Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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You do understand that most rusdian soldiers are conscript.They even don't want to be in war.Most of them are ethnic minorities push to the front as cannon fodder.Its li ke an ethnic cleansing done by russia to reduce their minorities.

Wharever reasons you gave if you act the same like russian in commiting warcrime then you are no better than them.
I do hope the ukranian government will punish these guys..

Funny they have no problems following orders of artillery striking civilians waiting for busses or shooting civilians waiting in line for food. Striking families who are crossing bridges for safety.
Killing a group of young people who just delivered food to a animal shelter.
No problem targeting elderly in a car with their 30mm. No problem executing old women and even their own when they try to intervene.
No problem killing groups of Ukrainiens trying to make food. Oh and have we forgotten that they killed 300 people, mainly children, seeking shelter at a theater? Marked fat and big with CHILDREN?

I'm sure those conspricts aren't the ones doing the raping either. Must be some other force no one can find.

No problem at all.

Man where are all those guys you are talking about?

Every single Russian soldiers who doesn't lay down his arms and surrenders or turns on his own deserve a bullet in the head. Funny they have no problem fighting until they realize they are getting their shit kicked in and suddenly they become conscripts.


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As you did in iraq by bombing their cities..
Actually,i do support ukraine in this war and hate what the russian are doing.But if you want to commit warcrime at least don't shown on video...
This is really pathetic


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It is easy to fall for rage in a war situation, even more so when your enemy is Russians who are targeting civilians indiscrimately but one should still consider that every human being is a individual and certainly not all of them would target civilians.
If those were wagner then go ahead but i have a moral dilemma when its conscripts who often have no other choice than to join a war that they dont even want to be part of.
can't stop humans from being human


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As you did in iraq by bombing their cities..
Actually,i do support ukraine in this war and hate what the russian are doing.But if you want to commit warcrime at least don't shown on video...
This is really pathetic
the US does not target civilians per policy ....mistakes happen in war....civilians die in war .....saddam started the wars
....saddam started another war [ Iran - Iraq ]
....saddam gassed his own people -like hitler did
..saddam violated the cease fire --like hitler
the US did nothing wrong in Iraq


18 4,638
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Man those conspricts. Whacha gonna do. How would they know those are civilians?

Poor Ruskies.

Imagine seeing this and thinking you have some moral high ground to tell Ukrainien soldiers what they can and can't do.

Just like every single german soldiers knew what was happening in WW2 and gladly took part in it every Russian soldiers knows what is happening and gladly takes part in it until they are about to be send to hell.

Then they become "poor me consprict, please let me call my mama".
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This does not bode well for the russians, according to some sources 90% of their strategic reserve tanks are unusable because engines or optics are missing (read: stolen). With western sanctions, they have to rely on their own industry to replace them, something they have famously failed to do before. Morale is abysmal in fighting units and i bet a lot of russian soldiers just don civilian gear and try to pass for ukrainians fleeing.

I saw somewhere (cant for the life of me find the link now) that russia is accusing some central asian country of invading russian lands, the actual rodina.
EDIT: Azebaijan,

And also this:

Is russia trying to create a pretext for pulling out of Ukraine? When i read the first piece (have to find the bloody link) they very clearly said "russian lands" and protecting their soil is more important than denazifying your neighbour. And you conveniently get to face a much more manageable enemy, far away from europe or US interests.
Japan is no match for Russia if they are already struggling that much in Ukraine.


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People probably don't want to hear this, but a superior tactic for breaking the morale of enemy combatants that are conscripts, is putting fear into their minds, that should they be caught, it's going to be terrible for them.

When you are already psychologically terrified and don't want to be there, knowing your fate is death, or suffering doesn't build resolve in you like it might for a professional soldier. It further debilitates you. It causes you to want to flee, desert or rebel. Many of these transcripts know that they have no business being in another country terrorizing the people. If it gets out to them that the Ukrainians are going to show them little mercy if they catch them, it's only going to damage them more from a psychological perspective.

There is nothing worse than knowing that your own government doesn't care about you and sees you as cannon fodder, and will kill you / arrest you if you refuse to fight, and at the same time, the enemy might treat you just as poorly if they catch you. Psychological hell.

Very, very important for breaking the morale of Russian conscripts.


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United States of America
the US does not target civilians per policy ....mistakes happen in war....civilians die in war .....saddam started the wars
....saddam started another war [ Iran - Iraq ]
....saddam gassed his own people -like hitler did
..saddam violated the cease fire --like hitler
the US did nothing wrong in Iraq
hahahahahha--Gehrman is angry at facts HAHAHAHHAHH


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United States of America
the US does not target civilians per policy ....mistakes happen in war....civilians die in war .....saddam started the wars
....saddam started another war [ Iran - Iraq ]
....saddam gassed his own people -like hitler did
..saddam violated the cease fire --like hitler
the US did nothing wrong in Iraq
my god, don't you people yet see the huge differences between the US and the USSR/Russia/etc?

Bosanski Vojnik

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You do understand that most rusdian soldiers are conscript.They even don't want to be in war.Most of them are ethnic minorities push to the front as cannon fodder.Its li ke an ethnic cleansing done by russia to reduce their minorities.

Wharever reasons you gave if you act the same like russian in commiting warcrime then you are no better than them.
I do hope the ukranian government will punish these guys..

I honestly dont care

In 1945 German soldiers got whatever was coming to them

In 1995 Serb soldiers got whatever was coming to them

In 2022 Russian soldiers get what is coming to them

End off


People probably don't want to hear this, but a superior tactic for breaking the morale of enemy combatants that are conscripts, is putting fear into their minds, that should they be caught, it's going to be terrible for them.

When you are already psychologically terrified and don't want to be there, knowing your fate is death, or suffering doesn't build resolve in you like it might for a professional soldier. It further debilitates you. It causes you to want to flee, desert or rebel. Many of these transcripts know that they have no business being in another country terrorizing the people. If it gets out to them that the Ukrainians are going to show them little mercy if they catch them, it's only going to damage them more from a psychological perspective.

There is nothing worse than knowing that your own government doesn't care about you and sees you as cannon fodder, and will kill you / arrest you if you refuse to fight, and at the same time, the enemy might treat you just as poorly if they catch you. Psychological hell.

Very, very important for breaking the morale of Russian conscripts.
A conscript‘s mind does not work that way, He is far more scared of his superiors, not the guns targeting him in the war field, He is in a way brain- washed to do (without questioning) what his commander orders him to do. Conscription system blocks his reach to his senses. Remember the conscripts on boshporus bridge shooting down their own people, without hesitation, just because their commander ordered them to do so. That is exactly why Russia has been using conscripts as their preliminary fighting force. Their less-than-adequate fighting skills will not be missed in the field anyways. When the heat is on, a conscript would never question his acts, he is of a dangerous specious, capable of doing anything, commiting any crime. But he gets wounded, or captured, and only then his heart will start pumping blood to his brain, and he will realize what is going on (reach out and cry to mama!)
And the Ukranian, and their scare tactics (!) to immobilize captured enemy troops… Are they really stepping all over the Geneva convention?

Mehmed Ali

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I honestly dont care

In 1945 German soldiers got whatever was coming to them

In 1995 Serb soldiers got whatever was coming to them

In 2022 Russian soldiers get what is coming to them

End off
I believe that a few days ago some Russians were seen waring Ukrainian army uniform. According to the international law they can be shot at the spot , also they were using medical units for supplies . Russians never ever respected any rule whatsoever, so let them suffer.


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A conscript‘s mind does not work that way, He is far more scared of his superiors, not the guns targeting him in the war field, He is in a way brain- washed to do (without questioning) what his commander orders him to do. Conscription system blocks his reach to his senses. Remember the conscripts on boshporus bridge shooting down their own people, without hesitation, just because their commander ordered them to do so. That is exactly why Russia has been using conscripts as their preliminary fighting force. Their less-than-adequate fighting skills will not be missed in the field anyways. When the heat is on, a conscript would never question his acts, he is of a dangerous specious, capable of doing anything, commiting any crime. But he gets wounded, or captured, and only then his heart will start pumping blood to his brain, and he will realize what is going on (reach out and cry to mama!)
And the Ukranian, and their scare tactics (!) to immobilize captured enemy troops… Are they really stepping all over the Geneva convention?
Everybody steps all over the Geneva convention in war. War is not about good guys and bad guys, it's about winners and losers and those that are willing to do what it requires to win. The rest it just outside politics.

I disagree with your take on conscripts. They will aboalutely follow the orders of their leaders, for fear of punishment at their hands, but that doesn't mean that they are psychologically sound in doing so. Many of those conscripts are likely scared shitless of combat that they didn't ask to take part in. They'll be even more scared when they realize that the Ukrainians won't be kind to them upon their capture. It puts them in a state of hell, regardless of what they do. That's exactly the mindset the Ukrainians want them to take.

Russia has a choice. The Russians have a choice. They can take drastic steps to dispose of their leadership in the motherland (via force) and end this senseless, awful, attack on their neighbour, or they can choose to send as many of their sons, husbands and brothers to be mamed, brutally beaten and massacred, as is neccessary. The Ukrainians are fighting a war that is unwinnable for them in the grand scheme of things. They absolutely should be making it as costly on the sons of Russia as possible. If somebody is going to conquer your land and kill your relatives, regardless of what you do, you might as well take the lives of as many of the invaders as is possible and go down swinging.

It is absolutely a loser's mentality to allow somebody to walk over you, without inflicting as much punishment on the enemy, as is possible. Winners go out fighting, on their shield if they must.
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“Russia has a choice. The Russians have a choice. They can take drastic steps to dispose of their leadership in the motherland (vis force) and end this senseless, awful, attack on their neighbour, or they can choose to send as many of their sons, husbands and brothers to be maxed, brutally beaten and massacred, as is neccessary.”

Easier said then done, East is way more complex than it looks through the scope of West.

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