Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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This comment is complete bullshit. I have the right to interfere as the same was done to me.

What about people's lives, opinions. so you don't have an answer to give, you are trying to scribble shamelessly. it only reveals what you are. respond and complain as the interlocutor.

When they get stuck like this, they start to scribble.
Perhaps, but bisbis is dealing with matters way over his head. But hey, this is place where anyone can use the freedom of speech. Something that is not accessible in Russia and most certainly in a whatever place bisbis is currently residing.

Can bisbis answer this question? Considering bisbis explicitly expressed hatred toward rotten West, is it worth to defend someone, who denies hes patriotic duties and enjoys western commodities in most hated Western country? Especially USA, which happens to be obliged to defend Türkye as NATO member in case of potential Russian agression?


Spain Moderator
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Perhaps, but bisbis is dealing with matters way over his head. But hey, this is place where anyone can use the freedom of speech. Something that is not accessible in Russia and most certainly in a whatever place bisbis is currently residing.

Well someone said a good point weeks ago, and I think he was right.
Let's say If a sovereign country gets invaded by a neighbor, the duty of its president is to defend it whatever it takes or costs, and the people will agree with that even if you don't like your PM or President. Words like Zelensky is guilty of the invasion, puppet, clown, must surrender, etc. At least doesn't show any noble intentions about the topic.

So you can expect, from:
-A failed state or a country with imperialist wishes which Russia is giving support.
-US had influence on his country but not now, infact now is a direct enemy.
-The country needs Turkey to lean to their side and help to gain influence on the region.
-Maybe that country is on fire now and the result of this war could have a significant impact on them.

Anyway, coming back to the topic, it seems a dron dropped a bomb over a diesel tank in Bryansk:

And what Arestovych says here... sounds familiar to me...

Russian sources report on the shelling of Russian military targets in the Kursk region – probably another clash between the “Kursk People’s Republic” and “Belgorod People’s Republic”. Ukraine is lamenting this bloodshed and is offering its services as an intermediary in the negotiations between the “KPR” and “BPR”.



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Perhaps, but bisbis is dealing with matters way over his head. But hey, this is place where anyone can use the freedom of speech. Something that is not accessible in Russia and most certainly in a whatever place bisbis is currently residing.

Can bisbis answer this question? Considering bisbis explicitly expressed hatred toward rotten West, is it worth to defend someone, who denies hes patriotic duties and enjoys western commodities in most hated Western country? Especially USA, which happens to be obliged to defend Türkye as NATO member in case of potential Russian agression?
Don't worry, these things are not over my head.

What, just because the man lives in the USA, can't he say wrong to wrong?

We live in a time when Russia is protecting us against USA and its gang.

Russia announces the coup of the Americanist Feto organization, and sends ships to our ships against the Greek/French navy that comes upon us in the Mediterranean.

Although we are in NATO, it paves the way for us to become a member of bricks.

USA is trying to establish a terror state in our south, provoking the Greek against us, etc.
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Don't worry, these things are not over my head.

What, just because the man lives in the USA, can't he say wrong to wrong?

We live in a time when Russia is protecting us against USA and its gang.

Russia announces the coup of the Americanist Feto organization, and sends ships to our ships against the Greek/French navy that comes upon us in the Mediterranean.

Although we are in NATO, it paves the way for us to become a member of bricks.

USA is trying to establish a terror state in our south, provoking the Greek against us, etc.
Right, black is new white. Just telling you if someone has such friends, no enemies are needed.


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It's all well and good, but there is a problem: When this ship, for example, generates power in the port of Odessa, how will the safety of that ship be guaranteed?

That's up to erdogan, if he's taken seriously they wont touch them, if they see him as weak leader they will strike them.


Russia Correspondent
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OK how about we do this with Ukraine and western propaganda instead because you feel that Russians are BSing that only 2% of their forces just in the operation have been killed. Guess what kind of news came this morning for me.


What made this even worse is that she went to re-edit her video to scratch out the 100k ukrainians killed in action than twitter, 4chan and other social media sites made a big deal out of it. Now Oryx claims like 80k+ russian troops dying and Putins mobilization bill can go up to 1 million reservists over the existing 318k and he already signed a bill to add 150k active duty troops over the existing 1 million giving it a 1,150,000 for active duty, Zelensky states in May we have 700k troops.. Even if we ignore Russian sources and just use western/Ukrainian sources Ukraine is still statistically fucked to lose this war. Unless you want to argue that we shouldn't trust Ukrainian and western sources?
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@blackjack, I think you really don't know and understand the science and art of war. In this case there's no propaganda from neither side. In principle the invading force is always +20% in losses. Who has studied in Military Academy and taken part in any wars here can confirm. I have both and with being sure about 95% Ukraine has in between 80-100k KIA and Russia has at least 120k-130k KIA, I'm not considering WIA (in each site) or civilians which is about significant more.
I can only assume based on my experience but you can confirm if you want. Show up to be mobilized for your own country which is your duty as citizen and if you make it back alive and in one piece you can share more accurate information for us. I wish you luck if you decide to go on front lines :)


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OK how about we do this with Ukraine and western propaganda instead because you feel that Russians are BSing that only 2% of their forces just in the operation have been killed. Guess what kind of news came this morning for me.

View attachment 50955

What made this even worse is that she went to re-edit her video to scratch out the 100k ukrainians killed in action than twitter, 4chan and other social media sites made a big deal out of it. Now Oryx claims like 80k+ russian troops dying and Putins mobilization bill can go up to 1 million reservists over the existing 318k and he already signed a bill to add 150k active duty troops over the existing 1 million giving it a 1,150,000 for active duty, Zelensky states in May we have 700k troops.. Even if we ignore Russian sources and just use western/Ukrainian sources Ukraine is still statistically fucked to lose this war. Unless you want to argue that we shouldn't trust Ukrainian and western sources?
That statement will have consequences for that ugly Kraut.


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It's all well and good, but there is a problem: When this ship, for example, generates power in the port of Odessa, how will the safety of that ship be guaranteed?
By an agreement between Putin and Erdogan. The timing is interesting, dont you.


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We have to wait and see what will be the result.
As I said before it is not about Ukraine and Turkiye business company which will provide Electricity.
It is about putin, what he thinks about this. He do not want Ukraine citizens to have electricity to warm themself.
But let see


Russia Correspondent
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Russia has at least 120k-130k KIA,
Bro....Not even Ukrainian sources claim this if you are pulling those numbers than its even bigger BS than what Ukrainians make up on Oryx :ROFLMAO: Excluding Surovkins and Shoguis Russian death results, 100,000 dead Ukrainians goes about right with what Scott Ritter reported foe Russian/allied dead 10-15000 (approximately 10,000 Russian and 5,000 Donbass militias). As Ritter said, the Russians will take that ratio all day every day. Lets say 3 times that much is wounded and you have 400,000 Ukrainian casualties and 40 to 50 thousand Russian and allied casualties.

If Reports about Ukraine's complete breakdown in logistics including medical infrastructure and that Ukraine is not retrieving its dead or honoring them as war dead are accurate, then Zelensky puppet's claim of 700,000 dead could easily be only half of the real number. Yeah, if medical logistics are gone, Ukraine could literally be bleeding out and so we could be talking maybe 1, 1.5 million dead and 3 times that many wounded, some permanently maimed.

If these numbers are accurate its only a matter of time before that country collapses completely. Even if it somehow "wins" this war, that is to say forces Russia back to just Crimea, and its lines in Donbass at the time of Minsk its going to be an economic basket case that will burden the US and EU economies for decades. Its energy grid alone is going to take years to rebuild. What industry it had that escaped the rot of the 90s -2022 and isn't in Donbass or Crimea is gone now so there is nothing that it has that can contribute to the EU. Hell, if its combat and working age men are all shot to pieces along with its women there isn't even a cheap labor or sex trafficking victim pool for the EU to exploit.

Frankly, Russia can just win this war by lobbing rockets and drones to destroy NATO weapons and Ukrainian infrastructure, and just digging in and occasionally turning towns into Verduns until the Ukes realize that all their sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, etc are missing, missing body parts or their psyches, or dead.

The west for its part? Well the United States has admitted we lack chips for new wonderwaffles and we have vowed to defend Taiwan which is doubtful because the weapons selling scam is eating into our ammunition stocks. If the US is admitting this, how bad is the situation in Europe. Also, what happens to the EU economies as having to pay 4 to 5 times and more for either reshipped Russian gas, which means Russia makes money, or US LNG means economic decrease and surging living costs? Again, the EU leadership has committed itself to support Ukraine "until victory." So in addition to the EU economy collapsing, & its peoples facing ever higher living costs, it will have to literally babysit a demographic disaster as it will have a Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq all rolled into one on its doorstep. Now that is if Ukraine "wins" this war.
At what point does the EU realize that its new garden space is a toxic dump full of weeds that will only kill the gardener?

Long story short, Russia has already won this war demographically and economically if not militarily and the west is beaten even though they don't know it yet.


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@blackjack I explained you the logic of causalities how it works in a war and when someone with particular experience give's you a free tip, say thank you than trying to give counter argument.
And to be honest I didn't even read all the post except first lines. I strongly believe you are not competent enough to talk about this particular topic. A great lack of knowledge and experience. You need to read more military books (maybe to join a military academy) or take a short path and go get mobilized for your own country.
In internet and in newspapers you will not get any kind of healthy information regarding the topics that I see you are mentioning.

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