I've realized now too the offer should be approved by US and Germany... I think this could be also a measure of pressure when the US quickly approves the deal.Last news I have hear about is Spain offered 10 Leo2A4 tanks and 20 M-113. But tanks will need a mayor overhaul which could last around 2 months.
This offer is meant to be payed (15 million euros) by Ukraine with European war funds granted to them.
So once Ukraine accepts the offer, I don't consider it really good... only 10 tanks, Spain will ask to Germany and USA for transfering this goods to UKR. I think we are not reached this point or at least we don't have more news... all depends on natural gas it seems.
Offer includes training in Latvia, which we will pay for it, 15M € is only to pay the companies who will work on tanks and M-113 to put them on combat ready state.
So the good thing is not the material itself, is the training, I think in whole Europe there should be like 700~ tanks that could be handed over to UKR.
Wikpedia quote:
"After 2000, Germany and the Netherlands found themselves with large stocks of tanks that they had no need for after the Cold War. These tanks were sold to NATO or friendly armies around the world. Among these buyers of the surplus tanks were Turkey (purchasing 354 vehicles), Greece (183), Sweden (160), Chile (140), Finland (139), Poland (128), Austria (114), Spain (108), Canada (107), Indonesia (103), Singapore (96), Norway (52), Denmark (51), and Portugal (37).[120]"
Source in spanish:
Las claves del envío a Ucrania de 10 carros Leopard y 20 M113 del Ejército de Tierra
10 carros Leopard 2A4 y 20 transportes de personal M113 del Ejército de Tierra donados por España a Ucrania y renovados por empresas españolaswww.defensa.com
Germany is losing influence in Europe and needs to do much more... Poland already gave a big warning to them: