How anybody can support Russia when they constantly display disgusting behaviour is mind boggling.
"How anybody can support Russia" <- All of those words are LIES...............
1. There are russian controlled countries (in fact they are russian slaves ). Inside those country actual russian say on media propaganda that they are with russia
2. There are country like Iran and Syria which are alone and the only thing they do say we support russia (but this is only words)
3.China, north korea both of them want russia weak both of them confront russia. I will give you example: in 60-70 Albania is threat by russia order to escape Albania choose to become China protectorate. What happens is China accepted this and went against russia. Result was russia back off
Example: North Korea when War start between North and South Korea, back then russia push forward to get in and control North Koreans.....What happen was that North Korean killed some of russian which crossed the red line. Result China and North Korea do not want to be part of any russian actions