been spent on conventional cylinders/piston engines that the rotary engine never actually took off and replaced its brethren. Similar case is with supercharger (which takes its power directly from driveshaft eliminating lag) and turbocharger (which takes its power from exhaust gas emissions giving lag problems) . Although theoretically and technically superior, supercharger never really managed to beat the success of a turbocharger.

It is one thing to produce a small engine, and totally another story to make a larger version of it and be successful. But looking at the basics of this technology it is innovative and could well be groundbreaking if it can be developed properly. There is nothing stopping it from becoming a new combustion engine line that can double up as a generator too.
But as it is, it is early days and it doesn’t really develop enough power to charge batteries that can drive a heavy military armoured vehicle, yet. Nevertheless there are basis for being optimistic that it can be a very successful engine type if the claims of its power to weight ratios can be sustained in larger models.

But looking at the workings of the current Wankel engine and the liquid-piston’s rotary engine, there is a lot to be optimistic about this new innovative tech.


Wankel rotary engine operation:



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They've probably blew all their capital on this single cartoonish example in the hope of getting a contract from the Greek government. 😂
I meam, look at tis thing! How can anybody take it seriously?
And it doesn't even make sense. I mean, 40 mm grenade launcher? Those things barely have 1 km of range 😁


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Electronic CounterMeasures (ECM)​

ECM is the active part of EW and is intended to disrupt the surveillance systems of the enemy, whether by radar or radio communications, and also to counter any of his weapons which use electromagnetic, infrared or laser systems for guidance or aiming. There are two main methods of achieving this: by jamming, or by the use of decoys, both of which are effective when used properly. Many modern ECM equipment, particularly in the naval scenario, employ both methods in an integrated system.

Noise jamming is the use of transmissions to disrupt the enemy’s communications channels or to saturate his radar to obscure its target. Although this denies the enemy his information channels it also means that the jamming source cannot read the signals for intelligence purposes. Apart from this, modern frequency-agile communication systems are no longer easy to jam effectively.

Simple noise jamming is still in widespread use in the land warfare scenario, one important application being in remotely operated expendable jammers. These can be hand-emplaced, artillery-delivered, dropped from aircraft or used in unmanned aerial vehicles, and serve as short term jammers for a particular operation.

Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures (ECCM)​

Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures (ECCM) is the method by which you endeavor to combat the ECM systems of the enemy by either making your equipment ECM-resistant or by using techniques to nullify his jamming and/or decoy systems. It is an extremely sensitive area in that any disclosure of ECCM measures designed into a system is likely to inform the enemy of its vulnerability to ECM.

Against jamming systems, the most commonly used method is frequency agility, whereby the transmissions are made to “hop” over a large frequency band in a random fashion. This means that either the jammer has to spread its power over the entire band with the inevitable loss of strength on any particular frequency, or it must attempt to follow the signal as it hops randomly.

The latest technique is the use of “stealth” techniques to combat the radar system. This is beginning to be employed in aircraft and consists of several methods to reduce the radar cross section of the aim. The main techniques employed are

  • to design the airframe itself to avoid sharp corners and flat surfaces which act as radar reflectors, and
  • the use of radar-absorbent material which minimizes the amount of energy reflected back to the radar.
At the aircraft, the most important parts of the fuselage can be covered in radar-absorbent material to make it extremely difficult to detect.

Many anti-radiation missiles have been developed. The missile is passive in operation so that it cannot be picked up by ESM systems, and normally locks on to the sidelobes of the radar transmission. The main countermeasures against this type of missile are low sidelobes, frequency agility, and the use of decoy transmitters which must be positioned close enough to the surveillance radar to “seduce” the missile but not so close as to endanger the main system.

This is entirely a race between ECM and ECCM techniques. Kamikaze UAVs will one day have to be redesigned in accordance with invisibility technology and will target low observability. To ensure low RCS (radar cross section) values, we will see many changes such as material engineering (the widespread use of materials that absorb radar waves), designing the form of kamikaze UAVs accordingly, electrification of propulsion systems or the use of hybrid systems, etc. The future of anti-radiation kamikaze drones with a range of 50-60 km, also operating in passive mode, looks bright.

After the progress of countermeasure systems on the basis of both soft kill and hard kill systems, systems produced for simple but daily needs will be doomed to failure.
Therefore, it is unsustainable that today the costs for FPV kamikaze drones are in the range of a few hundred dollars. Because as the specificity of the applied technology increases, the unit cost will also increase. Therefore, projections that aim solely at quantitative density cannot have a future. Systems that can work effectively can only be projects that look for pinpoint vulnerabilities in target platforms and successfully close their own vulnerabilities against enemy countermeasure systems. This is only possible through specialization.

USSOCOM RFI- Counter-Electronic Countermeasure Seeker​

The USSOCOM Directorate of Science and Technology has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for the Next Generation Effects Capability Focus Area (NGECFA), specifically focusing on the Counter-Electronic Countermeasure Seeker (CECMS).
USSOCOM seeks to develop the ability to detect, identify, and target electronic warfare emitting systems that target GPS, command data link, communications frequencies, and counter-battery radars. Size, weight, power, data interface must make it suitable and effective when integrated on Class I & II UAS, as an additional sensor on larger ISR platforms, or the seeker on small, guided munitions.

What I wrote a few days ago was already among the research and development targets of US special forces.


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USSOCOM RFI- Counter-Electronic Countermeasure Seeker​

The USSOCOM Directorate of Science and Technology has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for the Next Generation Effects Capability Focus Area (NGECFA), specifically focusing on the Counter-Electronic Countermeasure Seeker (CECMS).
USSOCOM seeks to develop the ability to detect, identify, and target electronic warfare emitting systems that target GPS, command data link, communications frequencies, and counter-battery radars. Size, weight, power, data interface must make it suitable and effective when integrated on Class I & II UAS, as an additional sensor on larger ISR platforms, or the seeker on small, guided munitions.

What I wrote a few days ago was already among the research and development targets of US special forces.
In fact, the issue here is about transforming the problem for which I laid the foundation, from being a problem into an opportunity itself. The USA wants to see UAVs as a new springboard for SIGINT.

I pointed out one of the most fundamental issues of our day.
Engineering issues are a bit like this. By solving fundamental problems, you also lay the foundation for extraordinary projections.
Of course, high-level projections also require being visionary.

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