More meat for the grinder, with the morale issues we have seen with regular russian troops i doubt these guys will be more than meat shields... this is so fucked up...
Unsurprising, one of Russia's main "secret" reasons for starting this war was to fix their ailing demographics by absorbing Ukraine.Maxim Tucker:
Canon fodder nothing else....
Should've add the switchblade 600 sometimes in the future for Ukraine.
They are still using old steel helmet?
Damn, that's what corruption did to you. Ukraine should make festival every year to thanks Russian corruptors after this war.
Germany, fearing to go to war with Russia, began to strengthen the bunkers. Federal states were also given 88 million euros for new sirens. As part of the preparation, it is aimed to stock up on medicines and medical equipment to be used in times of crisis.
Almanya, Ukrayna-Rusya savaşı nedeniyle sığınak altyapısını güçlendiriyor
Almanya, sığınak görevi gören binaların bodrum katlarının güçlendirilmesi ve savaş durumunda stoklarının artırılması için çalışmalara başladı. Alman Şansölyesi Olaf Scholz, savunma harcamalarını artırmak için orduya 100 milyar euro (109 milyar dolar) pompalama sözü vermişti. Ukrayna'daki savaş