Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


Russia Correspondent
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Not all tank turret blew up easly like T-series.
if leopard 2s in syria got destroyed by soviet ATGMs and M1a2S by yemen rebels as well, I think western tanks will have their turn next, but I give credit to the Germans because they are the smart ones waiting for Abrams to be supplied 1st before they supply their leopards:ROFLMAO:

Fuzuli NL

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Ukraine's gun artillery is basically a military fanboy f*p material... sorted from the most advanced

1. RCH 155 -18 (tbd)

2. Panzerhaubitze 2000 (18 +100 Tbd)

3. AHS Krab (18 + 54 Tbd)

5. ARCHER (12 tbd)

6. CAESAR 6x6/8x8 (18 +6 +18 tbd)

7. Dana M2 (30)

8. Zuzana 2 (24)

9. M109A6 (18 Tbd)

10. M109A3GN/ A5OE/ A4BE ( 23 + 6 + 20tbd)

11. AS90 (30 Tbd)

You can add 18 more M109A6 Paladins, which America 🇺🇸 will announ tomorrow. Also, there is, approximately, 130 M777's left in their
I've long said that I think Turkey should send 100 upgraded M60A3 Pattons to Ukraine. Germany (financed through 3rd party countries that don't have tanks to send) should then backfill Turkey with 30-50 Leopard 2's (in a swap), as long as the Turks are willing to wait a year or so for them to be refurbished from German storage.

The M60A3 is obsolete compared to Russia's best and newest MBTs, but they're a sufficient counter for the T-62's that Russia is pulling out of storage to send to the front. Not every MBT sent needs to be top notch. 100 well kept, upgraded, M60A3s would still be formidable as a defensive unit in a key region, freeing up more modern assets to for offensive opportunities.

Just an idea.


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M1a2S looks like M1a1? What about this one?

Unless the M1a2s given to Ukraine will use Israeli APS systems?
Nothing on the battlefield is invincible. Not even close. But the Abrams is an enormous upgrade (range, sensors, systems) than the MBTs Ukraine currently has. Russia's most common MBT is the T-72. That makes up the majority of the tanks they're using in Ukraine. Abrams outranges all models of the T-72 by a substantial margin. That alone is a significant upgrade.


Think Tank Analyst
Israel Moderator
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I am going to be a broken record at this rate because some here just want to stick with a delusional ghost of kyiv or babushka shooting down russian aircraft with jar of pickles sources so I will go do this again for you even though its going to get memoryholed by you and many seething users here. how can you claim to be rambo if a smaller force is pushing you back and they still are? Do you have a room temperature IQ to believe that Wagner lost 30k of 40k soldiers without asking for reinforcements to regoup to immediately attack in all directions or no? when western journos interview ukraine in the September offensives of them pushing the Russian's back this is what they had to say.

“We lost five people for every one they did,” said Ihor, a 30-year-old platoon commander who injured his back when the tank he was riding in crashed into a ditch.

Oleksandr said the Russian artillery fire was relentless. “They were just hitting us all the time,” he said. “If we fire three mortars, they fire 20 in return.” "0:36 We are tankmen god damn it! We were 30 something tanks, barely 7 remains."

I get it that pro-Ukraine users will listen to pro-ukraine sources, but how come pro-ukraine users dont want to listen to Pro-ukraine soldiers talking about the conflict assuming anyone here even gives a shit about Ukraine winning?

I will pretend with you that Ukraine did lose 2000 tanks and the Russians lost 5 times the amount (although there are many contradictions to this.) Why switch to western tanks? Can't be out of ammunition excuse because

1. soviet tanks have been modified to use soviet ammunition and its already dead obvious that NATO supplied and trained Ukrainian troops for 8 years (considering post-soviet block nations don't like Russia more than likely all their soviet tanks have been modified to use NATO ammunition when becoming a part of NATO)

2.they had an entire year to have been supplied with western equipment in case so called ammo shortages did happen.

View attachment 52819
this source was from february 2, 2022 highlighting Ukraine's equipment before of course they started getting a shitload of more tanks from the middle east and post soviet block countries. but requesting strykers, canadian armoured vehciles, bradleys, abrams, challengers, leopards more armoured vehicles, etc usually you dont go requesting all this shit a year later than prior to the war unless some country is reducing the shit out of the equipment you were using in the war, these numbers are already higher than what Oryx claims as their own tank losses.

I hope you read this because I think you are really invested Ukraine will win and if they don't, i don't know if this will make you fall into a state of depression to start drinking or hopefully not tie a noose to a tree.
Virtually all Russian victories were in first 2 weeks of the war, when they cowardly sneak attacked unmobilized Ukraine. Since then Russia LOST much more territories than gained.


Blue - territories gained by Russia since march and green - territories lost by Russia since march.

For perspective. From 2000-2021 Russia spend on army over 1.3 TRILLION $, while Ukraine - about 60 bln. Yet they are losing on battleground.

Before the war Russia was bragging that they will take Warsaw and Berlin in 1 day.

11 months after the war: we mobilized 100 k Mobiks, 300 K Chmobiks, 50 K prisoners and managed to take some village. Wooo hoo!


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Canada Correspondent
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Ukraine's gun artillery is basically a military fanboy f*p material... sorted from the most advanced

1. RCH 155 -18 (tbd)


2. Panzerhaubitze 2000 (18 +100 Tbd)


3. AHS Krab (18 + 54 Tbd)

5. ARCHER (12 tbd)

6. CAESAR 6x6/8x8 (18 +6 +18 tbd)

7. Dana M2 (30)

8. Zuzana 2 (24)

9. M109A6 (18 Tbd)

10. M109A3GN/ A5OE/ A4BE ( 23 + 6 + 20tbd)

11. AS90 (30 Tbd)
You can add an additional 18 M109A6 Paladins the that list. USA will likely announce them tomorrow, bringing the total they've committed to 36. Also, while not self propelled, the 120-130'ish M777s and the 20-30 FH70's that Ukraine has left in their inventory (after some were destroyed) are also no joke. Especially when they're equipped with GPS guided rounds such as Excalibur. Both systems are plenty capable in a defensive role, despite lacking the mobility of the self-propelled systems.


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You can add an additional 18 M109A6 Paladins the that list. USA will likely announce them tomorrow, bringing the total they've committed to 36. Also, while not self propelled, the 120-130'ish M777s and the 20-30 FH70's that Ukraine has left in their inventory (after some were destroyed) are also no joke. Especially when they're equipped with GPS guided rounds such as Excalibur. Both systems are plenty capable in a defensive role, despite lacking the mobility of the self-propelled systems.

Imo by midyear, Ukraine's artillery advantage will be vast. While Russia's artillery advantage will diminish from time to time.

An irony consider that Russia enter the war with a larger more sophisticated artillery than the Ukrainians.

Russian servicemen will have to be happy with older Akatsiya and Msta as the Koalitisiya is not in active service yet and the modernized Msta SM2 is not that plenty.


Russia Correspondent
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Virtually all Russian victories were in first 2 weeks of the war, when they cowardly sneak attacked unmobilized Ukraine. Since then Russia LOST much more territories than gained.

View attachment 52820

Blue - territories gained by Russia since march and green - territories lost by Russia since march.

For perspective. From 2000-2021 Russia spend on army over 1.3 TRILLION $, while Ukraine - about 60 bln. Yet they are losing on battleground.

Before the war Russia was bragging that they will take Warsaw and Berlin in 1 day.

11 months after the war: we mobilized 100 k Mobiks, 300 K Chmobiks, 50 K prisoners and managed to take some village. Wooo hoo!
Back in Feb22 Russians had a 300k strong armed forces consisting mostly of land forces. Equipped with some 1500 pcs of tanks in frontline units. Some 3000 BMP/APC, 600+ pcs of fielded tube artillery, 2000 pcs of barrel artillery 250 planes, 300 choppers
400 pcs of AD systems, echeloned, connected, cooperating, and reaching 90km perimeter. Based on own products, with train, production, and servicing net supporting that. All of that, trained.
Fully staffed. People who drilled with the equipment for years.
It lasted for about TWO MONTHS. Thats when Russia was basically around Kyiv, Than they withdrew their forces to leave 80K in the special operation zone, Putin few months ago stated 80k were in the operation zone and according to the map 40k Wagner is pushing back the AFU. The mobilization called later could be for a variety of reasons such as 1. no idea the west was willing to keep supplying Ukraine. 2. a Major build up in poland like Croatia sending Pzh 2000s to poland, receiving Abrams and all that shit, 3. prepping an attack on Kyiv from Belarus. Not really cowardly if they are fighting with a smaller force. You can't bullshit that the 300k got pushed back because Wagner would not be making the advances they are currently doing with their smaller force. I honestly dont know what it takes anymore to convince you to not look at the overexaggerated claims from Ukraine.

If you want to know what cowardly even is look at your country attacking Palestine or some countries wanting to invade Syria. 1.3 trillion is this another Ukrainian source like they are already claiming Russian will call another mobilization when they still haven't announced shit?


Think Tank Analyst
Israel Moderator
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Back in Feb22 Russians had a 300k strong armed forces consisting mostly of land forces. Equipped with some 1500 pcs of tanks in frontline units. Some 3000 BMP/APC, 600+ pcs of fielded tube artillery, 2000 pcs of barrel artillery 250 planes, 300 choppers
400 pcs of AD systems, echeloned, connected, cooperating, and reaching 90km perimeter. Based on own products, with train, production, and servicing net supporting that. All of that, trained.
Fully staffed. People who drilled with the equipment for years.
Yet miserably failed against unequipped Ukrainian army.

If you want to know what cowardly even is look at your country attacking Palestine or some countries wanting to invade Syria.
Unlike u, Israel never made any aggression.

1.3 trillion is this another Ukrainian source like they are already claiming Russian will call another mobilization when they still haven't announced shit?



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@Gary! how dare you put my favourite howitzer at number 9?😡

The M109 A6 is the best piece of SP artillery out there ever.🥰

And archer is the second best. 😊

Russians are gonna get there ass handed to them from now on.
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Canada Correspondent
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Details of the American, $2.5 Billion Package For Ukraine has been announced and it's another substantial weapons load. It's evident that they're preparing Ukraine for a significant offensive. Between this package and the one the Americans announced two weeks ago, they've now committed 2 full brigades worth of armor to Ukraine since the beginning of January.

- 59x Bradley M2 IFVs
- 90x Stryker APCs (with 20 mine rollers)
- 53x Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAPS)
- 350x HMMWVs (with Tow and .50 caliber capabilities)
- 8x Avenger, mobile air defense systems (with ammunition)
- 12x Ammunition support vehicles
- 6x Command Post vehicles
- 22x Tactical vehicles for weapons towing
- 295,000, 25mm rounds of ammunition (Bradley ammo)
- 590, Tow Anti-Tank missiles (Bradley ammo)
- 20,000, 155mm artillery rounds
- 600 Excalibur, 155mm, GPS guided artillery rounds
- 95,000, 105mm artillery rounds
- 11,800 120mm mortar rounds
- 2000 anti-armor rockets (undisclosed type)
- 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition
- Additional missiles for HIMARS air defense systems
- Additional GMLRS for HIMARS
- Additional High Speed Anti Radiation Missiles (HARMS)
- Night vision equipment
- Demolition / obstacle clearing equipment
- Claymore anti-personnel munitions
- Spare parts and field equipment

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Spain Moderator
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If cocaine makes people brave, then please. Zelensky met and rewarded the soldiers on the front line, and Putin met with the mobilized somewhere, while a mobilized young man who dared to come close to Putin was shot

I won't defend Zelensky for a personal interest but Zelensky some times seemed really tired as he wasn't sleeping so much, as we could understand after such aggression and the duties he should take care.
About this guy, it seems really easy to discover what he was doing before recording a tiktok:



Spain Moderator
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I still think it's going to be a little while until we see Abrams' and Leopards announced for Ukraine, largely for logistical / support reasons. I do think it's coming eventually, but right now it's not the focus of the West.

At the moment, I believe the West's focus is the following.

1). The transition to Western IFVs and heavily armed APCs.
2). The continued fortifying of Ukraine's air defense capabilities.
3). The procurement / logistical flow of 155mm artillery rounds.
4). The introduction of additional Western self propelled artillery and heavy mortars.
5). The training of approximately 50,000 Ukrainian soldiers at locations across Europe, the U.K. and USA in 2022.

I do eventually think you'll see approximately 100 Abrams and 100 Leopard 2s make their way to Germany, where armoured battalions will train on them before heading back to Ukraine to join the fight, but I would expect you'll see several hundred Western IFVs and modern APCs prior to that occurence.

Here is the key. Ukraine is going to send approximately 500-700 soldiers to Germany every month (starting in January) to be trained in combined arms warfare, using Western equipment. The goal must be to have adequate equipment waiting for them to train on and take back to Ukraine with them as they finish the training. A Western mechanized battalion consists of approximately 50 tanks, 90-100 IFVs, 50 armed APCs and artillery and logistics to support them. That ought to be the focus of the West. Ensure that for the first half 2023, enough equipment is available to send back with each battalion.

Here is a reasonable way to look at it...

Battalion #1 (January)
28x T-55 MBTs (Slovenia)
25x T-72 MBTs (Poland)
100x Bradley M2 IFVs (USA)
50x Stryker APCs (USA)
18x M109A6 Paladin, 155mm self propelled howitzers

Battalion #2 (February)
35x T-72 MBTs (Morocco, Czech Republic)
14x Challenger MBTs (Britain)
50x Marder IFVs (Germany)
50x Bradley IFVs (USA)
50x Stryker APCs (USA)
18x AS-90, 155mm self propelled howitzers (Britain)

Battalion #3 (March)
50x Leopard 2 MBTs (Germany, Poland, Finland)
50x BMP2 IFVs (Czech Republic and Slovakia)
50x CV90 IFVs (Sweden)
50x Kirpi APCs (Turkey)
18x Archer, 155mm, self propelled howitzers (Sweden)

Battalion #4 (April)
50x Abrams M1A2 MBTs (USA)
50x LAV III IFVs (Canada)
50x Warrior IFVs (Britain)
50x Kirpi APCs (Turkey)
18x Krab, 155mm, self propelled howitzers (Poland)

Battalion #5 (May)
50x Leopard 2 MBTs (Spain, Canada, The Netherlands, Norway)
50x CV90 IFVs (Norway, The Netherlands, Finland, Estonia, Denmark)
50x VBCI IFVs (France)
50x Stryker APCs (USA)
18x M109, 155mm, self propelled howitzers (Italy, Spain)

Battalion #6 (June)
50x Abrams M1A2 MBTs (USA)
50x Bradley IFVs (USA)
50x Warrior IFVs (Britain)
50x VAB APCs (France)
18x Panzerhaubitze 2000, 155mm, self propelled howitzers (Germany, Italy, The Netherlands)

That is a 6 month example of how you share the burden and build armoured battalions that have the adequate equipment necessary to go to war, without placing substantial burden on any one country. The remainder of the supporting countries support these donations with all of the equipment they can spare.

If we work together and share the burden, we'll be able to send the Ukrainians into combat with some lethal armoured battalions over the first half of 2023.

Good job. I'm not a land operations specialist, but correct me if I'm wrong Leopards/anyothertank will need to go in front in any offensive. Mine clearance operations maybe should be also supported by tanks and IFV's, and Russians had plenty of time to build their defenses over the terrain through these months of stalled lines.

There are some points/ideas I would like to bring up.

-Abrams are designed to mainly run on jetfuel, and they lose a lot of efficiency running on diesel, also increasing their maintenance tasks. This could be a good reason why US doesn't want to bring them to the battlefield, and also their main hubs are like 6k kms away from UKR.
-Europe is doing a big effort on this next offensive, giving top material. It will be very difficult to recover momentum for another big aid package from Europe as it would hurt national interests related to defense, so there will be mainly another economic fight between countries to donate more material in large quantities.
-It would be much better to address the Leopard topic right now, so the most difficult issues about logistics and maintenance could be fixed and be able to replace the ones which had problems or have been destoyed, in a much easier way.
-IFV like Braleys had been designed also to go aside tanks to support them. We would lose punch power if those Bradleys/IFV's are not acompained by modern tanks.

I completely agree on we should put all free world to work on the table and provide the necessary tools to liberate Ukraine, it seems we are on the good way. I hope more things to come.

Leo2 engine change in less than 20 minutes:
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Experienced member
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@Gary! how dare you put my favourite howitzer at number 9?😡

The M109 A6 is the best piece of SP artillery out there ever.🥰
It uses 39 caliber barrel, so off course its somewhere below. Top 6 are all 52 caliber.

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