Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Gary, i didn't see many ever claiming Ukraine would win?

Regardless of recent progress, it is still and probably always will be, the most embarrassing war fought by a superpower in history. It's been an absolutely pathetic battlefield display from Russia, and Putin's leadership has been an absolute joke.

Even Americas huge failures in Vietnam doesn't come close to this. Ukraine could capitulate tomorrow and it wouldn't change what this has done to Putin and his army's reputation.

- The first stage of the war will be studied for years to come as the most botched large scale invasion in history. I could give a hundred anecdotes, but the stalled miles long convoy was the craziest thing i've seen for a long time.
- Incredible loss of manpower and equipment. Russia has probably lost more men and equipment than all of the Wests post WW2 conflicts combined.
- A Wagner mutiny! A PMC breezing through the country almost entirely unopposed
- A 'superpower' releasing convicts to fight on the front line!
- An army so ill disciplined and poorly equipped and motivated, the Russians need to have a whole extra defensive lines to force their own troops to fight and not retreat / flee
- Tanks from the 1960's being deployed on the front line.....cope cages!!
- Buddying up with, and begging North Korea of all places to keep them supplied
- Soldiers putting their lives on the line and not even being paid

Dress it up how you like, but some of the things we have seen Russia resort to I would expect to see from a third world country trying to enact a war of survival. Not what i expect from a 'superpower'.

You seem to relish the suffering in this war. Speaks volumes as to your character. Its an absolute tragedy, as all wars are, and this applies to the 100.000's of Russian men who have lost their lives for 'special operation'.

Regardless of the outcome and likely victory for Russia, nothing will undo the fact that Putin has made himself and his whole country a laughing stock. Putin has just proved that is country is now a second rate military power who are only able to achieve combat success if they outnumber the opponent by a ridiculous degree. The gap between their capabilities and America's is bigger than its ever been.

The USA, fighting a country on its own border which has similar capabilities and equipment to Ukraine, would have taken o the whole country in under a week (and then began to botch the follow up!) Here's Putin 2 years in and still not even half way there!! It's actually kind of sad seeing the once mighty Russia acting like this, the Russian people deserve so much better.


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Dear Mr Carlito of England.

First, If there's anything we could agree upon is that Russian military performance in the first 1-2 years of this conflict is laughable. I don't see myself getting offended by this fact, on the contrary it increase my own standings because just before the start of hostilities I wrote and debate extensively about the true capability of the Russian army vs blackjack.

From Jan 2, 2022
Moving on to a supposed vulnerability of airbases to ballistic missiles. Contrary to popular beliefs, Airpower remains the best way to counter ballistic missiles. In an actual combat, the movement of a battalion of lets say an Iskander ballistic missile battalion WILL be noticed by superior NATO ISR and intelligence.

If the commanders sees an imminent missile strike on its airbase, they could order a scramble. Remember that most ballistic missiles uses GPS/INS guidance that means the coordinate are uploaded before the launch. if in those 1 hour or so when the the coordinates are uploaded the fighters are no longer present it would be no use. At best those launches are a complete waste of missiles.

Now Just to inform fighter jets could scramble in just mere 5 minutes.

Ready Five, also referred to as Alert Five in the film Top Gun, is a condition of high alert for aircraft crews on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, in which they are ready to launch within five minutes. Fighter aircraft are placed on the steam catapult complete with flight crew, armament, and fuel, ready to defend the carrier battle group from any unforeseen threat.

Yeah good luck trying to wipe them in their airbase. I haven't even mentioned how NATO had been training to use highways as alternatives to airfields.

So when the Russian army was stuck on their way to Kyiv and the Ukrainian air force simply escape early destruction at the tarmac, I felt good, for myself.

Second, whilst Russia made so many mistake, their sheer size make up for the deficiency. Putin is a very good national leader, but he's not very bright when it comes to military affairs, add that with the fact that cronyism basically put people like Shoigu in charge. So it's no surprise that Russian military performance was abysmal early in the war. But again Russia's sheer size allows them to make mistake and gets away with it. Ukraine ? not so much.

Third, the past is the past, it's no use talking about the glory days when Ukraine could stop an entire Russian army in it's track, or how magnificent was the Kharkiv counter offensive. Right now, Ukraine is losing and will to continue to lose. They have lost their best man already, their conscript are unwilling and morale has dropped and it will continue to do so over time. The army we saw in the opening of 2022 and 2023 is no longer there.

Fourth, I don't see anything wrong with Russia turning to its allies (like NK) for weapons and ammo. This is the very reason why alliance are nurtured btw. Russia is fighting the combined might of NATO and the fact that their own production + NK's ammo supply is 7x larger than the entire West output is something I can commend.

Fifth, I never relish the suffering of this war. The war must stop, Zelensky should pack his bag and stop sacrificing his men for to maintain his power. He is an un-elected leader that must go. Ukrainians are fleeing en-masse because of this. Ukrainians, the day of your liberation is near, the tyrant will soon be gone. the days of deceiving cruelty that Zelensky imposed on you will eventually comes to a halt. As we speak, the Russian army is doing its outmost to reach you, the only barrier between you and the liberating army is Zelensky. So hold tight until help arrive.


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It's important for people to have reasonable expectations of Ukraine's F-16s, given the quantity of them they posses and the limitations they are facing because of a shortage of pilots.

The first F-16s are largely going to be used as airborne air defense platforms. The most common loadout for an F-16 in an air-to-air roll is 4x AIM-120 AMRAAMS and 2x AIM-9 Sidewinders, both of which are extremely capable of intercepting Russian drones and cruise missiles. A flight of two F-16s being able to neutralize 12 targets will add another layer of air defense for the Ukrainian military.

As Ukraine's pilot cadre builds and the number of F-16s in their arsenal increases, expect wild weasel missions to commence, but that certainly won't be the case right away. Initially, any offensive role for the F-16s will be using long range weapons, behind their own SAM umbrella.


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I Wonder what Russian 400km range radar against f16s
Their radar is plenty effective and the F-16s are not low vis / stealth aircraft.

What's yet to be seen is whether or not the Americans will be willing to send Ukraine the quantities of JASSMs that they need to strike Russian air defense systems from outside of the S-400 radar envelope. Ukraine could quickly eliminate S-400 systems and their radars if they are provided the combination of JASSM and MALD required for a saturation attack.


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I Wonder what Russian 400km range radar against f16s

The N035 Irbis-E was marketed to be able to detect objects of 3m^2 from 400km away. But this is prolly marketing gimmick. Most likely using pencil beam mode which has no real life application in the actual battle.

Pencil beam = -search in a tiny FoV (10°x10°)

V. Tikhomirov Research Institute of Instrumentation provides for the assured detection and acquisition of typical aerial targets at a range of up to 200 km (up to 170 km against ground background), and in a narrower field of view¬ – up to 350-400 km.

In volume search, those range is halved.

One test shows the N035 only able to detect objects from 268km away and only achieve lock at 100km.

It is still very good though, but not as much as believed to be.

On a side note, that video was released in 2009. Maybe there's already update(s) to improve the detection and queuing capability.
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"Peace plan" of China and Brazil supported by more than 110 countries - Beijing

Beijing advocates a ceasefire

China says it is urgent to “push the situation to cool down.”

"China and Brazil jointly issued a 'six-point consensus' on promoting a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis, to which more than 110 countries responded positively. China is willing to further strengthen communication and coordination with Brazil and jointly promote a final political solution to the crisis in Ukraine," it says in the statement.



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I am assuming that Trump's shooter was from Blackrock


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The newly built Russian oil storage facility in Kamensky has been struck by Ukrainian drones. A state of emergency was declared in the region as fire crews grapple with the fires and toxic fumes billow out into the surrounding area.

We need much, much more of this. These long range drones that are evading and saturating Russian air defense systems, are relatively cheap and have proven effective when launched in large quantities. The West should be pouring billions of dollars into the mass production of these drone in Ukraine and abroad. Ukraine is able to deeply damage Russian infrastructure and military bases in the regions neighboring Ukraine. The Ukrainians need several thousand of these long range drones built each month in order to simply overwhelm the Russians and force their aircraft to operate from air bases located much further away.



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Ukrainian Armed Forces Sink Russian Submarine, Damage Four Launchers of Triumph Air Defence Systems in Crimea​

Following the first attack in September of 2023, the $300 million kilo-class submarine underwent repairs and was tested in the waters of Sevastopol harbor. After the second attack it sank.


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It's important to note that every now and then, Ukraine manages to have some PR victory once every few months. But destroying an already damaged and under repair submarine won't change the course of the war. And this war is a land war, not naval war.

In a few days this celebration will be replaced by Ukrainian frustration after multiple position had been lost to Russia.


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I guess we're not seeing any F-16 v Su-35 duel anytime soon. Makes me kinda sad.

The result is that even if an F-16 is, for example, airborne over Starokostyantyniv Air Base, its emissions are near-certain to get picked up by GRU’s ESM-stations still deployed in southern Belarus. And, every time these pick up ‘F-16-related’ transmissions/emissions, the Russians are going to know the F-16s are around, airborne, and thus a direct threat. They’ll be putting their air defence system on alert, scrambling their manned interceptors, probably scrambling even their brigades equipped with Iskander-Ms and -Ks for a possible deployment of missiles against possible Ukrainian F-16-bases, too.

Correspondingly: the best way for Ukrainian F-16s to operate (and that ‘right now, and for the next year or so’), will be to operate without emitting anything at all. That’s going to keep them safe – because it’s going to deny the Russians the option of obtaining superior situational awareness.

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